Study Guide Essays and Term Papers
1,391 Essays on Study Guide. Documents 76 - 100 (showing first 1,000 results)
Vincent's Cappuccino Express Case Study
Vincent’s Cappuccino Express Case Study. a) What factors can be expected to have major impact on the future success of the Cappuccino Express? Classify these factors in the categories of quality, cost, and time. Quality factors Thinking about quality factors, I’d like to break them down into several categories. I don’t know if there are generally accepted definitions for them, so I will call them: appearance factors, product factors and customer experience factors. Let’s talk
Rating:Essay Length: 1,951 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: November 13, 2009 -
Arthur Anderson Case Study
Arthur Anderson Case Study Mission Statement To provide an international clientele with superior public accounting and audit services in a culture of integrity, honesty, accountability and respect; seeking cooperation and growth for our partners and employees, enhanced profession and public value, as well as profitability and endurance for Arthur Anderson. Stakeholders 1.Clients 2.Partners 3.Employees 4.Regulators- Federal Accounting Standards Board 5.Accounting Profession 6.Public Credo We believe our clients deserve uncompromising integrity, accountability and respect. To meet
Rating:Essay Length: 527 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: November 13, 2009 -
Ndi Election Assessment Case Study
NDI (National Democratic Institute) Election Assessment Case Study VOLUNTEERS REQUIRED NDI has been organizing study missions and issuing periodic reports on political developments in the region. These reports have assessed: the development of Hong Kong's post-reversion election framework; the political environment of Hong Kong's post-reversion election framework; the political environment on the eve of reversion to Chinese sovereignty; the status of autonomy; rule of law and civil liberties under Chinese sovereignty; the various selections in
Rating:Essay Length: 254 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: November 13, 2009 -
Case Study Unilever
This case study chronicles Unilever efforts at restructuring, divesting, acquisition, and general streamlining of its worldwide operations. These operations, in 2000, encompassed 1,600 brands in 88 countries. These products are mostly food, personal care, and household products. Around that same year, Co-chairmen Niall FitzGerald and Antony Burgmans decided that Unilever needed to make some rather drastic changes in order to remain competitive. More importantly that competitiveness was the importance that the company maintained ever
Rating:Essay Length: 1,091 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: November 13, 2009 -
Sonic Case Study
Executive Summary Beginning with one restaurant, Sonic has become the largest drive-in chain in the United States. While they are smaller than their competitors, they are still leading in sales growth, customer loyalty and customer satisfaction. Sonic restaurants saturate the southern U.S. This gives them the opportunity to expand to other area. However, Sonic is reluctant due to the colder climates and their basis as a drive-in restaurant. Sonic should look at adding or combining
Rating:Essay Length: 2,619 Words / 11 PagesSubmitted: November 13, 2009 -
Ivan Milat Case Study Analysis - Is This Case a Typical Reflection of Our Legal System?
IS THIS CASE A TYPICAL REFLECTION OF OUR LEGAL SYSTEM? You could definitely say that this case is a typical reflection of our legal system but it shouldn’t be. The trial was set down for June 1995; But Ivan Milat did not stand trial in June. In fact it was almost a year before the case came to court. Time and time management was a big issue in regards to this case, similarly this is
Rating:Essay Length: 375 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: November 13, 2009 -
Study of the Practice of Trafficking Women
Study of the Practice of Trafficking Women "Trafficking is the recruitment and or the transportation of persons by others using violence or the threat of violence, abuse of authority or dominant position…for the purpose of exploiting them sexually or economically for the profit or advantage of others, such as recruiters, traffickers, brothel owners and customers." (unknown author, "What is Trafficking?") Trafficking in women and girls has become one of the fastest growing criminal enterprises in
Rating:Essay Length: 2,511 Words / 11 PagesSubmitted: November 13, 2009 -
A Sociological Study of Deviance: Oklahoma City Bombing
Joseph Jordan Sociology 3/19/2006 A Sociological Study of Deviance: Oklahoma City Bombing The Oklahoma City Bombing was a very special event in American history, it was the biggest act of domestic terrorism until 9/11. The Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building, which was an office complex in Oklahoma City, was bombed and 168 people were killed. Timothy McVeigh, the subject of my paper, was behind the bombings, and later executed. On April 15, 1995 Timothy McVeigh
Rating:Essay Length: 740 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: November 13, 2009 -
Shifting Boundaries and New Technologies:a Case Study in the Uk Banking Sector
177 SHIFTING BOUNDARIES AND NEW TECHNOLOGIES: A CASE STUDY IN THE UK BANKING SECTOR Susan V. Scott Information Systems Department The London School of Economics United Kingdom Geoff Walsham The Judge Institute of Management Studies University of Cambridge United Kingdom Abstract This paper describes case study based research on the use of innovative computer-based decision support systems introduced into corporate lending processes in a major UK bank. It describes how the new technology was implicated
Rating:Essay Length: 1,691 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: November 14, 2009 -
Describe What Evolutionary Psychologists Mean When They Employ the Term ‘theory of Mind'.Use Examples and Research Studies from Book 1, Chapter 2 to Show Why This Theory Is Important in Evolutionary Psychology.
Describe what evolutionary psychologists mean when they employ the term ‘theory of mind’. Use examples and research studies from Book 1, Chapter 2 to show why this theory is important in evolutionary psychology. Evolutionary psychology is a specialist field within the spectrum of psychological enquiry, which seeks to examine and understand some of the predominant reasoning behind the concept of why the human species, whilst biologically similar to other species on the planet, is so
Rating:Essay Length: 1,075 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: November 14, 2009 -
At&t Case Study
Founded in 1983 and based in San Antonio, Texas, AT&T is the largest provider of local and long distance telephone service, wireless service, and broadband internet service in the United States. Solely based on revenue, AT&T Inc is the largest communications holding company in the world ( The company employees over 300,000 people worldwide and is among the 2007 Fortune 500. In fact the combined company would place ninth on the full U.S. list and
Rating:Essay Length: 3,611 Words / 15 PagesSubmitted: November 14, 2009 -
Country Study of the Cayman Islands
Table of Contents 1. Introduction and History 2. Market Geography Location Climate Flora Fauna 3. Market Characteristics Population Statistics 4. Market Infrastructure Electricity Transportation Communications 5. Market Economy GDP Cayman Islands Stock Exchange Inflation Imports/Exports Debt Currency Employment 6. Market Politics and Law Government Constitution Human Rights Taxes 7. Market Culture Public Holidays and Festivals Religions The Cayman People Education Sea Turtles 8. Final Assessment and Forecasting **Assessments are included at the end of each
Rating:Essay Length: 639 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: November 15, 2009 -
Nike Case Study
Nike transform into a market-oriented company after 1998. Prior to 1998 Nike gained market share based off of Nike name branding. Nike was not a company that looked towards the future, they failed recognized the wants and needs of their customer base and was totally insentive to the ethical issues of exploiting oversea workers. Nike created a new management team to in reinvent Nike. The company now uses its capabilities and matches them to their
Rating:Essay Length: 367 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: November 15, 2009 -
Case Study of Midland Property
Section Contents Page 1 Executive Summary P.3 2 Organization Background and Competitor Analysis  Background  Mission Statement and Organizational Values  General Environment Analysis  Competitors Analysis  SWOT Analysis  External Analysis:-Porter’s five forces model  Financial Statement Analysis P.4-17 3 Key Issues and Problems P.17-20 4 Recommendations  Short-term  Long-term P.20-22 5 Implementation Plan P.22- 6 Conclusion P. 7 Appendix P. Section 1 Executive Summary In this field project, our study
Rating:Essay Length: 4,541 Words / 19 PagesSubmitted: November 15, 2009 -
Dinky Toys Case Study
Dinky Company produces small gadgets with brief economic lives. They have received firm commitments for one of their products in development, with a market life of the next three years. In order to begin production, Dinky must purchase additional machinery and lease additional production facilities. We will use the NPV to determine whether or not initiating production is in the best interest of Dinky Company. Question 1: Calculate Dinky’s weighted average cost of capital using
Rating:Essay Length: 929 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: November 15, 2009 -
The Study of Massage/ Kinesiology
There are many aspects on the study and meaning of kinesiology. Some of these ways are; applied kinesiology, kinesiology medicine research, and specialized and energy kinesiology. The study kinesiology and massage therapy is believed to go hand and hand. Many will say that without the proper knowledge of kinesiology and muscle movements, you can not provide a patent with all that is needed for a proper massage. As we approach new years, many individuals are
Rating:Essay Length: 1,445 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: November 16, 2009 -
Genetic Study of Conjoined Twins
For centuries Siamese twins have been mesmerizing, and deeply intriguing. They have been mythological creatures, marveled as carnival freaks, and even portrayed as monsters. Conjoined twins, a euphemism for Siamese, are still one of the mysterious and unexplainable developments of twins. Though the formation of twins is clearly outlined, the cause of conjoined twins is not as clear. There are different theories for the cause of conjoined twins but no study identifies the circumstance surrounding
Rating:Essay Length: 372 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: November 16, 2009 -
The Truth About Angelic Encounters -- a Case Study
In recent years, there has been an increased interest in angels. As Christian ministers, it is critical that we have an adequate biblical understanding of angels and be able to utilize discernment when dealing with "angelic encounters." A parishioner at Oak Hill United Methodist Church revealed to her pastors that she had been given the gift of seeing into the spiritual realm. She stated that during the Sunday morning worship services, she often saw two
Rating:Essay Length: 3,954 Words / 16 PagesSubmitted: November 16, 2009 -
Custom Fabrications - Case Study
Abstract The abilities of companies to outsource certain processes or tangibles can allow for more efficient and cost effective solutions, however, at times changing the vendors that they outsource to could have substantial impacts on internal process. Therefore, companies must be very careful to make sure when outsourcing that it does not cause more internal turmoil or hidden costs that than benefits which will be more costly in the end. Custom Fabricators Inc - Case
Rating:Essay Length: 1,365 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: November 16, 2009 -
Case Study-Ben and Jerry’s
1. If I were to design Ben & Jerry’s data warehouse I would use several dimensions of information. The first dimension would consist of the company’s products; ice cream, frozen yogurt or merchandise. The marketing department has to know which products are selling, if Ben & Jerry’s didn’t know that their T-shirts are selling out as soon as they hit the stores, then they wouldn’t be able to take advantage of the opportunity to sell
Rating:Essay Length: 592 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: November 17, 2009 -
Acuscan Inc Case Study
AcuScan, Inc. Case Study I am newly hired Vice President of Organizational Development, and will be responsible for creating the Organizational Development department over the coming year. This company is trying to find a new product based on their technology, a retinal scanning system, because revenues have been dropping. Two members of the management team have suggested a new product for a new market, but the manager of Product Development has refused to cooperate. This
Rating:Essay Length: 1,930 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: November 17, 2009 -
McDonalds and the Hotel Industry Case Study Analysis
McDonald’s is one of the world’s strongest and most recognizable brands for its “world’s best quick service restaurant service experience” (Vandenbosch and Mark). This case study states that McDonalds plans to extend its brand into the hotel industry by opening a hotel in Illinois. The authors look at the hotel venture’s positioning options and the McDonald’s brand extension into a different product class. In order for McDonalds to successfully extend their brand into the hotel
Rating:Essay Length: 1,063 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: November 17, 2009 -
Bmw Case Study
Executive Summary BMW has embarked on a mission to cut its notoriously long product development time in half utilizing a newly developed system code named “Digital Car”. Senior management has decided to utilize the new process on the 7-series platform. In order to accomplish this goal, BMW is preparing to take advantage of the latest computer technology in car development. At the forefront of the new plan is a debate over the use of
Rating:Essay Length: 349 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: November 17, 2009 -
Oticon Case Study
Case Study OTICON Today’s knowledge special: spaghetti Knowledge has been recognized as a valuable resource necessary for organizational growth and sustained competitive advantage, especially for organizations competing in uncertain environment. Grant (1996) and Liebeskind (1996) argued that knowledge is an organization’s most valuable resource because it represents intangible assets, operational routines and creative processes that are hard to imitate. This is probably why Oticon focuses so much on knowledge assets and the management. Because it
Rating:Essay Length: 1,522 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: November 17, 2009 -
Titans Apparel Case Study
Project Plan, Titan Apparel(please change this name) University of Phoenix Project Planning and Implementation CMGT 410 January 11, 2005 Background and Statement of Need The name of this company is Titans Apparel. It is a large clothing manufacturing store with four major branches in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco, and Miami. The amount of the business that they are accumulating is growing fast, and the current network that they use is not enough
Rating:Essay Length: 1,966 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: November 17, 2009