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Managers Essays and Term Papers


1,786 Essays on Managers. Documents 376 - 400 (showing first 1,000 results)

Last update: July 29, 2014
  • Implementation of a Property Management System in a Hotel Organization

    Implementation of a Property Management System in a Hotel Organization

    Implementation of a Property Management System in a Hotel Organization Project Plan Willie J. Broussard Jr. Project Management/MGT 573 Instructor: Paul Levine Submitted on: May 15, 2006 Introduction “Project management is the discipline of defining and achieving targets while optimizing the use of resources (time, money, people, space, etc)” (Wikipedia, n.d.). In essence, the project management processes and methodologies are used to align resources with the company’s or organization’s mission(s) in order to achieve

    Essay Length: 779 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: December 9, 2009 By: Tasha
  • Managing Business Organization

    Managing Business Organization

    Q.1. Management As the world moves through the 21st Century, business is becoming more dependent upon professional managers, who can bring success to an organization. Issues such as globalization and decentralization add to the need for organization's to hire flexible managers capable of leading. A 21st century manager should possess three traits and utilize them to lead organizations: the ability to stimulate change, excellent planning capabilities, and ethics. A manager can be defined as “a

    Essay Length: 5,274 Words / 22 Pages
    Submitted: December 9, 2009 By: Mike
  • Management Information Systems

    Management Information Systems

    These are: Management Information Systems (MIS) and Electronic Business & Commerce. These are compulsory IT courses for all MBA students in order to equip them with basic knowledge of information technology, which can be applied to all management areas of marketing, finance, human resources, research methodologies etc. In the second year of IT specialization, the focus is specifically on the IT skills with a managerial perspective. Students are provided in-depth understanding of IT applications in

    Essay Length: 430 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: December 9, 2009 By: Victor
  • Managing Organizational Behavior

    Managing Organizational Behavior

    Managing Organizational Behavior In all organizations, regardless of size, it is important for management to create a safe and nurturing environment for all employees. To create this type of environment management needs to understand: employee behavior; organizational culture; the need for diversity; a formal code of ethics; strong communication; and how to promote and manage change. The first step is to understand employee behavior and to manage that behavior. The behavior of employees within and

    Essay Length: 1,365 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: December 9, 2009 By: Victor
  • Learning Companies and Knowledge Management

    Learning Companies and Knowledge Management

    During the last century we have moved from the Industrial Age through the Information Age to the Knowledge Age. The ability to obtain, assimilate and apply the right knowledge effectively will become a key skill in the next century. Our ability will no longer be judged solely by qualifications gained in the past, but will also be assessed by our capacity to learn and adapt in the future. In our business world, all organisations are

    Essay Length: 1,398 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: December 9, 2009 By: regina
  • Mary Kay Management

    Mary Kay Management

    Motivation in Direct Sales Mary Kay Cosmetics is not a traditional cosmetics company, as it sells its products directly to consumers through a sales force rather than in retail stores (Case). Each member of the Mary Kay sales force is an independent contractor with the company and works for herself (Case). Mary Kay compensates its beauty consultants in a variety of ways, ranging from commissions, to recognition, to incentive programs such as its VIP car

    Essay Length: 1,397 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: December 9, 2009 By: Jon
  • Trace the Development of Strategic Human Resource Management from the Resource Based View of the Firm. How Does the Resource Based View of the Firm Facilitate and Inhibit the Actual Practice of Strategic Human Resource Management.

    Trace the Development of Strategic Human Resource Management from the Resource Based View of the Firm. How Does the Resource Based View of the Firm Facilitate and Inhibit the Actual Practice of Strategic Human Resource Management.

    Today, human resources are seen as “the available talents and energies of people who are available to an organization as potential contributors to the creation and realization of the organization's mission, vision, strategy and goals” (Jackson and Schuler, 2000, p. 37).There exist two models that seek to describe what strategy is and how an organization should develop such strategy. The first model known as the Industrial Organization (I/O) model is based on the assumption that

    Essay Length: 1,507 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: December 9, 2009 By: Mike
  • Evaluation of the Strategic Management in the Global Competitive Environment.

    Evaluation of the Strategic Management in the Global Competitive Environment.

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The purpose of this report is to evaluate the process of the strategic management in the global competitive environment. The globalization of the business in our environment has been a source for global organizations to incorporate the process of a global strategic management. In this report, we are going to propose three different frameworks from three different group of authors: Yip, Johnson and Scholes, and Cavusgil and Zou. However, theses proposed framework would

    Essay Length: 2,425 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: December 9, 2009 By: Edward
  • Meci Sdn Bhd Management

    Meci Sdn Bhd Management

    EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MECI Sdn Bhd is one of the leading manufacturer and distributor of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin. Reward system, gender biased policies, child care issue, and learning culture are often perceived important to their company in response to satisfy employees. Although the company are concerned for these topics but their employees’ satisfaction and performance are still maintained in the moderate level. Readers should realize and understand that the four topics mentioned above are those

    Essay Length: 1,897 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: December 9, 2009 By: Mike
  • Cross Cultural Awareness for the International Manager

    Cross Cultural Awareness for the International Manager

    INTRODUCTION It is time for a fast-developing Bulgarian company to go international. According to carefully conducted marketing research the most favorable conditions for expansion at this point are in Germany and Brazil. Unfortunately "Noname.Co" is a new entrant in the global market and is quite inexperienced in dealing with countries of unfamiliar culture. The differences between Bulgaria, Germany and Brazil are not only estimated by means of square meters, but also by ethnicity, religion, temperament

    Essay Length: 486 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: December 9, 2009 By: Mike
  • Quality Issues in Project Management

    Quality Issues in Project Management

    QUALITY ISSUES IN PROJECT MANAGEMENT 1. Introduction There are a number of issues surrounding the general area of “quality” in project management. You will need to be aware of some of the requirements of PRINCE (or PRINCE2) as well as the more general aspects of the ISO 9000 and 14000 series. 2. Quality requirements as part of PRINCE PRINCE2 (Projects in Controlled Environments) was revised from PRINCE in 1996 and is the accepted standard for

    Essay Length: 875 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: December 10, 2009 By: David
  • Management and Leadership

    Management and Leadership

    “Who Gets What?” Donating a gift of life to another person is the ultimate gift a human being can receive. Over the past years, the increase for organs has been continuously rising. The reason being is mostly in part because of the policy that the U.S requires a citizen’s permission and voluntary giving in order to use a person’s organ. But could this possibly be one of the many reasons why the list for organ

    Essay Length: 1,525 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: December 10, 2009 By: Vika
  • Emergency Management and the New Terrorism Threat

    Emergency Management and the New Terrorism Threat

    Emergency Management and the New Terrorism Threat The focus of emergency management in the United States has evolved over time as new risks were identified and methods for dealing with these risks were developed. In the early part of the 20th century, ad hoc responses to catastrophic disasters and the implementation of large scale public works projects designed to reduce risks, such as the levee building projects of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, were

    Essay Length: 1,514 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: December 10, 2009 By: regina
  • Total Quality Management

    Total Quality Management

    Total quality management or TQM is defined as a form of management that ensures that every element of the business is contributing to the overall total effort of a business of achieving the highest quality levels in the delivery of its products and services. This type of management’s goal is to assure that everything that is produced has meet very high standards. In this paper I will discuss the history of Total Quality Management, the

    Essay Length: 1,310 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: December 10, 2009 By: July
  • Project Management Plan: Harrison-Keyes Inc

    Project Management Plan: Harrison-Keyes Inc

    Project Management Plan: Harrison-Keyes Inc. The implementing of change in any organization can be an overwhelming task for even the most seasoned professional. While the leadership of the changing organization is focused on improving efficiency, quality, profit and ensuring the future of the organization; the employees are often hesitant and frightened of what the new initiatives mean for them, the organization, and all other stakeholders involved. Continued progress improvement requires successful change management programs that

    Essay Length: 3,307 Words / 14 Pages
    Submitted: December 10, 2009 By: Tasha
  • Management and Change, Bill Gates

    Management and Change, Bill Gates

    Management and change --Bill Gates (The richest man in the world) Bibliography William (Bill) H. Gates is chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation, the worldwide leader in software, services and Internet technologies for personal and business computing. Microsoft had revenues of US$32.19 billion for the fiscal year ending June 2002, and employs more than 50,000 people in 72 countries and regions. Born on Oct. 28, 1955, Gates grew up in Seattle with his

    Essay Length: 2,072 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: December 10, 2009 By: regina
  • Risk Management

    Risk Management

    02-046 Copyright © 2002 Lisa K. Meulbroek Working papers are in draft form. This working paper is distributed for purposes of comment and discussion only. It may not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder. Copies of working papers are available from the author. Integrated Risk Management for the Firm: A Senior Manager’s Guide Lisa K. Meulbroek Harvard Business School Soldiers Field Road Boston,MA 02163 The author gratefully acknowledges the financial support of Harvard

    Essay Length: 5,960 Words / 24 Pages
    Submitted: December 10, 2009 By: Steve
  • Operations Management Definition

    Operations Management Definition

    Operations Management Definition Introduction In today’s fast-paced ever-changing business world, organizations must deal with many diverse issues. These issues range from maintaining their competitive edge in a fierce marketplace to social, ethical and concerns regarding the health and well being of their employees. The advent of new technologies has created organizational efficiencies however; it is a well-known fact that healthcare has lagged behind other industries with regard to automation. Healthcare is being asked to provide

    Essay Length: 1,080 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: December 10, 2009 By: Max
  • Fundamentals of Management

    Fundamentals of Management

    Running head: FUNDAMENTALS OF MANAGEMENT Fundamentals of Management James E. Lawrence Management: Theory, Practice, and Application July 18, 2005 Fundamentals of Management The greatest asset a company possesses is its personnel. To be successful, every company must build from the top down, ensuring the right individuals are in the right positions. This all starts with management and works down from there. With the right managers performing the fundamentals of management correctly, personnel under their supervision

    Essay Length: 1,202 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: December 10, 2009 By: July
  • Change Management Plan Paper- Crystel

    Change Management Plan Paper- Crystel

    Change Management Plan Paper and Defense: Crys-Tel Rapid change pervade today’s business environment and a company’s success often hinges on its ability to effectively adapt to this change. Companies that establish change management strategies and design organizational structures conducive to open communication and teamwork, often fair better than those stuck with a purely hierarchical structure. Crys-Tel Telecommunication Company is based on Illinois and offers a diverse line of products and services. Crys-Tel is experiencing regular

    Essay Length: 2,286 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: December 10, 2009 By: Monika
  • Change Management in British Airways

    Change Management in British Airways

    INTRODUCTION British Airways is one of the fastest growing airlines in the world. It has grown by its own leadership qualities and unique culture. Bob Ayling, Chief Executive implemented changes in the organization without getting support from its employees. He thought a change is necessary, even when BA was making record profit, because in the long run some decision has to be made. On one side he tried to raise staff morale by reinventing

    Essay Length: 3,472 Words / 14 Pages
    Submitted: December 11, 2009 By: Kevin
  • Phil Knight Managing Nike's Trasformation

    Phil Knight Managing Nike's Trasformation

    In 1983 Phil Knight decided to leave the company in Woodell's hands. That was because Knight had to work on a manufacturing project in China. In 1893 NIKE was a successful firm; they had 34% of the market share and their sales were growing constantly, from $14.1 million in 1976 to $867.2 million in 1983 (Exhibit 1, Phil Knight: CEO at NIKE). Woodell had been worked for NIKE since 1967 as the World Wide Marketing

    Essay Length: 1,227 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: December 11, 2009 By: regina
  • Management Info System Case Study

    Management Info System Case Study

    Shafin Hossain Management Info System 11/01/06 2217-402-04 Fall 06 Case Study Summary: The SyberWorks Training Center Suite provides an end-to-end training management solution for training companies offering all types of e-Learning and traditional classroom based training. They need a MIS program in place. Customer Profile: Founded in 1997, Information Mapping Inc. is a privately-held, international organization delivering Information Lifecycle Solutions through its three divisions: Information Mapping, Learning Programs, Professional Services, and Technology Solutions. Information Mapping

    Essay Length: 1,003 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: December 11, 2009 By: Fatih
  • The Evolution of Management Accounting

    The Evolution of Management Accounting

    Summary of: The Evolution of Management Accounting by Robert S. Kaplan Almost all cost accounting practices currently in use had been developed by 1925. Over the last sixty years there has been considerable changes in the nature of the business environment. Despite this fact, there has been little change in designing and putting into action most cost accounting and management control procedures. For this reason it is pertinent for those in the business field

    Essay Length: 391 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: December 11, 2009 By: Jon
  • Management Functions

    Management Functions

    Members of management must have effective and efficient management skills to achieve goals. Management occurs when an individual directs one or more individuals to accomplish organizational goals. There are four functions of management that helps one accomplish goals. The function of management are planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. The understanding of these four functions is essential to those in management positions. Understanding these functions will allow management the opportunity to become better organized and focused.

    Essay Length: 924 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: December 11, 2009 By: Anna