The Joys and Heartaches of Owning Pets
By: Venidikt • Essay • 1,404 Words • May 18, 2010 • 1,058 Views
The Joys and Heartaches of Owning Pets
The Joys and Heartaches of Owning Pets
Frances V. L. Moseley
Introduction to Effective Written Communication Comm/105
University of Phoenix, Augusta Campus
Dr. Marilyn D. Willis
January 21, 2008
August 27th, 2003 started out as a normal day. It was already hot and muggy. It was my birthday and I just happened to have the day off. The day before had been payday. I worked 2nd shift so I didn't get off until 11 pm. I planned on going to Athens to pay bills today since I was off. I left at 10:00 am and didn't get home until after 5:00 pm.
When I opened the door my dogs ran out and started jumping up on me. It didn't matter if I was gone for the whole day or just for a few minutes to run into town to get the mail, they were always glad to see me. At the time I had 5 dogs and 1 cat. I loved them all.
I had just sat down to rest for a few minutes when the phone rang. It was a friend of mine wanting to know if I could come over when it was convenient to put a wagon together for her grandson. I told her I could do it now if it was convenient for her. She said that would be fine. It didn't take me long to put the wagon together so I was back home around 7:30 pm.
I had left my pets out like I always did when I knew I wouldn't be gone long and it wasn't raining. Usually when I arrived home they would all be in the yard or on the deck waiting. This time they were nowhere to be seen. When I stepped out of the car I called for them. Only three dogs and the cat responded and came to me. They came out of the woods to the left of our trailer. No matter how loud I called the other two did not come. I wasn't worried at that time. I just figured they were still out exploring. It was still daylight. They'd come home by nighttime.
I went in and fixed me something to eat, washed, dried, and put away my dishes. I went out and called for the dogs. They didn't come. I listened to see if I could hear them barking or whining in the distance. I didn't hear one sound. Where were my babies? Were they all right? Had somebody stolen them? It was 9:00 pm by now and I was getting worried.
I had to work tomorrow so I went in took a shower and put my pajamas on. I called my pets again, still nothing. I logged onto the computer to try to get my mind off of them not coming home. I knew coyotes came out at night because sometimes I would hear them howling and yipping in the cow pasture to the right of my trailer. If anyone has ever heard a pack of coyotes at night the howling and yipping sounds eerie and scary.
There was no way I could go to sleep until I knew what had happened to my babies. When I went out about 5:00 am and called them again I finally heard a bark and some whines in the distance. I walked to the edge of the woods and called their names. The barking and whining was louder, but I could tell it wasn't coming closer or going farther away. It was staying in the same place. I knew something was not right and that they needed me. I knew that the woods would have thorns, poison ivy, and spiders, so I went and put on jeans, sweat pants, t-shirt, sweatshirt, sweatshirt with hood, rubber boots, and leather work gloves, grabbed a flashlight, and went to rescue my babies.
I kept calling to them telling them Mama is coming, while I listened to see what direction their barking was coming from. It didn't take me too long to find them. They had fallen into an old uncovered 20 foot well. There was water in the bottom of it. It was up to Lil Bit's stomach, but it was over Scooby's head, because he was smaller. He was a Chihuahua. I knew I had to do something and do it fast, so I ran back to the trailer. I dialed 911 and told the dispatcher what had happened. The dispatcher sent a police officer out to check out the situation.
When the officer arrived, I lead him to where the dogs were. He had a brighter flashlight. When he shined it into the well, I saw it first. A snake was down there with my babies too. The officer went back to his