Cultural Contributor Essays and Term Papers
746 Essays on Cultural Contributor. Documents 276 - 300
Cultural Foundations: United States Vs. Canada
Cultural Foundations: United States vs. Canada Canadian and United States cultural foundations are similar and yet they vary in origin, deference toward authority, and identity as defined by the media. The two use very different symbols for their cultures; whereas the United States symbol is the great melting pot, Canada’s cultural symbol is the mosaic. (Seiler, 97) The United States melting pot gives one the image of diverse peoples coming together to form one great
Rating:Essay Length: 813 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: January 9, 2010 -
Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper
Running head: CULTURAL VALUES AND PERSONAL ETHICS PAPER Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper Rosa Leang University of Phoenix Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper Everyday, cultural values and personal ethics influence one's actions both on a professional and personal basis. Cultural values represent the implicitly or explicitly shared abstract ideas about what is good, right, and desirable in a society (Williams, 1970). Personal Ethics and Cultural values goes hand in hand he introduction goes
Rating:Essay Length: 558 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: January 9, 2010 -
Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper
CULTURAL VALUES AND PERSONAL ETHICS PAPER Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper I think that ethics are ones values, beliefs, morals and are derived from ones up-bringing, family values, customs and beliefs. Environment may influence one’s ethics and values. Ethics are put into play when you are placed in a situation which you do not feel comfortable in or when you feel that something or someone is not behaving
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Just Be - a Slogan in American Culture
"Just Be" is a familiar slogan to the current American culture. It is the slogan of a well-known designer, Calvin Klein, who, in his advertisements, supposedly promotes individuality and uniqueness. Yet, Calvin Klein, along with all known designers, does not have overweight or unattractive people on his billboard ads, on his runways, in his magazine pictures or on his television commercials. Moreover, the movie, music and the mass media corroborate with the fashion industry
Rating:Essay Length: 2,258 Words / 10 PagesSubmitted: January 9, 2010 -
Values-Driven Culture
Values-Driven Culture Schad claims that the purpose of his company is "to be a role model of lasting business success based on our core values." The company’s core values — make a contribution, proactive environmental responsibility, passion for excellence, and uncompromising honesty — cascade throughout all of the company’s activities. For example: Husky’s commitment to environmental responsibility has made it a worldwide role model, and has earned it the Financial Post Gold Environmental Leadership Award,
Rating:Essay Length: 1,490 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: January 9, 2010 -
Dimensions of Culture, Values, and Communication Paper
Dimensions of Culture, Values, and Communication Paper Abstract In the abstract, summarize what you learned by completing the Dimensions of Culture, Values, and Communication Paper Dimensions of Culture, Values, and Communication Paper Introduction Culture and values play an important role in today’s work environment. It is a living and breathing element that transforms human behavior in the workplace. The dominant altitudes, values, and beliefs shape or motivate behavior (UOP, 2003). There was a time,
Rating:Essay Length: 544 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: January 10, 2010 -
The Negative Effects of Mtv on Our Society and Culture
The negative effects of MTV on our society and culture What do you think about when you hear the word MTV? Carson Daily counting down the top ten on Total Request Live? Bam Margera doing insane stunts on his new show BAM? How about The Wild Boys chasing alligators and poisonous snakes? MTV has revolutionized and affected the whole world through its negative influence on society and culture. MTV has in many ways corrupted
Rating:Essay Length: 526 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: January 10, 2010 -
So What Is Culture Really?
The word culture is originally derived from the Latin term colere which means to cultivate. In general the word culture refers to "patterns of human activity and the symbolic structures that give such activity significance. Different definitions of "culture" reflect different theoretical bases for understanding, or criteria for evaluating, human activity." ( From an archaeological standpoint culture is defined as "a set of learned beliefs, values and behaviors the way of life shared by the
Rating:Essay Length: 605 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: January 10, 2010 -
What Is the Predominant Culture at Present and How Can It Be Changed to Meet Cultural Goals of the Organization?
What is the predominant culture at present and how can it be changed to meet cultural goals of the organization? Introduction In the following report I will answer the two questions �What is the predominant culture at present and how can it be changed to meet the culture goals of the organization?’ I will explain how the current family culture works and explain what deficiencies it consist of and I will also explain how they
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A Southwestern Indian Culture Among Us Today: The Hopi Indians
A Southwestern Indian Culture Among Us Today: The Hopi Indians xxxxxxxxx Axia College Did you know that the Ancient Indian people of the Southwestern United States have dated back to the year 10,000 BC? First appearing toward the end of the last Ice Age, they were the first “Americans.” (Noble, 1998) When Christopher Columbus arrived in the America’s in 1492 and seeing the people of this land for the first time, he thought that he
Rating:Essay Length: 2,116 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: January 10, 2010 -
The Culture of the Umuofia Society Before the Colonial
The culture of the Umuofia society before the colonial infiltration, may be hard to understand but we are forced by Achebe to realize it has traditions and customs that make it work. Although, looking at it from our Judaeo-Christian point of view we may be appalled by some of their practices. We also have to realize that they have strengths. Things Fall apart is the idea of balance and interdependence, earth and sky, individual and
Rating:Essay Length: 1,353 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: January 10, 2010 -
Problem Solution: Building a Culture for Sustaining Change
Introduction Telecommunication companies have been under tremendous pressure to keep up with the rapid and frequent advances in the telecommunications industry. There is an abundance of competition amongst local, long-distance, and international markets. Cable companies, as well as other telecommunication companies, have saturated the market by offering complete solutions that encompass computers, televisions, internet, and plain old telephone service (Gibbs, S., 2006). Telecommunication firms are finding themselves in constant turmoil trying to stay competitive in
Rating:Essay Length: 3,209 Words / 13 PagesSubmitted: January 10, 2010 -
Economic Systems in Copan Compared to Other Ancient Cultures
Economic Systems Throughout history there has been a common theme of progression towards more complex societies. The advent of agriculture enabled population sizes to increase, and allowed permanent settlements to arise. As extensive cultivation of farmland progressed, a surplus of food was created that enabled some people within a society to be non-food producers. These people who no longer were required to farm in order to survive were able to develop marketable goods that they
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Culture of Film
At this point in my life I am finally able to appreciate many different films that in the past was not mature enough to understand. It has been a long journey getting to this point. My entire life nothing has made me as happy as going to see a movie in a theater with a big cherry coke. As a consumer I am open to seeing almost any film, because no matter what you see
Rating:Essay Length: 1,751 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: January 11, 2010 -
Rock and Roll Culture
Rock and Roll ain’t noise pollution Abstract Rock and Roll. Someone mentions it and you instantly have an image in your head. Whether it be the title quoted AC/DC or the King Elvis Presley, there is a form of rock for everyone. Rock has made huge changes over the past several decades, always being whatever the musician wanted it to be. Some hade described rock as a way of life; a movement. Some have said
Rating:Essay Length: 1,914 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: January 11, 2010 -
Everyday Use: Today’s View on Culture and Heritage
“Everyday Use”: Today‘s view on Culture and Heritage In “Everyday Use,” Alice Walker tells a story of a mother’s conflicted relationship with her two daughters. At face value the story tells of “Mama” gradually denying the superficial values or her elder, more socially accepted, daughter “Dee,” and begins to favor the more practical views of her less fortunate daughter “Maggie.” As clear a story as this may seem, there are many undercurrents open to a
Rating:Essay Length: 671 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: January 12, 2010 -
The Soldiers of the First Culture Revolution
“The Soldiers of the First Culture Revolution” The end of World War two brought upon conformity and a conservative mindset. The majority of young people’s priorities were to marry, move to suburbs, and be financially successful. However, their was a young group of men who were strongly against the “American dream” that the rest of society was working for. These men were Jack Kerouac, William S. Burroughs, Allen Ginsberg, and Neal Cassidy. They were a
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Traditional Clothing of the Hasidic and Hawaiian Cultures
Traditional Clothing of the Hasidic and Hawaiian Cultures Clothing can tell many things about a person. Bright colors can give the hint of an outgoing person, while dark colors can signify seriousness. Some of the clothing choices are purely personal choices, while others are based on religious or cultural beliefs. Walking through the streets of any Metropolis clothing styles can vary like the leaves of a tree during fall. Gangs today use clothing to
Rating:Essay Length: 1,301 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: January 13, 2010 -
Culture Invasion
Culture Invasion A screeching yell ripped through the house that Wednesday evening, "Ahhhhh, we're being invaded!". My mother rushed into the living room. I pointed to the flickering television screen. "Look," I whispered in disbelief. A few seconds of silence followed. There they were, the words I never thought would appear on our 29 inch Sony screen: "Sizzlin' Hot Country". The appearance of American country music on the Kenyan airwaves was the latest sign that
Rating:Essay Length: 1,235 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: January 13, 2010 -
Cross Cultural Negotiation
Cross Cultural Negotiation Michal Zieba Bookmark Page Download PDF Print This Page The impact of international business in domestic markets compels us to ask a question: “How can we survive in this global playing field, and what can we do to run our businesses more effectively?” Nowadays, businesses of all sizes search for suppliers and customers on a global level. International competition, foreign clients and suppliers may become a danger, but they may also create
Rating:Essay Length: 1,349 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: January 13, 2010 -
Cultural Revolution
The Cultural Revolution brought a negative change that put China in a time of civil disagreement and instability. Mao Zedong, chairman of the communist party, led the Cultural Revolution against his own Communist party in order to secure Maoism in China. In August of 1966 Mao passed a bill that declared death for all intellectuals and imperialists. In this aspect the Cultural Revolution was bad because it discouraged intelligence. It did, however, create more workers
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Hollywood's Blockbuster Cultural Colonialism
Aaron Christopher Edwards World Cinema Spring 2005 Hollywood's blockbuster cultural colonialism The corporate Hollywood presence led by international multimedia conglomerates such as Viacom, Time Warner and Disney not only dominates moviemaking worldwide, a process capitalized in the 1980s, but also employs a colonialism-style of storytelling that may aggravate cultural relations with other nations, rendering the US a further isolated and internationally non-excepted super power. Particularly since the days of Ronald Reagan (a former actor and
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Corporate Culture
Introduction Corporate culture is the shared values and meanings that members hold in common and that are practiced by an organization’s leaders. Corporate culture is a powerful force that affects individuals in very real ways. In this paper I will explain the concept of corporate culture, apply the concept towards my employer, and analyze the validity of this concept. Research As Sackmann's Iceberg model demonstrates, culture is a series of visible and invisible characteristics that
Rating:Essay Length: 1,701 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: January 14, 2010 -
My Family History (culture Diversity Course)
I was born on the Indian Reservation in North Carolina in 1967 to the Cherokee Tribe of Native American Indians. My parents were both full-blooded Cherokee and I was being raised to speak both my native tongue of Cherokee and English. Tsalagi (Tsa-la-gi) is an Iroquoian language and is spoken by 22,000 Cherokee people. The Tsalagi language in North America is at a great risk of becoming extinct. There are some government policies that were
Rating:Essay Length: 948 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: January 14, 2010 -
Crash: Culture Shock and Race
The movie Crash incorporates aspects of anthropology such as ethnocentrism, race, and differing roles in society. Each of these aspects is revealed through the lives of different people colliding with one another and according to biases and personal prejudices. The title Crash metaphorically represents the culture shock we experience when we “crash” into people of different nationalities. Ethnocentrism, the belief in the superiority of one ethic or racial group over another, is an evident theme
Rating:Essay Length: 596 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: January 14, 2010