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My Love

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My Love

She sat across from me in Algebra class. In terms of appearance, I always compared the two of us as complete opposites. There I sat; a dark-haired, tan-skinned, green-eyed, arm-scarred, large, short-haired, tall, rather awake and attentive child whose only noticeable feature was his strong chin. I didn't even mention the bags under my eyes so bad, it looked as if they were packed and ready for vacation.

She had a light complexion with freckles just above the bridge of her nose and below her eyes. Her eyes were robin's egg blue and her lips were a beautiful dark crimson red that stood out, but didn't scream for attention. Her lips were thin, like her. The hair that she had was red with dark blond streaks. She didn't have a scar on her. The bags under her eyes were non-existent. However, she liked to sleep in class. This made the beauty of her face covered by her long hair and the wonder that were her eyes covered by her eyelids.

I would always look at her eyes. I peered in the hopes that she wouldn't see me each time I looked. Maybe I wanted her to see me. Catch me lost and swimming in her eyes. Although, no matter how much I looked at them, all I ever got back in return was my reflection. Her windows were like those of a limo - she could see out but you could not see in. This taught me the lesson that here eyes were strictly aesthetic. It was too bad that she liked to sleep. It never gave me much time to gaze at her eyes.

Of course I saw her in other classes throughout the day, but I never got a view like the one in Algebra 3-4. In fact, Algebra 3-4 became the highlight of the day. There would be so many schooldays where the only thing, the only hope, getting me through the day was the opportunity to just look upon her face. It got me through almost anything at times.

I wasn't obsessive, nor in a mentally grotesque state at that time. I knew my fondness for her was high, but it was pure. My thought of this was validated by how I knew what kind of a person she was on the inside.

The leaves fell off the trees and turned brown, signaling the arrival of autumn. Then those same leaves froze, plastered, to the ground, announcing winter's coming. I am surprised I noticed the seasons came, as all I ever really paid

attention to was her. It was the Friday before winter break had begun and school had just ended. Everyone dashed out of school. I was a little depressed at the fact that it would be a while before I saw her again. The best I hoped for was just seeing her at the mall or something like that. Christmas came and I got my presents and I had gotten other people theirs. People bought me some new clothes, a new MP3 player, a new toy for my computer. None of it really filled what void I had inside.

New Year's came by. My friend invited me to a New Year's party. It was to begin at 9 O'clock PM. He rolled by my house at 8:30. Before I left, my parents gave me the usual warnings. No Sex. No drugs. No drinking. No driving. I was a relatively good kid, so all of these went without saying.

We arrived at a little after nine. I walked inside where the party was. I sat down with a soda or two in my hand. I was smiling withy my teeth and mouth, but not with my heart. My friends saw past my mask and tried to introduce me to some girls. Girls who said I was quite attractive. Girls who said they knew I was the sensitive man they wanted. I'm sure that at any other time I would've loved to sit and chat with them. Maybe even do more. But no one was able to get my interest much as it was absent with Her.

My friends drove me home and On the way home I fell asleep.

As I slept, I dreamed. I dreamed that I was standing atop a field of clouds. Off in the distance was the sun, and it was beginning to set. This made the area around me a golden color. Before me stood her, wearing a holy white gown. I blinked once and the kind of rays of light that poke through the clouds to earth came from her eyes and mouth. I blinked again, and an aura that glowed a magnificent silvery color surrounded her. I blinked one more time. This time, I think I wanted to blink just to see what would happen next. After my eyes closed for a fraction of a second, she moved closer to me. There was now just six inches between us. Her eyes were closed and her lips open, longing for a kiss. I had never kissed a girl before, how could I be expected to kiss a being of angelic beauty?

Right as I began to move closer, I was awakened by the sound of my friend's voice. He began to speak. "Hey, thanks for coming along with me. And I'm sorry if you didn't want to

meet any of those girls. I just thought you could've used some company." I nodded my head in understanding and he continued. "Hey I want to

ask something from you." My face turned to a

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