Assessment Essays and Term Papers
Last update: June 28, 2014-
Risk Assessment
The West Nile Virus (WNV) is a dangerous virus that is mainly spread by mosquitoes. One way to prevent the WNV from spreading is by using the insecticide spray which a proposal was brought forth to use this insecticide spray, Malathion, in the city of Genericville. The use of Malathion may prevent WNV at a minimal risk and should be used in Genericville. Malathion shows little cause of increased likelihood to adverse health effects. Compared
Rating:Essay Length: 773 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: January 16, 2010 -
Leadership Knowledge Assessment Level
LEADERSHIP KNOWLEDGE ASSESSMENT LEVEL 5 Define the conflict resolution model and explain your strategies for minimising conflict in you role including your obligations to keep records BACAL R, states �….we can live with some conflict, what we can’t live with is conflict that is trivial, destructive, personal and a waste of time.’ To effectively deal with conflict within the workplace, managers should use proven conflict resolutions models, for example, CUDSA – Confront, Understand, Define, Search
Rating:Essay Length: 2,554 Words / 11 PagesSubmitted: January 18, 2010 -
Personal Self Assessment
Personal Self Assessment Self assessment is a process in which you examine yourself in attempt to discover and learn more about yourself. Your likes, dislikes, behaviors, attitudes and habits can be found during this process. You can use the discoveries to your advantage by accepting or changing strengths and weaknesses. I plan on using this course to enhance my personal skills to become a better student and find success in earning my Bachelor of Arts
Rating:Essay Length: 1,399 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: January 19, 2010 -
Risk Assessment: McBride Financial Services
McBride Financial Services is a virtual organization at University of Phoenix that provides mortgage services for its members. McBride has as its stated goal to be a “preeminent provider of low cost mortgage services using state-of-the-art technology in the five state areas of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota.” McBride provides serves for three primary groups of mortgage seekers: professionals purchasing a primary or secondary residence, retirees purchasing a primary or secondary residence, and
Rating:Essay Length: 1,773 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: January 19, 2010 -
Family Assessment
Who are the homeless? Well, there is a difference of opinion as to who is homeless. The National Coalition for the Homeless, (NCH), the Stewart B. McKinney Act of 1994, which is the first major federal legislature response to homelessness, defines it as one who lacks a fixed, regular and adequate night-time residence; a primary night-time residency that is supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations; an institution that provides
Rating:Essay Length: 2,866 Words / 12 PagesSubmitted: January 23, 2010 -
Cultural Assessment of the United States Army
Cultural Assessment of the United States Army Jackie Micklo Brie Schumacker Cesar Larrainza Tiffany Jones Evan Rothenberg Human Relations and Organizational Behavior ORG/502 James Patton January 12,2005 Be all you can be. An Army of one. These two phrases are recognized by almost everyone. The United States Army is one of three military departments (Army, Navy and Air Force) that make up the Department of Defense. The organization holds a strong set of core
Rating:Essay Length: 1,853 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: January 24, 2010 -
Political Risk Assessment in India
POLITICAL RISK ASSESSMENT IN INDIA Government Government type: federal republic Capital: New Delhi Administrative divisions: 25 states and 7 union territories*; Andaman and Nicobar Islands*, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Chandigarh*, Dadra and Nagar Haveli*, Daman and Diu*, Delhi*, Goa, Gujarat, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Karnataka, Kerala, Lakshadweep*, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Orissa, Pondicherry*, Punjab, Rajasthan, Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal Independence: 15 August 1947 (from
Rating:Essay Length: 318 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: January 24, 2010 -
Critically Assess the Proposals to Introduce a Specialised Ifrs for Smes and Briefly Outline the Problems That Still Have to Be Resolved Before a Final Standard Is Published Later This Year.
Critically assess the proposals to introduce a specialised IFRS for SMEs and briefly outline the problems that still have to be resolved before a final standard is published later this year. Since the early 1970’s, International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) have been in place in order to meet the needs of companies whose securities trade in public capital markets. In recent years, these full IFRS have been adapted by small and medium entities (SMEs), in
Rating:Essay Length: 3,180 Words / 13 PagesSubmitted: January 26, 2010 -
Gilbert Grape Assessment
The Decision-Making Process According to Hepworth, Rooney and Larsen (2002), issues of decision-making are closely linked to the power dynamics within a family in that the responsibility of decision-making is often held by parents or modeled after parents’ approaches to decision-making. You see this dynamic being played out in the Grape family as Gilbert and the rest of the family look to Mama for the final “say-so” on decisions having to do with the family.
Rating:Essay Length: 1,006 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: January 27, 2010 -
Job Redesign and Workplace Rewards Assessment
Job Redesign and Workplace Rewards Assessment In May, 2005 I was hired at Roofing Systems, Incorporated. Roofing Systems is a full-service commercial roofing contractor specializing in flat and low slope roof systems for commercial, industrial, institutional and retail buildings (Bloom Roofing, n.d). They have been in business since 1979. I was hired as the Assistant Service Manager to help the current Service Manager expand and run the Service Department. When I began, the Service Department
Rating:Essay Length: 1,061 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: January 30, 2010 -
Reform Movements in the United States Sought to Expand Democratic Ideals. Assess the Validity of This Statement with Specific Reference to the Years 1825-1850
�“Reform movements in the United States sought to expand democratic ideals.” Assess the validity of this statement with specific reference to the years 1825-1850.’ Reform movements in the United States sought to expand democratic ideals from the quarter century time period of 1825-1850 also known as the Second Great Awakening. These democratic ideals included voting for everyone eighteen and older (with the exception of minors, women, insane, and criminals), freedom of expression, press, speech and
Rating:Essay Length: 1,400 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: February 2, 2010 -
Critically Assess the Practice of Hypnosis
Critically Assess the Practice of Hypnosis Hypnosis, viewed by many as some form of mind control or brainwashing in which the hypnotist commands the person or subject to obey his or her every command is somewhat still widely believed today. However this is one of the misconceptions of hypnosis, since a person is still conscious, most times in an altered state, nonetheless conscious. Hypnosis is the trancelike state in which a person responds readily to
Rating:Essay Length: 863 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: February 2, 2010 -
Classroom Assessment
The primary distinction between internal and external assessment are the teachers. Teachers are expected to use classroom assessment as part of the job. There are a variety of ways teachers assess students in order to monitor progress, to grade performance and to modify instruction. But the manner in which teachers choose to assess students has a significant impact on the students' classroom experience. In many ways, the format and content of repeated quizzes and tests
Rating:Essay Length: 534 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 3, 2010 -
The Assessment of Catastrophic Events Center
Programs Assessment of Catastrophic Events Center (ACECenter) - The Assessment of Catastrophic Events Center (ACECenter) describes DTRA's hazard prediction and consequences assessment capabilities and how qualified users can obtain them. (Learn more) Center for Special Weapon Effects, NBC Threats, Technology Transfer and Resources - DTRA Modeling & Simulation Center's CNTTR supports a wide array of activities and customers. CNTTR translates 50 plus years of special weapon effects experience into a technical, on-line resource center that
Rating:Essay Length: 1,756 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: February 4, 2010 -
Assess the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Single Market.
There have been various stages of economic growth between the countries of the European Union since 1958, when its history began. The pen-ultimate stage of its integration was a common or single market. Within a single market there a no tariffs between member countries and there are common external tariffs against countries outside the agreement. A single market is a strong form of integration involving the establishment of a common system of taxation, common
Rating:Essay Length: 853 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: February 5, 2010 -
Student Assessment
A current policy issue that is plaguing our educational system is the emphasis put on student assessments. Teachers are at odds in their classrooms on whether to teach the necessities that students will need to be productive in our society, to simply teach what will be tested on state and federally mandated assessments, or both. Teachers are forced to find a balance within their instructions due to the time restraints that stand in their way.
Rating:Essay Length: 1,796 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: February 7, 2010 -
Tqm Needs Assessment for Quality
TQM NEEDS ASSESMENT FOR QUALITY TQM Needs Assessment for Quality Improvement Paper University of Phoenix QUALITY MANAGEMENT AND PRODUCTIVITY/ MKT 449 March 7, 2007 Week Four Needs Assessment for Quality Improvement Paper Walker Financial Partners is an insurance and financial services organization. Through life insurance, disability insurance, annuities and investments we help both individuals and businesses with retirement planning, estate analysis, executive benefits, risk management, and other financial services. Often, an individual’s health and/or financial
Rating:Essay Length: 1,373 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: February 10, 2010 -
Apple’s Strategic Assessment
Apple Strategic Assessment Strategic Assessment п‚ Economic features (Computer Market) o Size: $800 billion worldwide o The US market is controlled by five main companies, Dell, HP, Gateway, IBM and Apple. These companies control 64% of the US market and 40% of the international market. Apple only controls 2% of the international market. The markets have experience a substantial growth in recent years but are predicted to slow down to 8% unit sales growth from
Rating:Essay Length: 3,534 Words / 15 PagesSubmitted: February 12, 2010 -
Crime and Deviance from a Sociological and Psychological Assessment
Crime and Deviance from a Sociological and Psychological assessment: The sociology of deviance is the sociological study of deviant behavior, or the recognized violation of cultural norms. Cultural Norms are society's propensity towards certain ideals; their aversion from others; and their standard, ritualistic practices. Essentially the 'norm' is a summation of typical activities and beliefs of group of people. There are various Sociological deviance theories, including Structuralist: why do some people break the rules? ,
Rating:Essay Length: 3,032 Words / 13 PagesSubmitted: February 13, 2010 -
Pre-Pregnancy Drinking: How Drink Size Affects Risk Assessment
Pre-pregnancy drinking: How drink size affects risk assessment One of the leading causes of mental retardation in the United States is fetal alcohol syndrome or FAS. Alcohol is the most commonly abused substance by pregnant women because it's legal and socially acceptable. A greater majority of young women are not aware of the complications that are involved with pregnancy. They see pregnancy as a way of bringing a life into the world but do not
Rating:Essay Length: 909 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: February 15, 2010 -
Assessment of Canadian Mobile Business
This is the html version of the file$FILE/cacmwi-exec.pdf. G o o g l e automatically generates html versions of documents as we crawl the web. To link to or bookmark this page, use the following url: Google is neither affiliated with the authors of this page nor responsible for its content. These search terms have been highlighted: assessment competitive forces -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Page 1 A COMPETITIVE ASSESSMENT OF THECANADIAN MOBILE WIRELESS INDUSTRYEXECUTIVE SUMMARYPrepared forSPECTRUM
Rating:Essay Length: 1,312 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: February 15, 2010 -
How to Assess Validy of online Information
Executive summary Starting with the answer on question “Why to evaluate?” this document explains techniques and methods of evaluation of online information through two similar approaches. It does not compare and it does not suggest better way of evaluation either. However, it raises the importance of evaluation but it is up to the reader himself/herself what will do with information covered here. Introduction The World Wide Web provides information and from all around the world.
Rating:Essay Length: 2,075 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: February 18, 2010 -
Choose a Current International Accounting Standard (ias) or International Financial Reporting Standard (ifrs).Briefly Summarise Its Provisions and Assess Whether the Standard Can Be Considered to Be Principles-Based or Rules-Based
Introduction There are mainly two accounting standards: principle-based and rule-based in the accounting system. This paperwork will chose one regulation in International Accounting Standard, which is covered the regulations on inventory. After the brief summary of IAS 2, there will be a discuss about the IAS 2’s characteristics. Summary of IAS 2 In summary, the objective of IAS 2 is to prescribe the accounting treatment for inventories. It provides guidance not only for determining the
Rating:Essay Length: 1,108 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: February 18, 2010 -
Mental Health Assessment Paper
Mental Health Assessment Paper A.R. presents as an amicable, overweight 45-year-old woman diagnosed with undifferentiated-type schizophrenia. She was dressed eccentrically in winter clothing, including a coat and toboggan, even though we were indoors for the interview. She sat quietly on the couch, somewhat slumped, picking at the loose threads on her shirt. When she was first admitted, she had a strong belief that her husband was out to get her. She would wake up in
Rating:Essay Length: 584 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 24, 2010 -
Critically Assess Whether Human Resource Management Is Any Different in Sme’s Than Large Organisations
Critically assess whether Human Resource Management is any different in SME's than large organisations? "The study of human resource management has been invigorated by the promise that there is a best-practice, high-involvement management that can guarantee superior organisational performance" (Wood, 1999). This paper is structured to critically assess the differences of human resource management (HRM) in small to medium sized enterprises (SME's) with comparison to large organisations. Initially this will provide the fundamental processes involved
Rating:Essay Length: 417 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: March 3, 2010