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The Combination of Elements to Suit a Specific Culture

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The Combination of Elements to Suit a Specific Culture

The Combination of Elements to Suit a Specific Culture.

The Dream of the Rood applies medieval beliefs and concepts along with Roman Catholic values to allow the crucifixion of Christ to appear more appealing to the Anglo-Saxon culture. The Dream of Rood relates warrior-like qualities not only to Jesus but also the cross that bore the weight of the Saviour. The image of Jesus that is perceived in The Dream of the Rood differs in many ways from that of the Bible. The Bible portrays the crucifixion as a tragedy with Jesus dying for the sins of mankind, whereas The Dream of the Rood portrays the crucifixion as a bloody battle in which Jesus is a warrior and glorifies Jesus for his bravery. The poem uses a combination of applying heroic values and religious implications as a strategy to convert those individuals with Pagan beliefs to Christianity. Although it is strongly based on the story from the Bible it varies in different ways to suit its audience.

By applying the heroic and warrior-like qualities to Jesus and the cross, it makes the story of the crucifixion more appealing to the Anglo-Saxons of the medieval era. Not only does it makes the story more appealing but it also makes it easier for them to associate with. The Anglo-Saxons were a very warrior based society in which they highly valued strength and bravery. In The Dream of the Rood, the author refers to Jesus as: “a young hero”, “a warrior”, “heroic”, “fair”, “young knight”, “Saviour”, and a “mighty king” (21-23). All of these titles provide the readers with an image of a brave and virtuous warrior. Not only is Jesus portrayed as a warrior, but the cross too becomes personified with warrior like qualities. During the crucifixion the author describes the sufferings of the cross rather than the sufferings of Jesus. In doing so the author allows the readers to associate the pain of the crucifixion with the cross rather than with Jesus. This draws the reader’s attention away from Jesus and creates a relationship with the cross. At this point in the poem Jesus takes on the identity of a King or an authority figure and the cross now takes on the image of a warrior who is standing by his side. This is evident in the poem when the cross states “I trembled when the warrior embraced me, yet I dared not bow to the earth, fall to the grounds surface; but I must stand fast.”(22). The cross refused to bend or break because it did not want to humiliate itself or dishonour Jesus. The cross not only bore the weight of Jesus but also suffered with Christ. The cross experienced the spear and the nails that were drove into Jesus. By associating the pains and discomforts with the cross it provides the readers with a stronger image of Jesus.

The image of Jesus in The Dream of the Rood differs in many ways from the image of Jesus as portrayed in the Bible. It takes the image of Jesus and transforms it to fit into the Anglo-Saxons views of a hero or warrior. The author takes out many elements of the crucifixion in order for Jesus to appear more appealing and more heroic. The Dream of the Rood does not account for any of Jesus’ suffering throughout and leading up to the crucifixion. The gospel of Matthew tells of how Jesus is forced to carry the weight of his own cross to the Golgotha, which is the place of his crucifixion. Upon his journey Jesus falls three times, showing his physical human weakness, at this point the guards force a man, Simon of Cyrene, to assist him in carrying the cross(Holy Bible, Matthew 27:32). The Dream of the Rood does not mention anything about Jesus having to carry his own cross, but rather begins

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