Performance Indicators – All Principle Events
By: greenbay6000 • Creative Writing • 1,840 Words • March 23, 2015 • 1,057 Views
Performance Indicators – All Principle Events
Performance Indicators – All Principle Events
The Business Administration Core Performance Indicators are used for the following competitive events:
1. Principles of Business Administration
2. Principles of Finance
3. Principles of Marketing
4. Principles of Hospitality & Tourism
NOTE: These are the same “common” indicators used for all events, except that for the 4 Principle events the “PS” (or hard) indicators are only supposed to show up on role plays at Internationals (not at Area or State).
Key: PQ = Prerequisite level performance indicator
CS = Career Sustaining level performance indicator
- Explain types of business ownership (CS)
- Analyze company resources to ascertain policies and procedures (CS)
- Explain communication techniques that support and encourage a speaker (PQ)
- Explain the nature of effective verbal communications (PQ)
- Employ communication styles appropriate to target audience (CS)
- Select and use appropriate graphic aids (CS)
- Explain the nature of effective written communications (CS)
- Select and utilize appropriate formats for professional writing (CS)
- Explain the nature of staff communication (CS)
- Choose appropriate channel for workplace communication (CS)
- Explain the nature of positive customer relations (CS)
- Demonstrate a customer-service mindset (CS)
- Reinforce service orientation through communication (CS)
- Respond to customer inquiries (CS)
- Adapt communication to the cultural and social differences among clients (CS)
- Interpret business policies to customers/clients (CS)
- Handle difficult customers (CS)
- Handle customer/client complaints (CS)
- Identify company’s brand promise (CS)
- Determine ways of reinforcing the company’s image through employee performance (CS)
- Distinguish between economic goods and services (CS)
- Explain the concept of economic resources (CS)
- Describe the concepts of economics and economic activities (CS)
- Determine economic utilities created by business activities (CS)
- Explain the principles of supply and demand (CS)
- Describe the functions of prices in markets (CS)
- Explain the role of business in society (CS)
- Describe types of business activities (CS)
- Explain the types of economic systems (CS)
- Explain the concept of private enterprise (CS)
- Identify factors affecting a business’s profit (CS)
- Determine factors affecting business risk (CS)
- Explain the concept of competition (CS)
- Determine the relationship between government and business (CS)
- Explain the concept of productivity (CS)
- Describe the nature of emotional intelligence (PQ)
- Explain the concept of self-esteem (PQ)
- Recognize personal biases and stereotypes (PQ)
- Assess personal strengths and weaknesses (PQ)
- Identify desirable personality traits important to business (PQ)
- Demonstrate initiative (PQ)
- Demonstrate responsible behavior (PQ)
- Demonstrate ethical work habits (PQ)
- Explain the use of feedback for personal growth (PQ)
- Adjust to change (PQ)
- Respect the privacy of others (PQ)
- Exhibit cultural sensitivity (CS)
- Explain the nature of effective communications (PQ)
- Use appropriate assertiveness (PQ)
- Use conflict-resolution skills (CS)
- Explain the concept of leadership (CS)
- Determine personal vision (CS)
- Demonstrate adaptability (CS)
- Develop an achievement orientation (CS)
- Lead change (CS)
- Enlist others in working toward a shared vision (CS)
- Coach others (CS)
- Treat others fairly at work (PQ)
- Foster positive working relationships (CS)
- Explain forms of financial exchange (cash, credit, debit, electronic funds transfer, etc.) (PQ)
- Identify types of currency (paper money, coins, banknotes, government bonds, treasury notes, etc.)(PQ)
- Describe functions of money (medium of exchange, unit of measure, store of value) (PQ)
- Describe sources of income (wages/salaries, interest, rent, dividends, transfer payments, etc.) (PQ)
- Explain the time value of money (CS)
- Explain the purposes and importance of credit (CS)
- Explain legal responsibilities associated with financial exchanges (CS)
- Explain the nature of financial needs (e.g., college, retirement, wills, insurance, etc.) (CS)
- Set financial goals (CS)
- Develop personal budget (CS)
- Explain the nature of tax liabilities (PQ)
- Interpret a pay stub (PQ)
- Prepare bank account documents (e.g., checks, deposit/withdrawal slips, endorsements, etc.) (PQ)
- Maintain financial records (PQ)
- Read and reconcile bank statements (PQ)
- Demonstrate the wise use of credit (CS)
- Validate credit history (CS)
- Protect against identity theft (CS)
- Prepare personal income tax forms (i.e., 1040 EZ form) (CS)
- Describe types of financial-services providers (CS)
- Discuss considerations in selecting a financial-services provider (CS)
- Explain types of investments (CS)
- Describe the concept of insurance (CS)
- Describe the need for financial information (CS)
- Explain the concept of accounting (CS)
- Explain the need for accounting standards (CS)
- Explain the role of finance in business (CS)
- Discuss the nature of human resources management (CS)
- Orient new employees (CS)
- Assess information needs (CS)
- Obtain needed information efficiently (CS)
- Evaluate quality and source of information (CS)
- Discuss the nature of information management (CS)
- Identify ways that technology impacts business (PQ)
- Explain the role of information systems (PQ)
- Discuss principles of computer systems (PQ)
- Describe the scope of the Internet (PQ)
- Demonstrate basic e-mail functions (PQ)
- Demonstrate personal information management/productivity applications (PQ)
- Demonstrate basic web-search skills (PQ)
- Use an integrated business software application package (CS)
- Demonstrate collaborative/groupware applications (CS)
- Explain marketing and its importance in a global economy (CS)
- Describe marketing functions and related activities (CS)
- Explain the nature of operations (CS)
- Describe health and safety regulations in business (PQ)
- Report noncompliance with business health and safety regulations (PQ)
- Follow instructions for use of equipment, tools, and machinery (PQ)
- Follow safety precautions (PQ)
- Maintain a safe work environment (CS)
- Explain procedures for handling accidents (CS)
- Handle and report emergency situations (CS)
- Explain routine security precautions (CS)
- Follow established security procedures/policies (CS)
- Protect company information and intangibles (CS)
- Explain the nature and scope of purchasing (CS)
- Place orders/reorders (CS)
- Maintain inventory of supplies (CS)
- Explain the concept of production (CS)
- Demonstrate systematic behavior (PQ)
- Set personal goals (CS)
- Explain the need for innovation skills (CS)
- Assess personal interests and skills needed for success in business (PQ)
- Analyze employer expectations in the business environment (PQ)
- Explain the rights of workers (PQ)
- Identify sources of career information (CS)
- Identify tentative occupational interest (CS)
- Explain employment opportunities in business (CS)
- Explain career opportunities in entrepreneurship (CS)
- Utilize job-search strategies (PQ)
- Describe techniques for obtaining work experience (e.g., volunteer activities, internships) (PQ)
- Explain the need for ongoing education as a worker (PQ)
- Explain possible advancement patterns for jobs (PQ)
- Explain the concept of management (CS)
NOTE: These are the SP (hard) indicators that are supposedly only to be used on role plays at International competition.