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Performance Indicators – All Principle Events

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Performance Indicators – All Principle Events

Performance Indicators – All Principle Events

The Business Administration Core Performance Indicators are used for the following competitive events:

1.  Principles of Business Administration

2.  Principles of Finance

3.  Principles of Marketing

4.  Principles of Hospitality & Tourism

NOTE:  These are the same “common” indicators used for all events, except that for the 4 Principle events the “PS” (or hard) indicators are only supposed to show up on role plays at Internationals (not at Area or State).  

Key: PQ = Prerequisite level performance indicator

CS = Career Sustaining level performance indicator


  1. Explain types of business ownership (CS)
  2. Analyze company resources to ascertain policies and procedures (CS)
  3. Explain communication techniques that support and encourage a speaker (PQ)
  4. Explain the nature of effective verbal communications (PQ)
  5. Employ communication styles appropriate to target audience (CS)
  6. Select and use appropriate graphic aids (CS)
  7. Explain the nature of effective written communications (CS)
  8. Select and utilize appropriate formats for professional writing (CS)
  9. Explain the nature of staff communication (CS)
  10. Choose appropriate channel for workplace communication (CS)
  11. Explain the nature of positive customer relations (CS)
  12. Demonstrate a customer-service mindset (CS)
  13. Reinforce service orientation through communication (CS)
  14. Respond to customer inquiries (CS)
  15. Adapt communication to the cultural and social differences among clients (CS)
  16. Interpret business policies to customers/clients (CS)
  17. Handle difficult customers (CS)
  18. Handle customer/client complaints (CS)
  19. Identify company’s brand promise (CS)
  20. Determine ways of reinforcing the company’s image through employee performance (CS)
  21. Distinguish between economic goods and services (CS)
  22. Explain the concept of economic resources (CS)
  23. Describe the concepts of economics and economic activities (CS)
  24. Determine economic utilities created by business activities (CS)
  25. Explain the principles of supply and demand (CS)
  26. Describe the functions of prices in markets (CS)
  27. Explain the role of business in society (CS)
  28. Describe types of business activities (CS)
  29. Explain the types of economic systems (CS)
  30. Explain the concept of private enterprise (CS)
  31. Identify factors affecting a business’s profit (CS)
  32. Determine factors affecting business risk (CS)
  33. Explain the concept of competition (CS)
  34. Determine the relationship between government and business (CS)
  35. Explain the concept of productivity (CS)
  36. Describe the nature of emotional intelligence (PQ)
  37. Explain the concept of self-esteem (PQ)
  38. Recognize personal biases and stereotypes (PQ)
  39. Assess personal strengths and weaknesses (PQ)
  40. Identify desirable personality traits important to business (PQ)
  41. Demonstrate initiative (PQ)
  42. Demonstrate responsible behavior (PQ)
  43. Demonstrate ethical work habits (PQ)
  44. Explain the use of feedback for personal growth (PQ)
  45. Adjust to change (PQ)
  46. Respect the privacy of others (PQ)
  47. Exhibit cultural sensitivity (CS)
  48. Explain the nature of effective communications (PQ)
  49. Use appropriate assertiveness (PQ)
  50. Use conflict-resolution skills (CS)
  51. Explain the concept of leadership (CS)
  52. Determine personal vision (CS)
  53. Demonstrate adaptability (CS)
  54. Develop an achievement orientation (CS)
  55. Lead change (CS)
  56. Enlist others in working toward a shared vision (CS)
  57. Coach others (CS)
  58. Treat others fairly at work (PQ)
  59. Foster positive working relationships (CS)
  60. Explain forms of financial exchange (cash, credit, debit, electronic funds transfer, etc.) (PQ)
  61. Identify types of currency (paper money, coins, banknotes, government bonds, treasury notes, etc.)(PQ)
  62. Describe functions of money (medium of exchange, unit of measure, store of value) (PQ)
  63. Describe sources of income (wages/salaries, interest, rent, dividends, transfer payments, etc.) (PQ)
  64. Explain the time value of money (CS)
  65. Explain the purposes and importance of credit (CS)
  66. Explain legal responsibilities associated with financial exchanges (CS)
  67. Explain the nature of financial needs (e.g., college, retirement, wills, insurance, etc.) (CS)
  68. Set financial goals (CS)
  69. Develop personal budget (CS)
  70. Explain the nature of tax liabilities (PQ)
  71. Interpret a pay stub (PQ)
  72. Prepare bank account documents (e.g., checks, deposit/withdrawal slips, endorsements, etc.) (PQ)
  73. Maintain financial records (PQ)
  74. Read and reconcile bank statements (PQ)
  75. Demonstrate the wise use of credit (CS)
  76. Validate credit history (CS)
  77. Protect against identity theft (CS)
  78. Prepare personal income tax forms (i.e., 1040 EZ form) (CS)
  79. Describe types of financial-services providers (CS)
  80. Discuss considerations in selecting a financial-services provider (CS)
  81. Explain types of investments (CS)
  82. Describe the concept of insurance (CS)
  83. Describe the need for financial information (CS)
  84. Explain the concept of accounting (CS)
  85. Explain the need for accounting standards (CS)
  86. Explain the role of finance in business (CS)
  87. Discuss the nature of human resources management (CS)
  88. Orient new employees (CS)  
  89. Assess information needs (CS)
  90. Obtain needed information efficiently (CS)
  91. Evaluate quality and source of information (CS)
  92. Discuss the nature of information management (CS)
  93. Identify ways that technology impacts business (PQ)
  94. Explain the role of information systems (PQ)
  95. Discuss principles of computer systems (PQ)
  96. Describe the scope of the Internet (PQ)
  97. Demonstrate basic e-mail functions (PQ)
  98. Demonstrate personal information management/productivity applications (PQ)
  99. Demonstrate basic web-search skills (PQ)
  100. Use an integrated business software application package (CS)
  101. Demonstrate collaborative/groupware applications (CS)
  102. Explain marketing and its importance in a global economy (CS)
  103. Describe marketing functions and related activities (CS)
  104. Explain the nature of operations (CS)
  105. Describe health and safety regulations in business (PQ)
  106. Report noncompliance with business health and safety regulations (PQ)
  107. Follow instructions for use of equipment, tools, and machinery (PQ)
  108. Follow safety precautions (PQ)
  109. Maintain a safe work environment (CS)
  110. Explain procedures for handling accidents (CS)
  111. Handle and report emergency situations (CS)
  112. Explain routine security precautions (CS)
  113. Follow established security procedures/policies (CS)
  114. Protect company information and intangibles (CS)
  115. Explain the nature and scope of purchasing (CS)
  116. Place orders/reorders (CS)
  117. Maintain inventory of supplies (CS)
  118. Explain the concept of production (CS)
  119. Demonstrate systematic behavior (PQ)
  120. Set personal goals (CS)
  121. Explain the need for innovation skills (CS)
  122. Assess personal interests and skills needed for success in business (PQ)
  123. Analyze employer expectations in the business environment (PQ)
  124. Explain the rights of workers (PQ)
  125. Identify sources of career information (CS)
  126. Identify tentative occupational interest (CS)
  127. Explain employment opportunities in business (CS)
  128. Explain career opportunities in entrepreneurship (CS)
  129. Utilize job-search strategies (PQ)
  130. Describe techniques for obtaining work experience (e.g., volunteer activities, internships) (PQ)
  131. Explain the need for ongoing education as a worker (PQ)
  132. Explain possible advancement patterns for jobs (PQ)
  133. Explain the concept of management (CS)



NOTE:  These are the SP (hard) indicators that are supposedly only to be used on role plays at International competition.  

  1. Discuss the nature of law and sources of law in the United States (SP)
  2. Describe the United States’ judicial system (SP)
  3. Describe legal issues affecting businesses (SP)
  1. Identify the basic torts relating to business enterprises (SP)
  2. Describe the nature of legally binding contracts (SP)
  1. Describe the nature of legal procedure (SP)
  2. Discuss the nature of debtor-creditor relationships (SP)
  3. Explain the nature of agency relationships (SP)
  4. Discuss the nature of environmental law (SP)
  5. Discuss the role of administrative law (SP)
  1. Write persuasive messages (SP)
  2. Prepare simple written reports (SP)
  1. Discuss the nature of customer relationship management (SP)
  2. Explain the role of ethics in customer relationship management (SP)
  3. Describe the use of technology in customer relationship management (SP)
  1. Explain the organizational design of businesses (SP)
  2. Discuss the global environment in which businesses operate (SP)
  3. Describe factors that affect the business environment (SP)
  4. Explain the nature of business ethics (SP)
  5. Explain how organizations adapt to today’s markets (SP)
  1. Describe the nature of taxes (SP)
  1. Analyze impact of specialization/division of labor on productivity (SP)
  2. Explain the concept of organized labor and business (SP)
  3. Explain the impact of the law of diminishing returns (SP)
  1. Discuss the measure of consumer spending as an economic indicator (SP)
  2. Explain the concept of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (SP)
  3. Discuss the impact of a nation’s unemployment rates (SP)
  4. Describe the economic impact of inflation on business (SP)
  5. Explain the economic impact of interest-rate fluctuations (SP)
  6. Determine the impact of business cycles on business activities (SP)
  1. Explain the nature of global trade (SP)
  2. Describe the determinants of exchange rates and their effects on the domestic economy (SP)
  3. Discuss the impact of cultural and social environments on global trade (SP)
  1. Explain ethical considerations in providing information (SP)
  1. Persuade others (SP)
  2. Demonstrate negotiation skills (SP)
  1. Explain the nature of stress management (SP)
  1. Use consensus-building skills (SP)
  2. Motivate team members (SP)
  1. Maintain collaborative partnerships with colleagues (SP)
  2. Explain the impact of political relationships within an organization (SP)
  1. Discuss the role of ethics in accounting (SP)
  2. Explain the use of technology in accounting (SP)
  3. Explain legal considerations for accounting (SP)
  1. Describe the nature of cash flow statements (SP)
  2. Explain the nature of balance sheets (SP)
  3. Describe the nature of income statements (SP)
  1. Discuss the role of ethics in finance (SP)
  2. Explain legal considerations for finance (SP)
  1. Describe the nature of budgets (SP)
  1.  Explain the role of ethics in human resources management (SP)
  2. Describe the use of technology in human resources management (SP)
  1. Explain the role of ethics in information management (SP)
  2. Explain legal issues associated with information management (SP)
  1. Create and post basic web page (SP)
  1. Describe the nature of business records (SP)
  2. Maintain customer records (SP)
  1. Describe current business trends (SP)
  2. Monitor internal records for business information (SP)
  3. Conduct an environmental scan to obtain business information (SP)
  1. Explain customer/client/business buying behavior (SP)
  2. Discuss actions employees can take to achieve the company’s desired results (SP)
  3. Demonstrate connections between company actions and results (e.g., influencing consumer buying behavior, gaining market share, etc.) (SP)
  1.  Discuss the role of ethics in operations (SP)
  2. Describe the use of technology in operations (SP)
  1. Explain the nature of project management (SP)
  2. Identify resources needed for project (SP)
  3. Develop project plan (SP)
  4. Apply project-management tools to monitor project progress (SP)
  5. Evaluate project results (SP)
  1. Manage the bid process in purchasing (SP)
  2. Select vendors (SP)
  3. Evaluate vendor performance (SP)
  1. Identify quality-control measures (SP)
  2. Utilize quality control methods at work (SP)
  3. Describe crucial elements of a quality culture (SP)
  1. Explain the nature of overhead/operating costs (SP)
  2. Explain employee's role in expense control (SP)
  1. Identify routine activities for maintaining business facilities and equipment (SP)
  1. Demonstrate appropriate creativity (SP)
  2. Use time-management skills (SP)
  1. Use networking techniques to identify employment opportunities (SP)
  1. Identify skills needed to enhance career progression (SP)
  2. Utilize resources that can contribute to professional development (e.g., trade journals/periodicals, professional/trade associations, classes/seminars, trade shows, mentors

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