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Personal Wellness Development

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Personal Wellness Development

When I read the words Personal Wellness Development several areas of my life jump into my mind. The first area of my life that I would like to develop is my spirituality. I do consider myself a Christian and I definitely would say that I have a relationship with God. There was a time in my life that I felt like I was so in tune with God, I didn’t think I could be any closer unless I was in heaven. Over the years a lot has happened and I have changed tremendously. I would like to find a church that I actually feel that I am supposed to be there. I like the church that I am in right now, but I feel like I am supposed to be somewhere else. I want to get back into bible study. That is one thing that I believe as a Christian that you absolutely need. If you are not educating yourself about the teachings of Christ and God’s word how on earth are you supposed to grow?

I need to spend more time praying. I used to pray to God about every single thing in my life. I often wonder how I let myself get into this hiatis that I am in. I guess throughout my life’s twist’s and turn’s I managed to let loose of the one true thing that kept me balanced…praying. I am going to set aside time each day to actually talk to God again. I still pray on a daily basis, but not like I used to. The thing I miss the most is my prayer time with who I referred to as the Prayer Warriors. That group of women at my old church could knock your socks off with the presence of God that they brought forth every time they prayed.

I am going to visit different churches in my area. I will know when I come to the right place that I need to be. I am also going to wake up every morning and pray first thing. I will also start praying at every meal again and pray before I go to bed. Once I get into the routine of it again, it will come naturally. When I find the church that I am supposed to be at, I am going to get involved. Of course, before I make any kind of commitment, I will pray and ask God’s will in every aspect of my life. By taking this course of action, I know that I will be spiritually well once again.

Another area of my life that I would like to develop is my family. I believe that the key to a wonderful family life begins with the parents. My husband and I have a beautiful relationship. It is a very loving and understanding relationship. My husband is also a Christian, and I believe that it has been our faith in God that has kept it so loving and understanding. You would think that with my husband and I being Christians that we would pray together. I think in the whole 6 years that we have been together we have prayed together only a few times. That is an aspect of my family life that I would like to improve. We should pray together. We are, afterall, the foundation of our family.

Setting aside time with my kids is a major difficulty that I would like to overcome. Right now I work second shift and I am with my kids in the morning. I don’t really set aside time to actually interact with them one-on-one. I need to play with my kids, read with my kids, learn with my kids, and most of all pray with my kids. I need to be with them just as much as they need to be with me.

I would also like to get involved with our church as a family. Church is very important to my husband and myself. I would like to instill that value into my children. To do that, I would like to become more actively involved as a whole. I can see myself teaching a Sunday school class with my

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