Mastering a Skill
By: Mike • Essay • 718 Words • April 24, 2010 • 971 Views
Mastering a Skill
People use many simple skills on a daily basis. Most of these skills we just take for granted as a part of normal everyday life. They are something we do not think about as skills that we have been either taught or mastered through our own techniques. Many of these skills go undetected and just feel natural or instinctive to most.
However, there are skills that some people have that allow them to be more effective in certain areas of life. While not everyone has mastered these skills or even attempted too, I believe that mastering some of these skills or arts would benefit just about anyone. Mastering these skills that some people take for granted and others don't even realize exist would take dedication and extreme patience. Due to the busy nature of people, dedication itself is a challenge to overcome.
One of the skills that I feel most people do not have or use and could benefit from, including myself, is time management. The busy world of today can throw many obstacles at any single person, and if someone doesn't know how to manage their time effectively it can become very overwhelming. There have been many days I felt that there was not enough time in one day to do the things I needed to do.
Time management can offer us many ways and ideas to plan the use of our time effectively. This will allow us to use the time we do have more efficiently and provide a little more organization in our lives. To take full advantage of time management we have to use it in our everyday ordeals. It may be in our personal time with friends or doing school work.
Many tools are available for those to use to manage their time more effectively. The most used tool among people is the to-do list; these small but effective lists give a person a way to prioritize their daily events. They also show what needs to be done for a specific day and allow that person to utilize their time throughout the day in an effective manner. They can be used as a constant reminder of what needs to be done on that given day. These lists can even be used as monthly planners, to-do lists are not only used for daily events. You could use a to-do list as a series of small events that lead to the overall goal you want to accomplish.
The overall goals we use time management to achieve don't have to be huge or life changing. You could use it to keep track