Platonic Justice Essays and Term Papers
Last update: July 14, 2014-
Criminal Justice System
As long as criminal activity exists within the world, there will be a demand from society to control and alleviate it. As Tonry & Morris (1984) state, the early work of Sir John Peel towards the end of the nineteenth century regarding policing, is merely a distant reminder of what early societal protection was like. Since then, many dramatic changes have occurred within both the structure and the purpose of the police force, providing the
Rating:Essay Length: 1,366 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: December 21, 2009 -
What Is Law and Justice?
The history of law and justice is the history of civilization, and law itself is only the blessed tie that binds human society together. Our ancestors had no idea of redress beyond vengeance, or of justice beyond only individual reprisal. The law, like everything we do and like everything we say, is a heritage from the past. We just follow in their footsteps and carry on with it, and keep it in today's society, only
Rating:Essay Length: 506 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 21, 2009 -
History, Science and Technology, Justice, and Environmental Issues of Sweden
History, Science and Technology, Justice, and Environmental Issues of Sweden During the seventh and eighth centuries, the Swedes were merchant seamen well known for their trade. In the ninth century, Nordic Vikings raided and ravaged the European Continent as far as the Black and Caspian Seas. During the 11th and 12th centuries, Sweden slowly became a united Christian kingdom that later included Finland. Queen Margaret of Denmark united all the Nordic lands in the "Kalmar
Rating:Essay Length: 660 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 23, 2009 -
Of course I looked "justice" up in the dictionary before I started to write this paper and I didn't find anything of interest except of course a common word in every definition, that being "fair". This implies that justice would have something to do with being fair. I thought that if one of the things the law and legal system are about is maintaining and promoting justice and a sense of "fairness", they might not
Rating:Essay Length: 712 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 24, 2009 -
Criminal Justice Work Force
But there are a few other explanations that can be given to explain the gap between the supply and demand of corrections officers within the state. For example, many prison wardens believe that their employees lack some of the skills and training that are required to perform the tasks prescribed by each position. Another common problem within the agency is the lack if experience. The agency shows that over 50% of the its employees have
Rating:Essay Length: 337 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 24, 2009 -
Concept of Justice
Philosophy couldn’t explain it, physics can’t touch it, morals can’t define it and religion just can’t put its finger on it. Justice might be one of the most expressions used but all of us agree its one of the most difficult one to explain. So before I start giving my regards about what I understand justice is I’d like to remind it’s only my opinion and solely mine, so no offence is intended. If
Rating:Essay Length: 822 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 26, 2009 -
Women. Crime & Justice
In “Historical Perspectives: From Witch Hunts to PMS,” the chapter of her book “Unruly Women,” Karlene Faith (1993) dwelt upon the ‘images of women’ within historical paradigm from witch-hunts to PMS. The scholar based her analysis on the histories of white Anglo-Saxon women from England and Canada in the period between the 15th and the 19th centuries. E. Comack (1996), in the turn, reflected over popular myths on the painful issue of women’s victimization. The
Rating:Essay Length: 268 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 26, 2009 -
Aristotle on Justice
In this paper, I shall address two central contemporary criticisms of Aristotle's conception of justice. These criticisms of Aristotle's account of specific justice have focused on two central problems. First, Aristotle's insistence that all specifically unjust actions are motivated by pleonexia Pleonexia can be understood as the desire to have more of some socially availablegood, and is usually translated as greed or acquisitiveness. Close . Second, Aristotle does not identify a deficient vice with respect
Rating:Essay Length: 796 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 26, 2009 -
Religion in Our Justice System
There are three main ways that gays and lesbians are raising children and acquiring families without the courts becoming involved. The first way, which is also the most common way, is when heterosexual marriages dissolve after one parent apparentl y "comes out." With this situation, as long as there isn't a messy custody battle in court most often the child is raised by the gay or lesbia parent, and is also fully aware of his
Rating:Essay Length: 794 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 26, 2009 -
Justice Vs Charity
Justice versus Charity Generally speaking there is a moral distinction between an act and an omission. In dealing with euthanasia, it is rational to think that the active euthanasia is further morally wrong than passive euthanasia. One would never be able to create a morally absolute rule that could address all life and death situations. Conversely, what if it is in one's most immediate interest to be relieved of their life, but they choose not
Rating:Essay Length: 1,480 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: December 27, 2009 -
Pope John Paul II Leadership for a Modern World, and Advocate for Social Justice
We speak of a culture war. John Paul II fought a cultural war against the communist and won. Indeed, countless images of this momentous victory filled the screens of televisions around the globe last month. The crumbling of the Berlin wall and the collapse of the Soviet Union were sure signs: The cold war was over. Now, people in their twenties have little more than vague memories of a nuclear threat. Who discusses the possible
Rating:Essay Length: 558 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 27, 2009 -
Justice in Book I of the Republic
The Republic of Plato begins in a similar fashion that many other Platonic dialogues begin, with that of a question. The conversation between Socrates and the aged Cephalus becomes a philosophical discussion of what advantages money has brought to Cephalus' life. Cephalus replies that money has allowed him "to tell the truth and pay one's debts" (331 b). Nevertheless, Socrates believes this does not portray an accurate description of what justice is. The rest of
Rating:Essay Length: 909 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 28, 2009 -
Absolute Justice
Does absolute justice exist or not? This essay will present arguments for the existence of absolute justice. Many people disagree that absolute justice exists. Thus they argue that justice cannot be derived from nature since contradictory and different forms of justice exist in nature; and one cannot derive the greater and perfect from the lesser and imperfect, also they argue that the idea of absolute justice is the ideas of different cultures and times. That
Rating:Essay Length: 1,012 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: December 29, 2009 -
Supreme Court Justice
The United States Constitution mandates the President to nominate upon the “advice and consent of the Senate” and appoint the judges of the Supreme Court (Article II, Section 2, U.S. Constitution). The nominee’s name shall be submitted by the President to Senate Committee on the Judiciary and thereafter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for background investigation of the nominee (Judiciary web site, n.d.). The Committee shall also conduct hearings to assess the suitability of
Rating:Essay Length: 303 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 29, 2009 -
Aspects of Criminal Justice
There are many different aspects of criminal justice policy. One in particular is the different theories of crime and how they affect the criminal justice system. The Classical School of criminology is a theory about evolving from a capital punishment type of view to more humane ways of punishing people. Positivist criminology is maintaining the control of human behavior and criminal behavior. They did this through three different categories of Biological studies, which are five
Rating:Essay Length: 1,582 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: December 31, 2009 -
What Society Expects of Its Criminal Justice System
What Society Expects of its Criminal Justice System University of Phoenix Criminal Justice Foundations CJA/303 June 11, 2006 What Society Expects of its Criminal Justice System This paper discusses what society expects of the police, courts, corrections, and how they are realized and unfulfilled. In addition, the employees of the system, their goals, expectations, and temptations and the differences in their goals from society’s goals. Last, is to discuss the individuals that are charged
Rating:Essay Length: 2,240 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: December 31, 2009 -
Communication in Criminal Justice
Many criminal justice professions require candidates to possess strong oral and written communication skills. The essence of communication is the conveyance of a message from sender to receiver. Often times you will find that there is interference that may hinder your communication with the receiver. In the communication process, the parties involved engage in certain unconscious behaviors that direct the flow of communication. There is a step by step process that can be broken down
Rating:Essay Length: 760 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 31, 2009 -
Plato’s Republic the Quest for Justice
Socrates himself is very concerned with the ideal combination of justice between oneself and one’s city or society. It is the basis of a good deal of The Republic. His quest for the perfect description of self and society leads him to many arguments and finally to his conclusion that the self and the city should be governed quite similarly, by a hierarchy of systematic components. For the city, these components are based on
Rating:Essay Length: 1,130 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: January 1, 2010 -
Criminal Justice Paper
Case Paper I went to a case in Peoria, Illinois at the Peoria County Courthouse. The case that I observed was not the first that I have seen there and actually the first case I saw there was similar to the one that I had saw for my Business Law class. The case that I saw was Sate vs. Wilkers and the charge that was brought to him was 1st degree murder. The first case
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The World of Hamlet: Providence as a Form of Justice
The Kingdom of Denmark has been torn apart with Claudius’ incestuous greed and ravenous desire for power; the whole nation thrust into an utter state of chaos. With the death of the King and feared invasion by young Fortinbras hanging in the balance, Hamlet searches out a way to avenge his father’s death and set things right. Within this turmoil overwhelming Demark, the characters perceive two external forces that mediate the sequence of events in
Rating:Essay Length: 2,543 Words / 11 PagesSubmitted: January 2, 2010 -
Restorative Justice
Restorative Justice Restorative Justice is an alternative to the traditional system. Even though restorative justice will never replace the traditional system, it has a balanced focus on the person harmed, the person causing the harm and the affected community, rather than just the crime through the eyes of the law. Restorative Justice is always voluntary for the victims, and the offenders have to be willing to cooperate and they have to want to do this.
Rating:Essay Length: 1,727 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: January 2, 2010 -
The Essence of Justice
Let’s say, hypothetically, that our class was stranded on a deserted island. Also, let’s assume that there is little chance of rescue, so we must find a way to establish civil order. In order to do this, specific rules must be put in place and set as a foundation of our small community. I propose that the equal distribution of vital resources collected by any member of the class be set in place as the
Rating:Essay Length: 523 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: January 3, 2010 -
Rita Kramer’s Juvenile Justice Is Delinquent
Rita Kramer’s “ Juvenile Justice Is Delinquent,” a very well written argument, explains how juvenile delinquents have changed, and are getting away now with almost everything they do without a severe punishment. Kramer writes clearly to make the reader understand her essay. Kramer writes that the Juvenile system is very similar to New York’s Family Court. The New York Family Court was originally sought to protect children who were getting in trouble with the law
Rating:Essay Length: 869 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: January 3, 2010 -
Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice
Introduction Gender bias, sexual harassment, and lack of training have been an ongoing struggle for women in policing and it continues in today. I will be discussing this issue and will assess its past, present and future implications as they relate to the Criminal Justice System. I will be discussing my assessment of the past history and present circumstances of woman in policing. I will also include my predictions and recommendation of how these issues'
Rating:Essay Length: 1,851 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: January 3, 2010 -
A Critical Analysis of Hobbes Law of Justice
A Critical Analysis of Hobbes' Law of Justice Shawn Olson 2509748 10/10/2004 Introduction to Political Philosophy SW Holtman Of Thomas Hobbes' 19 laws of nature, the first three, which add consecutively up to his concept of justice, are by far the most influential and important, with the ultimate goal being an escape from the state of nature. The first law states that we should seek peace, and if we cannot attain it, to use the
Rating:Essay Length: 5,465 Words / 22 PagesSubmitted: January 4, 2010