Report Explaining the Data Model for Creating a Conference Database
By: cmaguire2 • Research Paper • 1,943 Words • May 19, 2011 • 2,460 Views
Report Explaining the Data Model for Creating a Conference Database
Report Explaining The Data Model For Creating A Conference Database
Loughborough University Department of Information Science
Cherry Louise Maguire-A913339
1.0 Introduction 3
2.0 Background 3
3.0 Entity Relationship Diagram 4
4.0 Justification 5
4.1 Seminar Table 6
Seminar Table 6
4.2 Workshop Table 6
Workshop Table 7
4.3 Chair/Speakers Table 8
Chair Table 8
Speakers Table 8
4.4 Workshop presenters Table 9
Workshop Presenters Table 10
4.5 Presentation Table 10
Presentation Table 10
4.6 Exhibitions Table 11
Exhibitions Table 11
4.6 Exhibitors Table 11
Exhibitors Table 11
4.6 Delegates Table 12
Delegates Table 12
4.6 Costs Table 12
Costs Table 12
1.0 Introduction
This report includes an explanation of a data model for a Conference database. The report will include my rationale behind the database design I have chosen, including an entity-relationship diagram and the expected structure of my database.
2.0 Background
Loughborough University's Department of Information Science annually hosts a seminar to students, staff and members of the public. This seminar is held on ‘Electronic Public Information Provision' and is typically a one-day event which has proved popular due to the events and extras included. The day includes presentations presented by various speakers, an exhibition and an array of workshops. Throughout the event, day refreshments are available to all attendees, as well as a buffet lunch. I have been assigned the task of designing and creating a model that will enable the storage of data relating to the event.
3.0 Entity Relationship Diagram
See Attached.
Attached is my entity-relationship diagram which presents all entities I have chosen and their related attributes which I have designed for the Conference database. The squares represent the entities, the circles represent the attributes and the diamonds represent the relationships between the entities. I have also provided either a ‘1' or infinity symbol to represent the relationships further.
4.0 Justification
I have designed the entity-relationship diagram on page 4 to show the relationships, tables, and attributes to which I shall use to create a database.
4.1 Seminar Table
Seminar Table
Field Name Data Type Field Size Indexed Format Validation Rule Required Caption
SeminarID AutoNumber Byte Yes (No Duplicates) Yes
Speaker Name Byte No Yes
Seminar Text 50 No Yes E.g. IMBS Seminar 2011
ExhibitionsID AutoNumber Byte Yes (No Duplicates) Yes
Date Date No Medium