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Samsung Vs Apple

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Samsung Vs Apple

Samsung vs Apple        


        Samsung Electronics and Apple, Inc., two of the largest technology firms in today’s world, provides a new paradigm on how vertically integrated firms today operate. In the fourth quarter of 2014, Apple and Samsung together raised their worldwide smartphone market share to 52 percent from 46.4 percent in the third quarter of 2014. Samsung ended the year in the No. 1 position, in both worldwide smartphone sales and overall mobile phone sales. In the fourth quarter of 2014, Samsung’s overall smartphone sales continued to accelerate totaling 78 million units, up 85.3 percent from the fourth quarter of 2013. In 2014, Samsung totaled 384.6 million mobile phones sales, of which 53.5 percent (up from 28 percent in 2013) were smartphone sales. Apple’s sales reached 66,5 million units in the fourth quarter of 2014, up 30 percent year-on-year. In 2014, Apple totaled 130 million smartphone sales worldwide. While the demand for iPhones in the fourth quarter remained strong, consumers’ demand favored the less expensive iPhone 6 and 6S models but all consumer's more favored Galaxy series. [1]

        Smartphone producer war in this century is owned by samsung and Apple. android OS by samsung and Apple keep innovating with the iOs . Despite slower processors on Apple hardware, iOS feels faster and more fluid to most users. Apple prioritizes the user interface over just about everything else so no matter how slow a device runs you rarely feel any lag. And Android is also messy to use and customize. Every time User can try to customize it, User can realize the only way to customize it is to be happy with launcher skins other people have made and be limited to only their apps on home screens. Perhaps it's better put this way: Apple cares more about design standards. Though Samsung with adroid has made great strides in recent years, it's clear that Apple cares about it more than pretty much any other tech company around. While Android definitely provides more flexibility in terms of what apps you can get and what developers can accomplish on the platform, calling it a fully open platform rings a little false. You don't have complete control over your device without rooting and Google sometimes pulls content from their store. Still, even with these downsides, Android remains a considerably more open platform than iOS for both developers and users. [2]

        However, what is important is that consumers' choice always change. Regardless of whether it is a new design or a new technology, consumers always choose something. According Young Ju Lee (2013) the individual interest to the model and type in use Smarphone , 60% respondent preferred iPhone while 65% preferred Galaxy phone. , this study carried out a factor analysis of the 4 factor exterior appearance satisfaction, usability satisfaction, service satisfaction and value satisfaction. As a result, it was found that users preferring iPhone showed a higher degree of exterior appearance satisfaction, while user preferring Galaxy Phone showed high degrees above average in all the 4 items. [3]

        Talk about the product, Samsung has Galaxy Series with the mainstay type is Galaxy S, Starts from Galaxy S2, Galaxy S3, Until Galaxy S5. As far as samsung doing the Innovation, so Apple focusing itself on one type mainstay iPhone which is currently present in the market, it is iPhone 6. Samsung and Apple have opted for very different designs when it comes to the iPhone 6 and Galaxy S5. Where the iPhone is a smooth seamless union of metal and glass the Galaxy S5 is an uneasy merger of soft touch plastic and hard plastic edges painted to look like metal. From a purely design aesthetic there’s no contest – the iPhone 6 looks miles slicker than the S5. On prices By comparison the Galaxy S5 can now be bought from a reputable seller for around £430/$570. Add a 128GB microSD card to that and the price goes to £510/$670 saving £190/$280 for compared to the top spec iPhone 6. That’s a big amount of cash, but remember that the S5 is almost a year old, so prices are always going to be bit lower. On performance the Samsung Galaxy S5 is a lot more powerful than the iPhone 6. The specs suggest that it’s twice as powerful but when we look at real performance the iPhone 6 is on par and even comes out on top in a few benchmarks. Although the iPhone 6 comes out with a much higher graphics score meaning it can perform better on glossy 3D games. [4]

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