By: Edward • Essay • 397 Words • April 2, 2010 • 1,076 Views
Cause Infectious mononucleosis is caused by the
Ebstein-Barr virus, which is a member of the herpes family.
This family also includes the viruses that cause cold sores,
chicken pox, genital herpes, and birth defects. The
Ebstein-Barr virus has a lengthy incubation period and
symptoms usually take about 4-10 weeks to develop.
Once a person is infected with a herpes virus, it never really
goes away. The viruses are able to lie dormant in our
bodies and become active at any time. The only way mono
can be spread is through direct contact with infected saliva.
That explains why it is known as the "kissing disease".
Drinking from each- others glasses, sharing silverware, and
coughing can also spread the virus. In rare cases it can be
transmitted from person to person through blood
transfusions. A person can only be infected when someone
who has the virus passes it to someone who has never been
exposed. But less than 5% of people w/ mono can recall
being in contact w/ someone who had mono. That is b/c
some people are strictly carriers. They carry the virus and
pass it along to someone else without ever getting any
symptoms themselves. Population Affected Anyone can get
mono. About 70-80% of all cases occur in people btw/ the
ages of 15-30. Mono is most common among high school
and college students who immune systems are usually run
down from stress and fatigue. Although mono peaks earlier
in females, it occurs more often in males. Females are
usually 15-16 when they contract mono and males tend to
be around 18-23. It is estimated that by the age of 40,