Greatest Threat to the Country - Mad Cow Disease
By: Venidikt • Research Paper • 859 Words • May 25, 2010 • 1,228 Views
Greatest Threat to the Country - Mad Cow Disease
greatest threat to the country/Mad cow disease
Mad cow disease (also called BSE) is getting social attention recently in U.S, I had never heard that term when I was a child. It was first time in mid-1980 that illness was out break in the England. People afraid the mad cow disease, because if people infected there is no cure for the patient. I think the mad the cow disease is real threat for the U.S, because people eat a lot of beef. For example, AmericanЃfs favorite the McDonaldЃfs Big Mac is made from beef. In the supermarket beef has larger area than any other meats, or seafood. Also the U.S is a one of the world largest beef exporter to the world.
Mad cow disease could infect both human, and animal even our housedog, or cat could infect. Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease is caused by mad cow disease. If they infected their brain became like a spongy, because disease eat the brain. Those cause of the memory loss, and finally people couldnЃft maintain their physical activities. In Europe already about more than 120 people died caused by the mad cow disease. And there are not sure how many people are already infected. More people may die caused by the mad cow disease in the future.
We cannot see, or easily check which cow is infected. I think that is most fearful fact.Ѓ@If we want to test on the cow, we have to kill, and check the inside of the brain tissue. I donЃft think it will be possible all cow before they send to the market. Because it takes too many costs, and time if we check all the meat supplies that would be shortage on the beef, and increase price of the beef.
On December 2003, U.S Department of Agriculture confirmed the first mad cow disease infected cow was found in Washington State. That cow was imported from the Canada. I think that is not saying U.S is safe, because both U.S and Canada are on the same continent, so they can import, and export those cattleЃfs regularly. Also scientists believe mad cow diseases are spreading by the foods, which made by infected animalЃfs bone. That mean if other cows eat same foods, those also had possibility of the infection.
I think the mad cow disease is more dangerous than HIV, because HIV is avoidable epidemic today, because those are only from infected blood. Also a lot of medicines are developed for HIV, and some scientists are trying to produce the vaccine. But mad cow disease is infected from our daily food supply, so it is hard to avoid. People have chance to infect from the meal. Also viruses of the mad cow disease survive on the heat, and even radiation. Even if we heat meat, we cannot avoid the mad cow disease. In Japan if person who had been England on between 1980s and 1990s, she, or he cannot donate the blood. It is like a HIV, scientists might believe mad cow disease spread through the blood.
We can reduce chance of infecting the mad cow disease, that is simply becomes a Vegetarian. Mad cow disease is infected usually from meat, or bone especially near the brain tissue. I think that is difficult way to avoid for the majority of the people. Currently,