Group Observation
By: regina • Essay • 468 Words • May 30, 2010 • 1,517 Views
Group Observation
Post Observation Questions
1. Each person played a number of roles, and some roles everyone did. Fortunately, far more of the positive roles were filled than the negative roles. Played the role of the supporter/encourager. Was the harmonizer between all of us, as she was easily the most neutral and calm person among us. Tension relievers were both X and Y. Y's tension relief sometimes went so far as to stretch into the dysfunctional joker role, as well. X, Y, and Z were the gatekeepers, as they kept us on track and moving forward the most. The feeling expressers were X, Y, and me, every so often. C and V were almost always the followers.
The dysfunctional roles were not used much and some not at all. X and Y were the blockers. X however was more on the accidental side, than Y for it. His blocking of our progress was mostly inability to understand that we were done with a previous section. X's blocking was more to "give" us chance after chance to go along with the idea he liked, whether or not anyone else did. Everyone but X and C played the role of the aggressor at least once. X was the dominator, as he interrupted when he wanted to say anything. And as mentioned before, he also played the joker a fair amount.
V, X, Z, and I were the initiators of most of the discussions, the opinion givers, and evaluators and critics. Z, X, and I were information seekers, in asking anything that was not clear. Y was the coordinator and secretary. X was the orienter/summarizer and diagnostician. Everyone performed the role