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Personal Leadership Philosophy Essays and Term Papers


1,184 Essays on Personal Leadership Philosophy. Documents 476 - 500 (showing first 1,000 results)

Last update: August 30, 2014
  • What Is Gandhian Philosophy?

    What Is Gandhian Philosophy?

    What is Gandhian philosophy? It is the religious and social ideas adopted and developed by Gandhi, first during his period in South Africa from 1893 to 1914, and later of course in India. The twin cardinal principles of Gandhi's thought are truth and nonviolence. For Gandhi, truth is the relative truth of truthfulness in word and deed, and the absolute truth - the Ultimate Reality. This ultimate truth is God (as God is also Truth)

    Essay Length: 518 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 13, 2010 By: Bred
  • Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

    Personal Strengths and Weaknesses

    Everyone is embedded with things that make them unique. As individuals we each bring soemthing new, creative, and different to the table. This brings to to discuss personal strengths and weaknessess within myself and my everyday living. Personal strengths are areas where we tend to excel, and seem to express above average. Personal Weaknesses to me are areas where we would like to excel but seem to still need improvement. If I can, let me

    Essay Length: 1,331 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: January 13, 2010 By: Mikki
  • Philosophy on Equal Rights

    Philosophy on Equal Rights

    Throughout history, one of the most disputed topics has consistently been equal rights within society. Social equality is defined as a social state of affairs in which different individuals have the same status in a certain respect. These extend to voting rights, freedom of speech and assembly, property rights and the access to education, health care and other social securities. I will present and defend the idea that for each individual within a society to

    Essay Length: 1,089 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 13, 2010 By: Steve
  • Management and Leadership

    Management and Leadership

    Management and Leadership Paper Management is not leadership just as leadership is not management. In order to differentiate between the two we must ask ourselves which we relate to more, or rather, which we consider ourselves to be by asking the question which am I? Am I a Manager or can I consider myself a Leader? What type of person makes a good manager? What type of personality is best for leaders? Management and

    Essay Length: 1,115 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 14, 2010 By: Jack
  • Leadership in Action

    Leadership in Action

    Running head: LEADERSHIP IN ACTION Leadership in Action Jenita McClay University of Phoenix ORG 502 Organizational Behavior 503 Ms. Jeanne Wilson February 5, 2005 Leadership in Action The formal organizational structure of S and F Company consists of a formal hierarchy. It has a web development team, logistics team, project manager, logistics manager, marketing manager, COO, and a CEO. The web development team reports to the project manager. The logistics team reports to the logistics

    Essay Length: 1,363 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: January 14, 2010 By: Wendy
  • Leadership Vs. Management

    Leadership Vs. Management

    What is the difference between management and leadership? It is a question that has been asked more than once and also answered in different ways. The biggest difference between managers and leaders is the way they motivate the people who work or follow them, and this sets the tone for most other aspects of what they do. Many people, by the way, are both. They have management jobs, but they realize that you cannot buy

    Essay Length: 604 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 14, 2010 By: regina
  • Belief Model for the Leadership of Richard Branson

    Belief Model for the Leadership of Richard Branson

    Belief Model for The Leadership of Richard Branson Model Name: Richard Branson Source: Business the Richard Branson way by Des Dearlove Category: Leadership Author: Paul Beeston Ability Context Leadership of a successful business Richard Branson is a household name in the UK. For more than 20 years he has successfully put the Virgin emblem on products from records to pensions. He continues to expand the Virgin empire. External Behaviour Emotions (Sustained) Think in pictures. Blur

    Essay Length: 605 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 14, 2010 By: Kevin
  • Philosophy


    Phil Interpreting Plato Alfred North Whitehead once remarked that all of philosophy is but a footnote to Plato. This proves true in the case of St. Augustine's Confessions, where he specifies Plato's good as God by personalizing the forms, Eros, sin, and recollection. Specifically, Augustine's idea of "original sin," forgetfulness and recollection follow the philosophy of Plato, bringing them into the "God realm," rather leaving them in a figurative sense open for interpretation. In the

    Essay Length: 305 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 14, 2010 By: Andrew
  • Personal Goals

    Personal Goals

    What are my personal goals that I want to achieve as a University of Phoenix student? I have many goals that I want to achieve personally and professionally. When I was in high school, I never had the desire or motivation that I have today. I remember doing the minimum requirements just to pass the classes. I was never one of the best students in high school. In fact, I was one of the average

    Essay Length: 848 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 14, 2010 By: Fatih
  • Mba 500 - Transformational Leadership

    Mba 500 - Transformational Leadership

    Running Head: Gene One-Benchmarking Gene One-Benchmarking UPS and Goldman Sachs University of Phoenix MBA/520 Transformational Leadership There are several reasons why companies become public entities such as growth financing (Working capital for growth, physical expansion), acquisition financing (Equity, stock swaps and debts), turnarounds, management and employees buyouts and Internet financing among others. There are three key concepts that will be identified and evaluated such as Organizational culture, organizational culture and ethics and group and team

    Essay Length: 1,622 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: January 14, 2010 By: regina
  • Personal Goals

    Personal Goals

    PERSONAL GOALS Life moves on, whether we act as a coward or heroes. Life has no other discipline to impose than to accept life unquestioningly. What seems nasty, painful, evil, hard can become a source of beauty, joy, and strength. If faced with an open mind. Every moment is a golden one for those who have the vision it as such. Life is beautiful but never easy. Like an adult learner going back to school.

    Essay Length: 908 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 14, 2010 By: Wendy
  • Personal Perspective Paper

    Personal Perspective Paper

    Running head: PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE PAPER Personal Perspective Paper Juaritha Henderson University of Phoenix Personal Perspective Paper It was not an easy decision to pursue my Masters of Business Administration (MBA) degree because I have been attending college for most of my adult life. After completing my undergraduate degree I realized that I needed to continue advancing my education to be successful in my career choices. I decided to pursue my MBA through the University of

    Essay Length: 347 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 15, 2010 By: Jon
  • Concept Application of Concept from Personal Experience Reference to Concept in Reading

    Concept Application of Concept from Personal Experience Reference to Concept in Reading

    Economic Concepts Worksheet MBA 501 University of Phoenix Online Economic Concepts Worksheet Economic Concepts Worksheet Concept Application of Concept from Personal Experience Reference to Concept in Reading Microeconomics(McConnell and Brue #1)This is examining specific economic groups or units. One of the elements of microeconomics is positive economics. Positive economics is concerned with “what is.” (McConnell, 2004) Our desire is to build a strong and stable business in one part of our area. Some of the

    Essay Length: 971 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 15, 2010 By: July
  • Management and Leadership - the Difference Between Managing and Leading

    Management and Leadership - the Difference Between Managing and Leading

    Management and Leadership Effective managers are not necessarily true leaders and effective leaders may not necessarily be in the role of management. However, both management and leadership are important to an organization in order to achieve its goals. In this paper I will show the difference between management and leadership, examine the role and responsibilities of leaders in creating and maintaining a healthy organizational culture, and make two recommendations that will help to create and

    Essay Length: 1,168 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 15, 2010 By: Kevin
  • My Philosophy

    My Philosophy

    As a future educator in Family and Consumer Sciences my passion is to fulfill The American Association of Family and Consumer Sciences (AAFCS) mission, which is to bring people together to improve the lives of individuals, families and communities. I plan doing this by teaching students how to apply basic Family and Consumer Sciences principles to their daily lives through interactive lesson plans, discussion and modeling. Education provides people with the understanding and basis of

    Essay Length: 892 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 15, 2010 By: Victor
  • Personal Values Development

    Personal Values Development

    Personal values are the genuine beliefs and feelings that one donate. Deliberately, they develop into our ideals. A value is a faith, a duty, or the beliefs that is significant. Whether ones are deliberately conscious of them or not, every person has a core set of personal values. Values can variety from the ordinary, such as the belief in working hard and promptness, to the more mental, such as independence, distress for others, and concord

    Essay Length: 435 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 16, 2010 By: Max
  • Drawing on Appropriate Theory & Examples (i.E. Published Research, Case Studies and Personal Examples) Discuss the Extent to Which Managers Can Influence the Culture of an Organisation?

    Drawing on Appropriate Theory & Examples (i.E. Published Research, Case Studies and Personal Examples) Discuss the Extent to Which Managers Can Influence the Culture of an Organisation?

    Culture is a term that is used in workplaces discussions but it is taken for granted that we understand what it means. In their publication In Search of Excellence, Peters and Waterman (1982) drew a lot of attention to the importance of culture to achieve high levels of organisational effectiveness. They made use of over 100 years of theory and research in cultural anthropology and folklore studies to inspire and legitimise their efforts. This generated

    Essay Length: 2,887 Words / 12 Pages
    Submitted: January 16, 2010 By: Mike
  • Cognitive Factors and Leadership

    Cognitive Factors and Leadership

    A frequent theme when discussing leadership theories, is that intelligence and experience play a critical role in determining a successful leader. The Dubrin text indentifies six common cognitive factors and links them closely with intelligent leadership. The desired outcome of this exercise is an in-depth assessment of each of the factors and their role in Margo’s own cognitive development. The first attribute relates to an individual’s mental capability. As defined in the book, cognitive intelligence

    Essay Length: 1,333 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: January 16, 2010 By: Victor
  • The House of the Seven Gables - Hawthornes Personal Reflections

    The House of the Seven Gables - Hawthornes Personal Reflections

    Nathanial Hawthorne. Considered to be one of the greatest American writers of the 19th century. But did you know that he hated portraits, and it is now thought that he was a mild manic-depressive? Born in Salem, Massachusetts on July 4, 1804. A descendant of a long puritan line of Hathorne's. His ancestry included his great-great grandfather, John Hathorne who was a judge at the Salem witch trials 112 years before Nathanial was born.

    Essay Length: 853 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 16, 2010 By: Yan
  • Personal Goals

    Personal Goals

    I have been in the IT field for last 8 years and currently pretty much handling the managerial tasks without being in that position. I believe I am consummate enough to handle technically but due to the lack of the MBA credential is not enough to be in this position. Secondly, most often I interact with the business in requirement gathering sessions and most of the time the business do not understand the technical terms

    Essay Length: 261 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 17, 2010 By: regina
  • Coaching Philosophy

    Coaching Philosophy

    As a new and inexperienced coach, you have a lot to prepare yourself for in your first season. Of course, you are excited and eager about your first head coaching position. You most likely have planned what you are going to do and believe that you are ready. But are you truly ready? Do you even know what it means to be ready? Have you thought about the why's and how's of everything you will

    Essay Length: 397 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 17, 2010 By: regina
  • Personal Goals and Achievements

    Personal Goals and Achievements

    Personal Goals and Achievements In life we as humans tend to measure ourselves on our work and accomplishments to prove our success. Human nature requires us to aspire to do vast things with our lives and seek out the means to achieve these accomplishments. Sometimes we get sidetracked and steer off course but we use the goals we set for ourselves to try to keep from steering too far. We set goals for ourselves to

    Essay Length: 754 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 17, 2010 By: Stenly
  • The Importance of Leadership in Lord of the Flies

    The Importance of Leadership in Lord of the Flies

    The Importance of Leadership in Lord of the Flies There are always people who, in a group, come out with better qualities to be a leader than others. The strongest people however, become the greater influences which the others decide to follow. However, sometimes the strongest person is not the best choice. Authors often show how humans select this stronger person to give an understanding of the different powers that people can posses over others.

    Essay Length: 1,189 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 17, 2010 By: Steve
  • Leadership


    Introduction: "Against a backdrop of increasing globalization, deregulation, the rapid pace of technological innovation, shifting social and demographic trends and the growing knowledge workforce, few would dispute that the primary task of management today is the leadership of organisational change" (Graetz, F., Rimmer, M., Lawrence, A. & Smith, A. 2003, Managing Organisational Change, Wiley, Milton. p. 206) Nowadays times and science and technology are very fast to development. So many companies will change at the

    Essay Length: 2,422 Words / 10 Pages
    Submitted: January 17, 2010 By: Monika
  • Critically Evaluate How the Situational Model of Leadership Can Be Used to Explain the Behaviour of Saddam Hussein

    Critically Evaluate How the Situational Model of Leadership Can Be Used to Explain the Behaviour of Saddam Hussein

    Introduction Saddam Hussein was the President of Iraq from 1979 to 2003 and during his time in office was responsible for a tumultuous period in Iraqi history. For the purposes of analysis of his leadership style with respect to a Situational model, three areas of his career will be looked at separately; his rise to presidency from Vice-President, during the Iran-Iraq War and post invasion of Kuwait. Situational model of leadership A widely recognised situational

    Essay Length: 2,056 Words / 9 Pages
    Submitted: January 17, 2010 By: Jessica