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Performance of the Bfp in Terms of Fire Prevention

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Performance of the Bfp in Terms of Fire Prevention



Fire is defined as a chemical change accompanied by the emission of heat and light and after flame, usually a change consisting in the combination of carbon compounds with oxygen of the air. Since fire was invented during the ancient times it brought many changes in mans way of life. Today with the modern technology, we are experiencing the comfort brought about with the innovations done since fire was discovered.

Fire has many uses to man but if left unattended it has always been a serious hazard with devastating result. Fire accidents don’t just happen there will always be a cause and some general causes behind every fire outbreak are carelessness, negligence or even ignorance on the part of the people. Fire destroys life and property earned with persistent effort and sacrifice. Due to carelessness and negligence it causes loss of life, injuries and heavy damage and the loss caused by fire cannot be restored.

According to the records of the Bureau of Fire Protection the destruction caused by fire is reaching an alarming proportion that is definitely affecting the economy and the progress of the nation. In the last 5 years, the BFP has estimated the damage to as high as P24.27 billion or an average loss of more than P19.29 million daily.

The month of March is declared as Fire Prevention Month, with pursuant to Presidential Decree 115-A. With this mandate it gives wide information dissemination on fire prevention and suppression, national consciousness and involvement of every citizen to take maximum preventive measure to ensure meaningful reduction of alarming fire incidents.

R.A. 6975 created the Bureau of Fire Protection with its primary mission to ensure public safety through prevention and suppression of all kinds of destructive fires with the active support of the community. There are also non-governmental organizations composing of private individual and private companies that are also equipped with fire fighting facilities and equipment readily of service whenever there are outbreaks of fire helping the Bureau of Fire Protection firefighters.

The success of fire prevention and suppression will always depend on the programs being implemented and the availability of firefighting facilities and equipment in the Bureau of Fire Protection in every locality.

With this, the researchers focus their study on the programs implemented of the BFP- Sipocot to minimize fire incidents and the different fire fighting facilities and equipment available and used during fire outbreak and how it affects their performance.


This study is designed to determine the factors that affect the performance of the BFP Sipocot in terms of fire prevention and suppression. Specifically this study aims to answer the following questions:

1. What are the common causes of fires in the municipality of Sipocot?

2. What is the extent of availability of fire fighting and facilities or equipment of BFP Sipocot?

3. What is the performance of the BFP Sipocot in terms of fire prevention and suppression?

4. Is there a significant relationship between the availability of facilities and the performance of the BFP Sipocot in terms of fire prevention and suppression?


This study will deal on the common causes of fires in the municipality of Sipocot C/Y 2001-2006, including the different programs implemented on fire prevention and the different firefighting facilities and equipment available and used for fire suppression.

The descriptive evaluative method will be used to gather the necessary data and information needed. Questionnaires will be distributed to respondents who will consist of Fire Marshal Chief, BFP Sipocot Firefighters LGU officials and residents of Sipocot.


This study will be premised on the following assumption that:

1. There are common causes of fire in assumption

2. There are available firefighting facilities and equipment used by the BFP Sipocot station.

3. The performance of the BFP Sipocot is related to the available firefighting facilities and equipment.


This study will be guided by the hypothesis that:

There is a significant

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