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Personal Leadership Philosophy Essays and Term Papers


1,184 Essays on Personal Leadership Philosophy. Documents 576 - 600 (showing first 1,000 results)

Last update: August 30, 2014
  • Personality (thought Item for Ob)

    Personality (thought Item for Ob)

    Opening In an attempt to hire the best possible candidate and to properly analyze current workers, many companies have used some form of personality testing to attempt to better know their employees. Personality testing has shown the employers are desperately trying to fit the perfect person into the perfect position. Some of the "master chefs" of the selection business are paying special attention to the new chemistry between personality tests, competency requirements, and behavioural interviewing.

    Essay Length: 1,398 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: February 2, 2010 By: Mike
  • The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus

    The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus

    The following is a book report about: The Leadership Secrets of Santa Claus, and was written by, (Cottrell, et al., 2003). This is an eighty-page leadership skill-building book, published by the Performance Systems Corporation in 2003. There are eight main points (Santa Secrets) discussed by the authors in this book and I agree with them all. However, I will attempt to reveal why I agree that to “Build A Wonderful Workshop” is important, discuss one

    Essay Length: 762 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: February 3, 2010 By: July
  • The Role of Leadership in the Strategic Change Process

    The Role of Leadership in the Strategic Change Process

    Although this paper is my own research, there are some people who helped me prepare to write this paper; others supported me in navigating my way over, under, and through what was at times some rough and challenging terrain. First, Andrew, my friend and my colleague helped me with words of encouragement and moral support during the time I struggled to write this paper. Whenever I felt like giving up, he put some words of

    Essay Length: 254 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 3, 2010 By: Steve
  • My Philosophy on Social Welfare

    My Philosophy on Social Welfare

    RUNNING HEADER: My Philosophy on Social Welfare My Philosophy on Social Welfare Bergen Community College Course: Introduction to Human Services Prof. Dawn Fitzgerald, MSW, LCADC Ralph Antinori I. Introduction It can be said that the status of modern America is where it stands now on account of its wealth and economic power. In spite of this reality there is much disparity considering the affluent and the underprivileged. In order to bridge the seeming divide between

    Essay Length: 932 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: February 3, 2010 By: Anna
  • Philosophy of Education

    Philosophy of Education

    Philosophy of Education I believe all children can learn and want to learn. How much they learn depends a lot on the effectiveness of the teacher and whether or not they accept their responsibility to do the best they can. Doing the best they can depends on a lot of things, not just the child's minds but also, the child's home life, family, friends, any learning difficulties and socio-economics standing. This entire thing having to

    Essay Length: 495 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 3, 2010 By: Andrew
  • The Philosophy and Concepts Used in My Practice

    The Philosophy and Concepts Used in My Practice

    Abstract Since perceptions and observations are influenced by how we view the world, my practice of nursing as a profession and a science are influenced by my environment. By utilizing a mixture of theories, I attempt to promote the most extensive practice module relevant to the largest population of clients. Guided by the nursing metaparadigm and influenced by a perceived theory, my practice encompasses a variety of thoughts on nursing. To follow, is a discussion

    Essay Length: 1,487 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: February 4, 2010 By: Fonta
  • Leadership


    By definition, to be considered a leader means one must possess certain positive qualities that appeal to those around them especially those that are being lead so that they can relate to you on a personal level. One of the most important leadership skills that I would reflect on would be “Achievement Motivation”, which is the idea that one must have the skills and the charisma to make people buy into a course of action

    Essay Length: 780 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: February 4, 2010 By: Fonta
  • Tannnebaum & Schmidt’s Continuum of Leadership Theory (task, Followers, and Him/herself)

    Tannnebaum & Schmidt’s Continuum of Leadership Theory (task, Followers, and Him/herself)

    Review Tannenbaum & Schmidt’s theory and use it to explain why leaders should consider the task, the followers, and their own inclinations when selecting a leadership style. Tannenbaum and Schmidt’s continuum of leadership styles 3 factors must be taken into account before choosing a leadership style 1) TASK: Factors that should be considered when choosing the right leadership style: - Options available to perform the task i.e. only one best way to do it? Or

    Essay Length: 358 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 5, 2010 By: Venidikt
  • Personality Theories

    Personality Theories

    Personality Theories Psychodynamic theorists And Humanistic theories Table of Contents Freud Jung Adler Rogers Maslow Humanistic strengths and weakness Psychodynamic strengths and weakness Some similarities of both Web Resources Freud Biography Biography Sigmund Freud was born May 6, 1856, in a small town -- Freiberg -- in Moravia. His father was a wool merchant with a keen mind and a good sense of humor. His mother was a lively woman, her husband's second wife and

    Essay Length: 3,133 Words / 13 Pages
    Submitted: February 5, 2010 By: Stenly
  • Pythagoras and Early Philosophy

    Pythagoras and Early Philosophy

    The origin of western philosophy is often identified with the first natural philosophers of Ionia and in particular Thales of Miletus. Thales visited Egypt, but it was probably the Babylonian astronomical records that enabled him to predict an eclipse of the sun for the year 585 BC. As the most powerful Greek city in Asia, he advised Miletus not to form an alliance with Croesus of Lydia, though it was said that he enabled the

    Essay Length: 2,446 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: February 5, 2010 By: Monika
  • Philosophy of Life

    Philosophy of Life

    This Essay shows how I think people should live, and the Necessities to do so. This quote is from Buddha "Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment". I think this a good quote that shows how I and other people should live, because if you dwell in the past on relationships, or things that you did for too long you won't be able

    Essay Length: 599 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: February 5, 2010 By: Jon
  • The Game (football Personal Experience Paper)

    The Game (football Personal Experience Paper)

    October 7, 2004 The Game The game had been a strenuous battle from the very second that the whistle blew. In every play each one of us had put forth all of the effort and energy that we contained. Now, with only seconds left remaining in the forth quarter we trailed 14 to 17. Yet, hope still remained. After a fumble recovery, my team was awarded the ball at the 50 yard line. The time

    Essay Length: 432 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 5, 2010 By: Anna
  • Philosophy


    Should the United States legal drinking age be changed to 18? In 1986, Mother Against Drunk Driving succeeded in lobbying efforts to make federal highway subsidies dependent on a 21 drinking age. Since then, every state has complied. Does this help keep us safe on the roads or does it infringe states' rights and the freedoms that come along with adulthood? * 1 month ago Additional Details 1 month ago Mothers Against Drunk Driving* (typo)

    Essay Length: 494 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 6, 2010 By: Tasha
  • Philosophy


    In every major city and town throughout the United States, you will find many different types of religions. In fact, thousands of different religions have been created throughout the world today. As we become a more culturally diverse world, it is only natural that many different religions evolve from this unity. This unity requires that we develop a broader understanding of the many similarities and differences each religion is composed of. A better understanding will

    Essay Length: 992 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: February 6, 2010 By: regina
  • Religion Vs. Personal Morals

    Religion Vs. Personal Morals

    Religion vs. Personal Morals Two hundred people were accused and (Coordinating conjunction between phrases) nineteen hanged in Salem, and (Coordinating conjunction between clauses) yet witchcraft is growing everywhere around the world. During a holocaust people would kill thousands of people of a certain trait, handpicking everyone without giving anyone a chance to defend him or her self. And the same thing happened in Salem, Massachusetts through Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. When Reverend Parris caught

    Essay Length: 811 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: February 7, 2010 By: Monika
  • Vission in Leadership

    Vission in Leadership

    Why you would like to develop this leader skill? One of the ingredient of leadership is vision, and I interested argue about it. These are the fundamentals necessary for a vision that excites and motivates people to follow the leader. The vision is: 1-Clearly set organizational direction and purpose. 2-Inspire loyalty and caring through the involvement of all employees. 3-Display and reflect the unique strengths, culture, values, beliefs and direction of the organization. 4-Inspire enthusiasm,

    Essay Length: 721 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: February 8, 2010 By: July
  • Chinese Philosophies

    Chinese Philosophies

    In China, there were three main philosophies that were spread throughout the region. These three philosophies would be Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. Each had an impact and influence on how China existed. More specifically, each had an immense impact on the social and political aspects of Chinese society. Each philosophy had a different impact, beginning with Confucianism. Confucianism focused primarily on harmony and balance. I was "practical, centered on the hierarchy of ethical and political

    Essay Length: 895 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: February 8, 2010 By: Steve
  • Leadership


    High positions of authority over others are seldom referred to as leaders. The military has ranking officers by the entitlement of general, captain, corporal, sergeant, lieutenant, etc. Leaders of businesses hold the titles of, CEO, CFO, General Manager, etc. Leaders of teams are referred to as coaches, or managers. Other distinguishing titles leaders are recognized as are: president, instructor, chief, etc. In my opinion, a leader is not a concrete title, but rather a title

    Essay Length: 1,268 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: February 8, 2010 By: Fatih
  • The Philosophy of Sexuality

    The Philosophy of Sexuality

    The Philosophy Of Sexuality Sexuality and Sexual Philosophy A Comprehensive Thesis Bryan Kissel March 21, 2001 The philosophy of sexuality, like the philosophy of science, art or law, is the study of the concepts and propositions surrounding its central protagonist, in this case 'sex'. Its practitioners focus on conceptual, metaphysical and normative questions. Conceptual philosophy of sex analyses the notions of sexual desire, sexual activity and sexual pleasure. What makes a feeling a sexual sensation?

    Essay Length: 4,690 Words / 19 Pages
    Submitted: February 8, 2010 By: Janna
  • The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethic at the Leadership Level of Companies

    The Relationship Between Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethic at the Leadership Level of Companies

    What is corporate social responsibility (CSR)? According to the Ў®WikipediaЎЇ , Ў°Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a company s obligation to be accountable to all of its stakeholders in all its operations and activities with the aim of achieving sustainable development not only in the economical dimension but also in the social and environmental dimensions.Ў±( retrieved:10/09/07); another definition is that Ў°CSR is about how companies manage the business processes to produce an overall positive impact

    Essay Length: 1,565 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: February 8, 2010 By: Janna
  • Leadership and Organizational Culture

    Leadership and Organizational Culture

    LEADERSHIP AND ORGANIZATIONAL CULTURE In this paper I will discuss the effects and responsibilities leaders have on an organizational culture. I believe leaders have an enormous effect on the well-being of an organizational culture. Leaders must take an active role within their organization’s culture. Whether positive or negative, in an organization, things tend to follow suit “down hill.” A leader has the power and influence to maintain, create, or repair an organizational culture. However, this

    Essay Length: 1,200 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: February 9, 2010 By: Jessica
  • Hindu Philosophy

    Hindu Philosophy

    INTRODUCTION Hindu philosophy is one of the main divisions of the Indian philosophy, and forms an integral part of Indian culture. Hindu philosophy is difficult to narrow down to a definite doctrine because Hinduism itself, as a religion, resists identification with any well worked out doctrine. However, it is traditionally seen through the prism of six different systems (called darshanas in Sanskrit) that are listed here and make up the main belief systems of Hinduism.

    Essay Length: 1,500 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: February 9, 2010 By: regina
  • Management Vs. Leadership

    Management Vs. Leadership

    Management vs. Leadership The comparison and differences of traits between leadership and management techniques and styles is like comparing apples and oranges. Leadership should be an asset of management but unfortunately not all managers have leadership qualities A manager is a director, an overseer, someone who dictates employees. A leader is focused on organizing and inspiring people to be entrepreneurs. The role and responsibilities of both leaders and managers in creating and maintaining a healthy

    Essay Length: 1,128 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: February 9, 2010 By: Monika
  • The Missing Person by Donald Justice

    The Missing Person by Donald Justice

    Donald Justice's poem entitled "The Missing Person" gives the reader an image of a person who does not know who they really are. Many people suffer from this lack of knowledge as to who they are and what significance their presence holds in this busy world. What does one do when all they have is themselves and they don't even know who they are? "The Missing Person" explores this dilemma. The poem speaks from deep

    Essay Length: 1,160 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: February 9, 2010 By: Mike
  • Leadership


    TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………....3 2. Self Development………………………………………………………………..4 3. Mentorship………………………………………………………………………..7 4. Leadership…………………………………………….………………………….8 5. Succession Planning……………………………………………..…….………9 6. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………….10 7. Bibliography……………………………………………………………………..11 8. Declaration Clause……………………………………………………..………12 1. Introduction According the Hay Group studies specific leadership capabilities are retiring faster than they’re currently being replaced and the talent and leadership shortage I believe are also going to affect our organization. It will become a strategic and a competitive advantage for our organization to hire, develop and retain talent within the

    Essay Length: 1,648 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: February 9, 2010 By: Jessica