Assessment Essays and Term Papers
Last update: June 28, 2014-
Baderman’s Training Needs Assessment
Baderman’s Training Needs Assessment Baderman Island is a large resort operation which depends upon its prime location and diverse environmental and cultural attractions to attract guests. Attracting events such as conventions, company retreats, and expositions are also key to the growth of the resort and to maintaining revenue streams. In order to attract guests and events, staff must be able to provide a world class environment for business and recreational guests. Key areas for training
Rating:Essay Length: 656 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 6, 2009 -
Risk Assessment Tools in Decision Making
Risk Assessment Tools in Decision Making Article Review Risk assessment is a tool especially used in decision-making by the scientific and regulatory community. In Making Good Decisions, Peter Montague discusses the use of risk assessment, points out its lack of usefulness in his opinion, and posits that the current use of risk assessment today is largely unethical. He states that “Risk Assessment is one way of making decisions, but it is not the only way,
Rating:Essay Length: 759 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 11, 2009 -
Assess Internal and External Growth Opportunities
Overall Analysis Comparison and Contrast Assess Internal and External Growth Opportunities In comparing the situation between Sprint Nextel and LEI, many similarities appear. First of all, each firm found itself in a situation where competition threatened survival. For Sprint to grow, additional spectrum space was needed to build a competitive 4G network. For LEI, the potential loss of its primary supplier would cut revenues by almost 45% (University of Phoenix, 2008). For Sprint, the external
Rating:Essay Length: 687 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 12, 2009 -
Physiacl Assessment
1. Wash your hands and assemble equipment. Greet the patient and explain what you need to do. Provide for privacy. 2. Begin with the 5 vital signs: Temperature, Pulse, Respirations, BP and Pain. Ask the patient how he feels and observe the environment. As you assess the body by systems observe for mobility and ROM. 3. HEENT • head: shape and symmetry; condition of the hair and scalp • eyes: conjunctiva and sclera, pupils; reactivity
Rating:Essay Length: 318 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 13, 2009 -
Country Assessment of India
The ancient social system of India believed that society should be based on the division of labor focusing the majority on the specialization and and functionality of each person. This follows the idea of Plato in much of his work. India has been running a caste system based on innate nature and an individual's choice of work for centuries. They believe that the caste system is the only way to prevent chaos within society. The
Rating:Essay Length: 512 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 13, 2009 -
Assessment and Treatment of Depression in Adolescence
Assessment and Treatment of Depression in Adolescence Abstract Today’s youth are faced with many challenges including depression, substance use and suicide. Depressive disorders in adolescence are a major health concern. Depression often disrupts normal development due to the negative impact it has on social and educational functioning. This paper focuses on adolescent depression, as well as its assessment and treatment. Additionally, an examination of both risk and protective factors of adolescent depression, and implications these
Rating:Essay Length: 1,033 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: December 14, 2009 -
Cultural Interview and Assessment of a Muslim Immigrant
Cultural Interview and Assessment of a Muslim Immigrant Nursing 464 University of Phoenix November 13, 2006 In rural central Kentucky there are is not a notable cultural diversity as seen in larger more populated areas. In fact, most immigrants are migrant workers from Mexico or Guatemala. However, there are a small number of Muslim immigrants from the Middle East. Muslims are a very religious culture that some would consider a strict sect. In Danville,
Rating:Essay Length: 1,164 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: December 15, 2009 -
Family Assessment
One of our main objectives as future nurses is to understand individual patients is to first gain an understanding of family background. Working with family from a systems perspective, the nurse is able to gain an understanding to the ways in which family members interact, what the family norms and expectations are, how effectively members communicate, who makes decisions, and how the family deals with needs and expectations (Edleman & Mandle, 2002). In the concept
Rating:Essay Length: 1,570 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: December 16, 2009 -
Reflection on Alternative Assessments
Reflection on Alternative Assessments Traditional and alternative assessments share some key elements, yet differ as well. All assessments, whether given as a test after a unit or alternative, should be measurable and be reliable and valid by having clear criteria to measure the learning targets. Traditional and alternative assessments generally differ in timing, feedback, student's involvement, and how the teacher uses the information though. The time in which traditional assessments such as after the unit
Rating:Essay Length: 545 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 18, 2009 -
Cultural Assessment of the U.S. Navy
Mission Statement The US Navy has founded its self with being an organization that will train and activate skilled combat naval personnel. The official mission statement taken off their web site states, “The mission of the Navy is to maintain, train and equip combat-ready naval forces capable of winning wars, deterring aggression and maintaining freedom of the seas.” ( The Navy also prides itself on the adventurous spirit it takes to embark on a career
Rating:Essay Length: 1,990 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: December 18, 2009 -
Needs Assessment for Quality Improvement Paper
RUNNING HEAD: Quality Improvement Paper Needs Assessment for Quality Improvement Paper Cliftina Gwilt August 13, 2006 MGT 449 Suzannah Radnay Quality Improvement Paper The No Child Left behind Act appears to be the primary force driving schools for quality improvement process, including the school I work where I am employed. Through this paper I will assess the need for quality improvement within the school system I work. The paper will include and “As Is” flow
Rating:Essay Length: 1,519 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: December 18, 2009 -
Assessment of Consumer Satisfaction of Dhl in China
1.Introduction. 2.Procedures. 3.Findings: a.Background and Brief Introduction b.The Service Range c. The Main Service Items d. The Service Coverage e. The Service Costs f. Competition g. Questionnaire Results 4.Conclusions. 5.Recommendations. 6.Appendixes:Questionnaire about the consumer satisfaction of services of DHL in China 1.Introduction As requested, this report is based on an market research on the consumer satisfaction of the services of DHL in China. This report gives an introduction of its services and reveals the benefits
Rating:Essay Length: 2,052 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: December 19, 2009 -
Monitoring and Assessment in Early Years
Child Study and Classroom Based Observation Should We Make Time To Watch and Listen? Introduction The traditional place for assessment within teaching is at the end of a topic or significant time period when the teacher wishes to know how much information students have retained. This form of assessment often takes the form of a written test that is designed to give students a grade or level. Many researchers, however, believe that teaching and learning
Rating:Essay Length: 421 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 22, 2009 -
Assess Utilitarianism
Utilitarianism, a form of consequentialism, is a philosophy that advocates mass pleasure for the majority. Although some utilitarian theories seek to maximise pleasurable consequences, (Hedonistic Utilitarianism, Act Utilitarianism), others seek to encourage rules that are seen as “right” (Rule Utilitarianism). However, all types of utilitarianism are defined by the principle of utility - “…the greatest amount of happiness for the greatest number of people”. Two proprietors of utilitarianism are Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill,
Rating:Essay Length: 1,403 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: December 24, 2009 -
Assessing Corporate Cultures of Southwest Airlines
Assessing Corporate Cultures of Southwest Airlines Team A has chosen to evaluate and assess the cultural atmosphere generated within Southwest Airlines (SWA). The airline started its operation in 1971 by the co-founders, Rollin King and Herb Kelleher, in the humble city of Houston, Texas. SWA was to be an airline that provided shuttle service between the cities of Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas, Texas. Southwest Airlines began with one simple notion: “If you get your
Rating:Essay Length: 2,111 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: December 26, 2009 -
Skill Assessment
Skill Assessment Every time I am asked to complete a personal assessment test I wonder if I am going to get the same results as a previous test, if I am going to get different results, or if I am going to learn something new about myself. By taking the following three tests; Self-Awareness Assessment, Learning Style Inventory and Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale, I realized that my strengths and weaknesses are built on the type
Rating:Essay Length: 462 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 28, 2009 -
Assessing Learner’s Needs in Education
Units 101 &105 In this essay I shall be examining the importance of accurate initial assessment of learner's needs. In order to do this it is necessary to correctly identify my learners so that appropriate teaching methods can be structured for them. From there, I shall explore how to best support learners throughout their period of study, both in terms of educational support, and in terms of developing their self confidence. The students I teach
Rating:Essay Length: 747 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 30, 2009 -
A Risk Assessment of Fedex Corporation
A Risk Assessment of FedEx Corporation Marvin Conley CIS RISK MANAGEMENT & STRATEGIC PLANNING CMGT/585 Mr. Sardoni June 12, 2006 Abstract Many organizations perform risk assessments to measure the amount of risks that could impact their organization, and identify ways in treating them before a major disaster occurs. Risks involve theoretical effectiveness of security measures, loss of impact, threats and vulnerabilities that are common in today’s society. FedEx Corporation follows guidelines and policies that are
Rating:Essay Length: 1,781 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: January 2, 2010 -
Enterprise-Level Business System Assessment
Enterprise-Level Business System Assessment Several key areas should be reviewed when assessing an enterprise-level business system. It is commonly known that errors made in the early stages of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) can be quite costly. Therefore, careful planning, during the early stages of system development, is crucial. The use of information-gathering tools, during the analysis stage, is useful and recommended. Following will be a review of several of the information-gathering techniques available.
Rating:Essay Length: 869 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: January 7, 2010 -
Macbeth "’this.......Butcher and His Fiend-Like Queen’ Can Be Debated If It Is a Fair Assessment of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth"
In the play Macbeth by Williams Shakespeare the quote 'This.......butcher and his fiend-like queen' can be debated if it is a fair assessment of Macbeth and Lady Macbeth. From the rapid transformation of the characters through out the play, there is a time when Macbeth could be determined as a "Butcher" and Lady Macbeth as a "fiend-like queen". Macbeth and Lady Macbeth are both positioned in an incident which has very altering incurrence towards their
Rating:Essay Length: 851 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: January 8, 2010 -
Thailand Risk Assessment
Executive Summary This report assesses potential risks and benefits that will be used in establishing the organizational form in which the company will enter Thailand in. Based on the: economy, geography, politics, and socio-cultural risks. On the basis of our risk factors, our company will be entering this market in the form of a joint venture. Thailand has an reasonably risky economic environment due to the fact of low discretionary and disposable income, as a
Rating:Essay Length: 2,041 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: January 10, 2010 -
An Assessment of File Sharing in the Music Business
An Assessment of file sharing in the music business An Assessment of file sharing in the music business and online music piracy, and its ethical implications regarding consumers, musicians, and record companies Background "In traditional ethical studies, the classic problem is the starving man - can a starving man ethically steal a loaf of bread if he has no money. The modern version is evidently, can the person who wants to listen to music steal
Rating:Essay Length: 3,820 Words / 16 PagesSubmitted: January 10, 2010 -
Malathion Risk Assessment
Malathion Risk Assessment Based on surveillance and monitoring Genercville, the wetlands have become a breeding ground for mosquitoes. The proposal is to use the pesticide Malathion in order to control the problem of mosquitoes that could possibly infect the people with the West Nile Virus. The following is my analysis and evaluation of this pesticide. Malathion is an insecticide which is used in agricultural and horticultural applications to control mosquitoes and boll weevils (ATSDR 2001
Rating:Essay Length: 738 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: January 12, 2010 -
What Is Your Assessment of Elizabeth Winters as a Manager of Dmps?
What is your assessment of Elizabeth Winters as a manager of DMPS? Relationship building Ms. Winters’ predecessors had learned the hard way the importance of an integrated peer network. When Maddox reorganised the divisions in 1999 in order to encourage collaboration and enhance the combination of expertise across units, he unintentionally separated the marketing and product development teams. Similarly, as some DMPS employees had noted, CW tended to isolate their new ventures “while they were
Rating:Essay Length: 1,618 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: January 13, 2010 -
Teacher Assessment Comments
Generic teacher report card comments to assist novice and experienced teachers in writing report cards. Writing report cards for students is an overwhelming experience for novice and experienced teachers. Reports cards are usually done three times a year in elementary schools and 3-4 times for high school students. Teachers must evaluate and record student’s marks and then decide on honest comments in regards to the student’s weaknesses and strengths. Teachers are often given limited space
Rating:Essay Length: 375 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: January 14, 2010