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By:   •  Essay  •  368 Words  •  April 1, 2010  •  990 Views

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The Mission statements of Starbucks with its all guiding lines are the foundation of the work that the partners and the staff in Starbucks should carry out in their daily life.

Usually people tend to brake the rules that why Starbucks founded the concealing action to solve everything. This concealing is done by electing a committee of judges and people from inside the company usually from some main partners and the Area manager of the company.

Many incidents happened in the company in different fields and for many reasons the consequence of these acts, were founded by the committee and the concealing action. So people left work because of their action.

The first main Unethical rule that took place was shop lifting or stealing. This incident once took place in one of Starbucks branches in Bahrain. Were a partner was caught stealing when he took the money from a customers without giving him the recite were the other partners ask the customer about the recite the customer was shock by the answer and immediately went to the main office of the company and talk to the Area Manager of Starbucks and told him about the incident. The Area Manager immediately asks for forming a committee to investigate the incident and to judge the partner.

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