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By:   •  Essay  •  266 Words  •  May 13, 2010  •  914 Views

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As a small business owner, I have to pay my employees fair market wages. If they are unionized, I am forced to not only pay them

union wages, but also make available various benefits packages. These inturn, drive up the cost of my products and services.

If I can outsource and send the raw materials overseas to be assmbled by laborers at a fraction of the cost and still pay the cost

of shipping, handling and whatever import/export tax or tariff and still manage to keep the cost of my products and services down

ten the likelihood of profit is greatly increased.Remember, I'm in the business of making money and I can't stay in business if I'm

paying it all out to those who do very little work at a lower quality and still demand greater pay and benefits packages.

The downside is, by not employing here, prospective customers may have no money to purchase whatever it is I'm selling.

No job,

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