Totalitarian Government
By: Jessica • Essay • 408 Words • April 19, 2010 • 1,430 Views
Totalitarian Government
Totalitarian government is a government that has total control of its country. It is a domineering government with unlimited power that uses ruthless force to apply an absolute control over all the individuals that make up the society. A totalitarian government not only commands total obedience towards its powers, but also demands the individual's total support and very explicit legalization in controlling all others in the society. Also having a totalitarian government does not benefit the citizens because all they can think about is how to broaden the regimes and propagandas. Most of the time, dictators of totalitarian countries do not really care for the society, but only think about themselves.
The main problem with this issue is that people are not getting what they deserve because the government decides for them. An example of a totalitarian country would be China. China’s government has total control of everything in that country. China would not be an ethical place to have and own a business. Because the government has complete control on how they operate and the people are left with low salaries. The government also has a say in who can work and who can not, that is why people who are poor stay poor and the rich become richer. They make the decisions of what businesses internationally and locally can operate in China. The government can have access to their business anytime they want and the business owner has no say.
Every civilian of different countries has different perspectives on how they are going