Organizational Behavior
By: Fatih • Essay • 1,318 Words • May 28, 2010 • 1,254 Views
Organizational Behavior
Today the business world is always changing at a fast past, there’s always something
more for humans to learn. One area that is increasing in research is organization behavior,
organizational culture, diversity, communication, organizational effectiveness or efficiency and
organizational learning. For a business to learn these skills is very important in order for their
company to keep them up to speed and to allow their company to grow to their fullest potential.
A business needs to learn organizational behavior, the study and application of human
knowledge about how individuals or a group can operate in an organization. Organizational
behavior helps managers by studying the many types of workers in how they deal in different
types of situations in the workforce, helping their company to grow to their full potential. This
allows humans organization skills to be interpreted in different terminology as a whole person,
whole group, whole organization, or whole social system. The principle idea of this study allows
enhanced interactions by human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives.
Organizational behavior does include a large variety of different topics, like human behavior,
change, leadership, or teams, just to name a few. (2008Clark D.)
Organizational behavior in my work starts at the top manager and works the way down
through each step of management to the employees. If the management has bad performance
in their work , then the employs will have the same attitude towards their job performance.
Attitudes in my work environment have to be positive at all times because attitudes will reflect
our leadership. Leadership is probley the number one thing when working with costumers,
bad attitudes and poor leadership our costumers will go eals where with their business.
With having strong organization skills a company has to have a strong organizational
culture too. There’s a variety of different cultures just like there’s a variety of a different
personality. Organizational culture is defined as the shared beliefs and values that influence the
behavior of organizational members. Organizational culture pressures how humans behave in
our society. Organizational culture is the different behavior in our society that includes humans
knowledge, behaviors, beliefs, customs and social patterns .Culture was created by different
individuality and employees within an organization. Humans use culture as the understanding
of stability, security, and capability to react in any circumstances in life. Humans tend to fear
their routine will become insecure, their security will no longer exist and be unable to understand
new procedures. Humans tend to believe they will not be able to respond in different situations
(2008 Free Management Library).
I work for a large company that doesn’t only have many different cultures employed, but
also serves costumers from all parts the world. At work all employees work together as
a team at all times in order for us to accepts all of the different cultures and to over come the
many barriers that can be very different cult to manage. When working with many different
cultures it’s important to keep in mind that everyone is different. I have been with my company
for a long time now and learning a strong organizational culture skill took a long time and