The Body Shop International Plc 2001
By: Khojambergen • Essay • 1,262 Words • April 2, 2013 • 1,973 Views
The Body Shop International Plc 2001
The plan
I. Introduction.
II. Pedagogical ideas Abu Rayhan Biruni.
Chapter I. Era, the life and scientific and educational activities of Abu Rayhan Biruni.
§ 1.1. The state of education and thinking in the era Beruni.
§ 1.2. Scientific and educational activities of Abu Rayhan Biruni.
Chapter II. Biruni ideas about education and training.
§ 2.1. Abu Rayhan Biruni of the content of education.
§ 2.2. Biruni ideas about morality and moral education.
III. Conclusion.
IV. Bibliography.
I. Introduction
A great contribution to world culture made by the peoples of Central Asia. Among the prominent figures of the centuries-old Central Asian culture occupy a worthy place of the Enlightenment scholars such as al-Fergani, al-Khwarizmi, al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, Omar Khayyam, Ulugbek, Tashkent and other shares with them that glory and "Great horezmiets" - Abu Rayhan Biruni, who made an invaluable contribution to the treasury of cultural heritage, in spite of feudal oppression and opposition to the reactionary clergy.
Great thinkers and progressive educators many ideas put forward, a critical study of which contribute to the development of pedagogy and enrich the history of pedagogy.
The study of scientific creativity Abu Rayhan Biruni, rightly recognized by historians of the world's largest scientific minds of his time, suggests that his views were at one time a strong foundation of science education and training, based on the achievements of progressive thought. Scientific heritage Biruni in astronomy, mathematics, geodesy, physics, philosophy, history, mineralogists was subject to comprehensive examination of many Soviet and foreign scientists.
Systematic study of the scientific heritage of Biruni, a translation of his works into European languages and commentary begins with the second half of the last century. The recognition of the genius Beruni world says how great his contribution to universal culture and science. His name is on a number of the names of such men as Ptolemy, Leonardo da Vinci, Copernicus, Lomonosov and others. Well-known American historian of science George Sarton the entire first half of the 11th century. in the history of the world of science is called the age Beruni.
Addressing various aspects of the scientific heritage Biruni studied by Jean Reno, B. Bonkompani, M. Fiorini, E. Wiedemann, G. Zutera, K. Shoya, SH Nasr, etc.
Currently written many books, scientific critiques, special studies, the authors, which analyze the contribution of various sectors in Beruni science-AA Semenov IJKrachkovsky, AM Belenitski, VV Bartholdi.
In 1948, many countries held conferences and meetings in connection with the 900th anniversary of the death of Abu Rayhan Biruni. In 1972 in Tashkent held scientific session on the 998-th anniversary of the birth of Abu Rayhan Biruni and his activities in the field of humanities. According to the materials of this session a compilation of "Biruni and the humanities." In the same year published a book Sharipov "great thinker Abu Rayhan Biruni" and PG Bulgakov's "Life and Work of Biruni."
Purpose - to identify and systematize the pedagogical ideas of Abu Rayhan Biruni, to expand upon the scientific and educational activities.
The main sources of research-works of the Abu Rayhan Biruni, the work of his contemporaries, will significantly expand the source materials of the monograph. Using the writings of Biruni, the author mainly addressed to their translation into Russian, which is just enough to cover the views of academic teaching.
II. Pedagogical ideas Abu Rayhan Biruni.
Chapter I. Era, the life and scientific and educational activities Abu Rayhan Biruni.
§ 1.1. The state of education and thinking in the era Beruni.
In the