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Interclean: Optimal Solution and Implementation

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Interclean: Optimal Solution and Implementation

InterClean: Optimal Solution and Implementation

University of Phoenix

Human Capital Development/MBA 530

December 7, 2006

InterClean: Optimal Solution and Implementation

American engineer and inventor Charles F. Kettering once noted, “A problem well stated is a problem half solved” (Thinkexist, 2005, p. 2). Kettering makes the point before a problem can be solved, the proper problem should be defined. In the 9-Step Problem Solving Model, InterClean has the opportunity to frame the right problem along with gaining the knowledge needed to solve multidisciplinary and multifaceted opportunities.

The 9-Step Problem Solving Method is the best approach to analyze the InterClean situation and develop the appropriate problem definition for the scenario. To begin, the method includes a description of the overall background of the situation, including issue and opportunity identification along with the stakeholders’ perspectives and any ethical dilemmas associated with these perspectives. The method continues with a unique definition of the problem and the identification an end-state vision. Alternative solutions are addressed along with risks and mitigation of the risks. Finally, the method concludes with the appropriate implementation plan and the project’s results. Step one identifies the background of the situation facing InterClean.

Situation Background

InterClean is a front-runner in the eight billion dollar institutional and industrial cleaning and sanitation industry. InterClean’s CEO, David Spencer, wants to lead the company in the direction the industry is currently heading. Cleaning companies are turning to organizations who are “providing turn-key solutions including product training for employees, regular monitoring and information-sharing of new relevant regulations” (University of Phoenix, 2006, p.1). Spencer hopes to implement within 180 days, strategies meeting the new direction of the industry. He believes the future profitability hinges on fulfilling the emerging needs of the industry. To help bring about the changes, InterClean will acquire EnviroTech, one of the company’s domestic competitors in the industry. Spencer believes EnviroTech will add the service expertise for InterClean’s new strategic direction. In the situation background, issues and opportunities play an important role in the 9-step problem-solving solution. These will now be covered for InterClean.

Issue Identification

Part of defining InterClean’s situation is identifying the key issues facing the organization. Four issues were identified dealing with the InterClean scenario. Issue one involves the lack of the needed skills by InterClean’s employees to meet the new strategic direction of the company. InterClean will need to develop the skills in their employees or determine another source for this need. Issue two will be the cost of training and development should InterClean choose to develop the skills of current employees. Costs will vary depending on using internal sources to conduct the training or if the company outsources some or all the training. Issue three involves the decreasing employee morale within the company. Employees are concerned about how the new strategic direction of the company will affect them and what will happen to their jobs with the acquisition of EnviroTech. Finally, issue four involves the staffing needs of InterClean and how to effectively reduce the workforce should current or future needs dictate this action.

Opportunity Identification

Analyzing the issues facing the company, the leadership team at InterClean can also better understand the situation by identifying the opportunities. Four opportunities were identified for the organization. Opportunity one, and the major opportunity facing InterClean, is Spencer’s new vision for the company. This new strategic service direction of InterClean will help the company remain financially strong for the future. Opportunity two involves the successful acquisition of EnviroTech. EnviroTech offers the service expertise InterClean lacks and is looking to develop within the company. The acquisition could also be the catalyst for future acquisitions by InterClean. Opportunity three is capturing a larger market share with the EnviroTech acquisition. This acquisition will help InterClean grow as a company and remain a major player in the industry. Finally, opportunity four involves creating an environment within the organization where employees enjoy to work. Striving to be a service and solutions

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