Reflection Essays and Term Papers
Last update: July 14, 2014-
When I first signed up for this course, I believed it would be an introductory course concerning American Military University (AMU). I figured we would cover how to use the internet, how to access the on-line library, and chat with classmates. To my surprise, the course was more; much more. This course opened my eyes to the various concepts of learning, to include how to learn better, smarter and faster. In addition, it taught me
Rating:Essay Length: 720 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: January 30, 2010 -
A Reflection on “a Good Man Is Hard to Find” by Flannery O’connor
On my first reading of this story, I initially felt the fear frequently seen in grandmothers in confronting danger and how they try to convince us to stay away from it: “The Misfit is a loose from the Federal Pen and headed toward Florida and you read here what it says he did to this people….”, the grandmother said. As I have experienced in the past, once a Mom and Dad have made a decision
Rating:Essay Length: 380 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: January 31, 2010 -
Cloning Reflection Paper
Luke Smith Week 5 Assignments Cloning 1. I have to say I believe it is absurd that we find the need to try to clone human beings. I think the negative externalities far outweigh the positive ones if this was out into action. As far as the government funding research for cloning efforts I completely agree with the government in not funding any money towards the effort. I believe there are other vital places that
Rating:Essay Length: 650 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 1, 2010 -
Nickel and Dimed Reflection
Ehrenreich’s personal experience into the world of the living poor introduces a rarely seen world. Her insight into the living poor provides invaluable information that a large majority of the United States has rarely seen or experienced. Her methods, which can be considered courageous in comparison to what most people would attempt, could easily be improved. Her experience into the world of the living poor introduces an entirely unseen world in the American economy. As
Rating:Essay Length: 738 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 10, 2010 -
The Effects of Cyberspace: Reflections and Transformations
Everyone knows how it feels to wish they could be some else. At some point almost everyone thinks about what it would be like to see things from a different perspective. The internet provides a safe and easy way for people to “try out new identities.” It gives people the opportunity to have lives that are completely unconnected to their real identity. Sherry Turkle theorizes in “Cyberspace and Identity” that those who make the most
Rating:Essay Length: 1,197 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: February 11, 2010 -
Steve looked at the two girls getting out of the car, and somehow knew the last week of the summer would make the rest of the summer he'd had seem boring by comparison. He'd been hired by his Aunt and Uncle to do a variety of construction projects around their lake side summer cottage. Aunt Tess and Uncle Jack only came up weekends. And other than the one week Steve's parents spent there on their
Rating:Essay Length: 1,142 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: February 15, 2010 -
The Pearl Reflection
The Pearl In John Steinbeck’s Nobel Prize-winning novel, The Pearl, the author portrays a realistic storyline as well as many life-lessons. In Steinbeck’s opinion, the job of the writer is to expose “our many grievous faults and failures” in an attempt to improve ourselves, and meanwhile also to celebrate our strengths. He thinks that the writer, while knowing that man can never be perfect, must believe in the perfectibility of man. In The Pearl, Steinbeck
Rating:Essay Length: 318 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: February 16, 2010 -
Mark My Words: A Reflection
Mark My Words: A Reflection Common sense is a disappearing art form not only from business but also from society. It used to be that students seeking a higher education would go to school to build around their common sense. Today students go to school in the hopes of attaining common sense. I’m afraid our society has become so emotionally driven that decisions are made on emotion rather than common sense. Certainly emotions are
Rating:Essay Length: 916 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: February 19, 2010 -
Reflection Essay: The 1920’s
Reflection Essay: The 1920’s The 1920’s was a decade during which much change occurred. Immigration of foreign citizens was becoming overwhelming, and a great majority of America’s population was now foreign born. Ethnic groups such as African Americans, Catholics, and other European immigrants were the targets of segregation, lynching, and other prejudices. Foreign citizens and African Americans found the brunt of racist and prejudice practices during the twenties. Immigration and migration were prevalent in the
Rating:Essay Length: 533 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 20, 2010 -
First Reflection
Unquestionably, negotiation occurs almost everyday of my life. Without realizing, I happened to be involved in a process where interested parties resolve disputes while bargaining for individual/group advantage and attempt to craft outcomes. When two people have the similar objective with different mindsets, we tend to compromise the differences. However, conflicts arise if incompatible goals are reached. This happens to me depending on the cooperation and competition situations that occur in generating “creative tension”. Cooperation
Rating:Essay Length: 668 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 24, 2010 -
Reflection on an Inconvenient Truth
An Inconvenient Truth Global warming, a buzzword in today’s society is not something that can be pushed to the side. An Inconvenient Truth explains the danger our world is currently facing. Global warming is currently strangling our world. The world as a whole is producing more greenhouse gasses than our atmosphere can release. Leading the way in greenhouse gas output is the United States of America. The solutions to the problem are available yet sadly
Rating:Essay Length: 564 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 24, 2010 -
Team Teaching Reflection Paper
I absolutely loved this project and experience overall. We got the idea for this project after seeing the movie, "Freedom Writers". I went with three of my four other teammates to see it for our first paper and when we walked out, the three of us couldn't shut up about how much we loved and were inspired by the movie. On the way back from the movie, we got the idea to do a spin
Rating:Essay Length: 628 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: March 1, 2010 -
The yellow sweater I thought that this story was a good depicture about the real world and how people really act. People are too quick to judge people when they should really take a good look at themselves and see that they aren’t much better than the people they look down on. The fact that even in the 50’s the idea of a man cheating routinely on his wife was an “acceptable” act. Nothing has
Rating:Essay Length: 874 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: March 2, 2010 -
Columbine - Reflection on Violence
Columbine - Reflection on Violence While watching a commentary, on a popular television program, I felt nauseous1 after learning of torture students and teachers endured at Columbine High School in Little Town, Colorado. It began as a typical school day in April; it ended with an afternoon of horror, which showed a child’s extreme behaviour. Teachers and students encountered hours of torture as two fellow students walked their campus halls on a shooting spree. To
Rating:Essay Length: 350 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: March 5, 2010 -
Reflection Paper
Reading the material from Chapter I of the Anthology, several of the articles really stood out for me. I have long been interested in religion and its co-existence with nature and the universe. On that basis I have chosen one such article to clarify and discuss here, The Sacredness of Nature and Cosmic Religion by Mircea Eliade. Mircea Eliade’s viewpoints have come under heavy scrutiny because of a suspected leaning towards fascism. But for this
Rating:Essay Length: 903 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: March 10, 2010 -
Health Fair Reflection Paper
Even before this assignment was introduced, I was fully aware that this class was to be mainly focused on community health promotions and the importance of it. I was aware that we were going to learn about the fundamentals of health promotion and how it was done in different parts of the world. But what I wasn’t aware of was that the entire class was to partake in promoting good health in our own community
Rating:Essay Length: 1,414 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: March 11, 2010 -
1.) How is e-commerce revolutionizing the business world? - E-commerce refers to the production, advertising, sale, and distribution of products and services from business to business and from business to consumers through the Internet. The biggest lures of e-commerce of consumers are the convenience of having round-the-clock access to the virtual store and the ability to engage in comparative shopping at minimal cost and effort. Through e0commerce, sellers can sharply reduce their cost of executing
Rating:Essay Length: 277 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: March 16, 2010 -
Personal Reflection
To whom that cares!!! At this moment when i am sitting down here writting this, I suddenly think of this time last year when I was fresh out of highschool, hearing about Berea for the first time. I sent my application to Berea with lots of confidence and hope, and I knew I was not accepted. College to me, as much as to many others, is so important. At the time I heard the news
Rating:Essay Length: 684 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: March 28, 2010 -
Reflective Diary
I am writing this essay in-order to reflect upon the experiences, that I have experienced during the 7 months that I have been studying the Work based live case study module (2509) and how these experiences have impacted upon my approach towards my communication, team working, problem solving skills and other factors which were endemic within the module. After completing the first year module New enterprise journey, which is the module prior to Work based
Rating:Essay Length: 1,183 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: March 28, 2010 -
Reflections Chapter I Subsection II 1) Socrates came to some clear conclusions after he investigated several men who laid claim to being wise. Do you think his observations were accurate about the claims we make? In the last analysis, according to Socrates, what makes a person wise? When a person has devoted their life to the study of or work in a particular field that study/work tends to consume and define a persons entire life.
Rating:Essay Length: 543 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: March 30, 2010 -
A Reflection of Me
A Reflection Of Me When I reflect on my thoughts about what college I wanted to attend, SLU was not one of my choices. I figured that I would be staying on the campus of the University of Illinois. I would be rushing for one of their fraternities or joining as many clubs as possible. I applied to SLU to make my mother happy financially and emotionally. She did not want me going too far
Rating:Essay Length: 712 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: April 1, 2010 -
The Important Role of Women Reflected by the Da Vinci Code
“If the Bible teaches the equality of women, why does the church refuse to ordain women to preach the gospel, to fill the offices of deacons and elders, and to administer the Sacraments”. (Elizabeth Cady Stanton) In society, obstacles facing women have limited their movement from stereotypical roles. Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code gives a great amount of insight into this argument. Throughout the novel Brown puts Robert Langdon and Sophie, up against
Rating:Essay Length: 1,012 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: April 1, 2010 -
Reflective Essay
My Reflection This course was my first writing course in college and although I feel I tried my hardest on each assignment I think I deserve a B+ in this class. In this class I feel I had both strengths and weaknesses. My weaknesses include dyslexia and my overall writing skills; while my strengths include overcoming obstacles I had not faced before in my academic life. At an early age I was diagnosed with dyslexia,
Rating:Essay Length: 788 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: April 2, 2010 -
Fight Club, the Reflection of Materialism
Fight Club is directed by David Fincher, written for the screen by Jim Uhls, and based on a novel by Chuck Plahniuk. It was released to Americans recovering from the Columbine school shootings in the fall of 1999. Fight Club tells the story of a nameless, malcontent young corporate clone (Edward Norton) who hooks up with a magnetic, near-psychopathic loner and rebel (Brad Pitt) and descends with him into a quasi-fascist nightmare.1 Norton's character, Jack,
Rating:Essay Length: 2,234 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: April 3, 2010 -
Reflection in Rule of the Bone
Upon meeting someone whose life reflects our own we are given the chance to step back from reality and take a look at their life and ours. We capture the ability to see a clearer idea of where our life may lead us and what it has already become. Russell Banks uses this vehicle of parallelism in Rule of the Bone between Froggy and Chappie. Banks shows readers the similarities of their lives through
Rating:Essay Length: 817 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: April 5, 2010