Public Speaking - to Love or to Be Loved?
By: Princess Cherry • Case Study • 1,044 Words • August 4, 2014 • 884 Views
Public Speaking - to Love or to Be Loved?
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Name : Fadhlin Munirah binti Yasin.
Ic no : 940614085142
Matric num : 012014050071
Faculty : FHLS
Program : Bachelor of Optometry.
Module : Communication Skill
Lecture : Miss Rafeah
Submission : 14/04/2014
Which is most To Love or To Be Loved? First of all, let us know what the definition of love is. How we define love? Biologically, love is a powerful neurological condition like hunger or thirst, only more permanent. We talk about love being blind or unconditional, in the sense that we have no control over it. But then, that is not so surprising since love is basically chemistry. Besides that, love can be understood by a force of nature. However much we may want to, we cannot command and demand. Love is bigger than us. We can invite love, but we cannot dictate how, when, and where love expresses itself. Moreover, we can choose to surrender to love, or not, but in the end love strikes like lightening, unpredictable and irrefutable. We also can even find yourself loving people you don't like at all. Love does not come with conditions, stipulations or codes. Like the sun, love radiates independently of our fears and desires.
Thus, let us differentiate between To Love or To Be Loved. Some of us want to love someone but some want to be loved by someone. To love someone is depends on ourselves but to be loved is depends on second person. To love someone we need to accept them for who they are right now. Either they are rich or poor, we need to accept them with our open heart. Next, do something to help them to see their own potential. Whatever conflict that they faced we need to share our opinion with them. Listen and cry for them. Whenever they are alone we try to share our feeling to express your care and love towards them. Then, believe and be loyal in them. We must believe in their words and do not leave them alone because if to love we need stay together till the end. Actually, never stop asking questions. They should be a fascinating entity that we’re always getting to know at an even deeper level. Let them know that even if, one day, our relationship does end, we are grateful for the time we spent together, and that they will always be a part of our story and our heart. But, do you think why we need to love? We need to love because we no need to be afraid as long we got our partner and someone to hold as a support. Besides that, as a person to feel safe.
What you understand by to be loved? To be loved is not express by ourselves hence it occur towards a second person in our life that love us. We feel we have someone in our corner who supports us even with our flaws. Someone who knows us inside and out and accepts us as we are in life. Thus, we know that person will be there when we are down and to share the obstacles of life with and know that together we can survive anything together. However we have someone to be loved to share the happiness in life that comes our way. Hence, to let all of they know that they have two people who will always love them more than anything in the world. Next we need them in order to make the moments that we will later look back at as the most beautiful memories of our lives. Value the people who are there. Sometimes we get so caught up looking for romantic love that we forget to appreciate the friends and family who are always there, offering their support. Moreover, look deeply at your needs and intentions. Sometimes when we go out looking for love, we’re really trying to avoid giving ourselves what we need. There’s pain in our past we do not want to acknowledge, or there is an emptiness inside that we do not want to fill on our own. If we are feeling a hole somewhere inside, take a close look at what might have caused it. Initiate meaningful conversations as a first step to feeling more loved is creating close relationships, and that starts with meaningful, engaged conversations. These do not necessarily need to be deep and spiritual in nature. They just need to be honest, authentic, and reciprocal. Be strong enough to acknowledge what you need to do for you, whether it’s having a long overdue conversation with a family member, working on yourself, or finding a sense of purpose in life. We all deserve to feel loved by the people in our lives, but first need to be willing and able to love ourselves.