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30 Years Wars Essays and Term Papers


6,466 Essays on 30 Years Wars. Documents 676 - 700 (showing first 1,000 results)

Last update: July 28, 2014
  • Waste of Tax Money on Drug War

    Waste of Tax Money on Drug War

    The "Waste of Tax Money" on Drugs This country spends millions, and millions of dollars on the "War on Drugs". Is this "War" really necessary? I've done a lot of research and I was very surprised to see the facts on how these laws came into place. The first drug law I could find was an 18 San Francisco ordinance that outlawed the smoking of opium in opium dens. This law was passed out of

    Essay Length: 791 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Jon
  • Supply Chain

    Supply Chain

    Supply Chain Differences between B2B and B2C The definition of supply chain refers to the distribution of a product or from start to the delivery to the consumer. Managing of the supply chain involves sourcing, manufacturing, storage, distribution, and delivery of goods to the customers. It requires integration with channel partners, including suppliers, distributors, and customers, to create a linked channel (, 2007). E-commerce is basically any online transaction while B2C is when a company

    Essay Length: 601 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • The American Civil War

    The American Civil War

    On July 4, 1776, U.S. won it's independence from Britain and Democracy was born. The road to the government the U.S. has today was a long road with many obstacles and battles. The American Civil War is one of the most significant and controversial periods in American history. The Civil War was caused by mounting conflicting ideologies, principles, and prejudices, fueled by differences and pride, and set into motion by unlikely set of political events.

    Essay Length: 668 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Wendy
  • World War II in Europe - Divergence of German States

    World War II in Europe - Divergence of German States

    Background After the end of World War II in Europe, what territorially remained of pre-1945 Germany had been divided into four occupation zones (thanks to the Yalta Conference), each one controlled by one of the four occupying Allied powers: the Americans, British, French and Soviets. The old capital of of the Allied Control Council, was itself similarly subdivided into four zones. Although the intent was for the occupying powers to govern Germany together inside the

    Essay Length: 263 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Wendy
  • Dance: Is It a Mating Ritual or an Art Form?

    Dance: Is It a Mating Ritual or an Art Form?

    Dance: Is it a mating ritual or an art form? The dictionary defines dance as “an artistic form of nonverbal communication” (“dance”). As Christians we have always heard that dancing is immoral; that dancing only led to one thing- sex. Although this is the general belief, many people find the art of ballet, such as The Nutcracker to be tasteful. Dancing embodies passion, grace and poise. Dancing is not just a mating ritual as we

    Essay Length: 1,843 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • Capital Punishment: Con

    Capital Punishment: Con

    Capital Punishment In 2004, 125 people where added to death row and 60 others where executed (PBS). The death penalty is the most severe form of punishment in the United Sates today, once a jury has convicted a criminal of an offense they can recommend the death penalty if judge agrees then the criminal will face execution. Lethal injection is the most common form of capital punishment used today. In 1972 capital punishment was ruled

    Essay Length: 1,335 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • Reasons for the American Civil War

    Reasons for the American Civil War

    Four years of American bloodshed on American soil. Why? The reasons are varied. From the formation of America to 1860, the people in this country were divided. This division was a result of location and personal sentiments. Peace could not continue in a country filled with quarrels that affected the common American. There is a common misconception that the American Civil War was fought only over slavery. B The Civil War lasted for four years,

    Essay Length: 1,522 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Vika
  • A Brief Look at My Childhood

    A Brief Look at My Childhood

    A Brief Look At My Childhood One day it was plain to see why our family moved from Everett. We had a nice apartment on Adams Street, it was ok. I was eight years old in 1993, a lot happened in the world, but that’s not important. What was important was my dad had been gone for three years now and me and mom were struggling. Sure the apartment was nice and all, but it

    Essay Length: 2,266 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • Systematic Rationalization of Thucydides’ Peloponnesian War

    Systematic Rationalization of Thucydides’ Peloponnesian War

    Systematic Rationalization of Thucydides' Peloponnesian War The Peloponnesian War, being one of the earliest wars with a good historical record, sets an important precedent for those interested in international relations. The information related by Thucydides in his writings on the war allows comparisons to be drawn with modern wars and conclusions to be drawn. One of the most important of these conclusions that may be drawn is that, like in modern times, the balance of

    Essay Length: 1,233 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Jack
  • Justifying the War in Afghanistan

    Justifying the War in Afghanistan

    Justifying the War in Afghanistan Before arguing whether or not the war in Afghanistan was a just or unjust war, I am going to give some history about what was happening before 911 or talks of war even began. The Taliban was the government in Afghanistan from 1996 until 2001. The Taliban means “Students of Islamic Knowledge Movement”. They came into power during the civil war in Afghanistan, and were detested from the world community

    Essay Length: 2,533 Words / 11 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Anna
  • Leibniz Monadology

    Leibniz Monadology

    LEIBNIZ MONADOLOGY The Monadology attempts to define the ultimate substance of the world. The first part of The Monadology explains what a monad is, whereas, the second part of The Monadology concentrates on metaphysical principles. All that there is in the universe consists of monads, which there are an infinite number of them. A monad is a simple, indivisible substance. They have a certain type of perfection to them. Monads have an infinite number of

    Essay Length: 907 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta

    The Magna Carta, Latin for "Great Paper", was written as a charter for England in 1215 (Magna 1). The Magna Carta has had the most significant influence on modern day common law and constitutions. The document was originally written because of disagreements between the Pope, King John, and his English barons over the rights of the king. The Magna Carta required the king to renounce certain rights, and to accept that the powers of the

    Essay Length: 1,684 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • Strategic Restructuring and Organizational Developments

    Strategic Restructuring and Organizational Developments

    Strategic Restructuring and Organizational Developments Introduction This discussion is directed toward company restructuring and repositioning, specifically my personal experiences in a project dependant industry, and the evolution of a business structure and organizational culture of flexibility and adaptability. Many companies operating in a project specific and contract dependant industry are required to align employees with processes and strategies to ensure smooth transition in an often dynamic and changeable environment. Companies competing in dynamic market environments

    Essay Length: 3,513 Words / 15 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • Responses to Capitalism Dbq

    Responses to Capitalism Dbq

    Responses to Capitalism DBQ Throughout the 19th century, capitalism seemed like an economic utopia for some, but on the other hand some saw it as a troublesome whirlpool that would lead to bigger problems. The development of capitalism in popular countries such as in England brought the idea that the supply and demand exchange systems could work in most trade based countries. Other countries such as Russia thought that the proletariats and bourgeoisie could not

    Essay Length: 1,083 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • Subway Innovation Report

    Subway Innovation Report

    Subway Innovation Report Subway is the name of a franchise fast food restaurant that mainly sells sandwiches and salads. It was founded in 1965 by Fred De Luca and Peter Buck. The corporation that owns the trademarked name of Subway is Doctor's Associates, Inc. (DAI). The company has over 28,400 franchised units in 87 countries as of September 2007 and is the fastest growing franchise in the world. It is currently the third largest fast

    Essay Length: 466 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • Replacing Animal Testing: Unrealistic

    Replacing Animal Testing: Unrealistic

    Replacing Animal Testing: Unrealistic The issue of whether or not animal experimentation should be used for research in medicine and science has been debated for years. After conducting research on both sides of the issue, I have found that we should not replace animal testing with alternative methods at the present time. The proposal to replace animal testing in medical science is somewhat unrealistic and would prove to be disadvantageous. There are four substantial reasons

    Essay Length: 842 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • The Nation of Growth - the Tide Is a Changing

    The Nation of Growth - the Tide Is a Changing

    Expanding Nation October 18, 2005 THE NATION OF GROWTH The tide is a changing At the beginning of the 1900's the nation faced its biggest changes since the revolutionary war. During the time between the revolution and the war of 1812 the economy of the country was largely tied to international trade, if our international partners stopped buying our goods such as tobacco and timber then the whole domestic economy faltered. Americans remained mostly self-sufficient.

    Essay Length: 1,145 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • Abortion - Various Views

    Abortion - Various Views

    Abortion There are two views on abortions. The pro-lifer’s believe that an abortion at any time is wrong. The pro-choice’s think that a woman should have the choice to abort the fetus before it becomes conscious. I am a strong believer in pro-life. I feel that an abortion of any kind is murder and should be treated as such. Just because the fetus is not born yet does not mean that it does not

    Essay Length: 1,047 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • Donal Trump

    Donal Trump

    Donald Trump: Gabriel Perez MNGT 5670 Webster University Introduction Donald Trump is known for his eccentricity and unconventional businesses practices. He exhibits an unconventional leadership style, which is characterized by many characteristics. One of those is the need for power. This is exhibited by every piece of real estate Mr. Trump owns. Every casino, building or golf course has his name on it. He is eccentric, powerful, but yet he makes very smart business decisions.

    Essay Length: 2,484 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • Achilles and Agamemnon

    Achilles and Agamemnon

    Achilles and Agamemnon If I were to side with Achilles or Agamemnon in their quarrel, I would choose to side with Achilles. Based on the story from the book, it seems as though Achilles is much more worthiness than Agamemnon. Achilles is not as dishonorable as Agamemnon, nor is he as greedy, and he is also more useful for the Greeks rather than Agamemnon is. Although Agamemnon is the king of Mycenae, he is a

    Essay Length: 505 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • Charlie Chaplin

    Charlie Chaplin

    Charles Chaplin's parents, Charles and Hannah Chaplin, were music hall entertainers. His first stage appearance, at age five, was singing a song in place of his mother who had become ill. At eight he toured in a musical, "The Eight Lancaster Lads". Nearly 11, he appeared in "Giddy Ostende" at London's Hippodrome. From age 17 to 24 he was with Fred Karno's English vaudeville troupe, which brought him to New York in 1910, aged 21.

    Essay Length: 320 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • 60’s Mixing and Equipment

    60’s Mixing and Equipment

    60’s Mixing and Equipment Mixing stuff in the 60s ranged from absolutely absurd to top-shelf. In my research, I found that the silicon device was the single biggest step forward for consumer gear. Germanium devices were too unstable to design with although they did, pretty much, send men into space with the stuff. The biggest drivers for equipment in the 60s was the reduction in heat and weight and a potential rise in reliability once

    Essay Length: 351 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • What Is a Man What Is a Women

    What Is a Man What Is a Women

    Try to imagine the challenges of poverty, the daily fears of victimization and the frustration of not being able to provide for a child, struggling every day just to survive. Poverty not only affects adults, but children as well. When we think of poverty in America what image comes to mind? An old rundown shack in southern Alabama? Or a rat infested tenement house in New York City? The United States defines poverty for a

    Essay Length: 1,636 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • Nature Versus Nurture: Which Determines Personality?

    Nature Versus Nurture: Which Determines Personality?

    Since the beginning of time the same question has been pondered over and over. Why are we the way we are? Is personality determined by heredity (or nature) or by the environment in which a person was raised (or nurtured)? The answer is both. Psychologists have struggled for years attempting to prove one side or the other; however, simply put, both matter. A person’s genetic framework is important and a person’s day-to-day culture is important.

    Essay Length: 622 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top
  • Implementing the Proslavery Constitution

    Implementing the Proslavery Constitution

    In this essay Finkleman starts by talking about the seizure of fugitive slaves who had lived for years in a community and how this disrupted the lives of , not only themselves, but of there families and of the community as well. The capture of fugitive slaves also caused the seizure of many free slaves in the north. The US constitution was proslavery but left many issues unanswered about the relationship of the US and

    Essay Length: 438 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 17, 2009 By: Top