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User Mike (Mike)

General Info

Name: Mike Birth Date: February 3, 1968
City: *** Last Visit: April 27, 2014
Country: Germany Joined: December 6, 2008


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Date Title Words Pages Views Rating
June 7, 2010 Moral Strategy of Merck 507 3 1,240
June 7, 2010 In What Way Is Social Class Preventing Jane Eyre of Living a Life of Equality and Freedom, and How Is This Related to Feminism? 1,017 5 2,497
June 7, 2010 The Nuclear Proliferation 636 3 1,767
June 7, 2010 There Should Be No Rich People in the World as Long as There Is Poverty in the World 1,243 5 2,983
June 7, 2010 Organizational Frame Bending: Principles for Managing Reorientation 1,914 8 2,985
June 7, 2010 Groundwater - What Can the Golf Course Industry Do to Protect This Valuable Natural Resource? 1,033 5 1,236
June 7, 2010 E-Health, Negotiations and Change 1,515 7 1,136
June 7, 2010 Color Purple 433 2 1,292
June 7, 2010 Pearl Diver Holding a Tobacco Pipe 367 2 1,118
June 7, 2010 Henrik Ibsen’s a Doll House 1,256 6 1,422
June 7, 2010 The Colonel by Carolyn Forche 1,373 6 1,660
June 7, 2010 What Is a Belief System 1,299 6 1,534
June 7, 2010 Politics and Society 1,553 7 1,308
June 7, 2010 Lord of the Flies 341 2 1,233
June 7, 2010 Poem Reflection 264 2 1,828
June 7, 2010 1984 -George Orwell 3,050 13 2,606
June 7, 2010 What Should a Mission Statement Look Like 432 2 1,780
June 7, 2010 Heart of Darkness/ Apocalypse Now 1,452 6 1,602
June 7, 2010 Microfinance in India 624 3 1,242
June 7, 2010 What Is the Connection Between Sex and Love? 409 2 1,125
June 7, 2010 Dreams 504 3 980
June 6, 2010 World War 2, Race, Popular Culture 1,478 6 1,321
June 6, 2010 Folk Artist Clementine Hunter 289 2 1,119
June 6, 2010 Organization Strategies for the Technical Professional 773 4 1,446
June 6, 2010 Org Develpoment 648 3 1,143
June 6, 2010 The National Identity of Australia, 1901-1914 1,496 6 1,623
June 6, 2010 Parable of the Four Poster 870 4 1,761
June 6, 2010 Newell Rubbermaid 676 3 1,085
June 6, 2010 Student Control 1,110 5 1,158
June 6, 2010 Fossil, Inc. 5,706 23 1,699
June 6, 2010 Moll Flanders: Fact or Fiction? 348 2 1,790
June 6, 2010 Violence on College Campuses 532 3 1,436
June 6, 2010 Martha Stewart Insider Trading: Case Study 1,476 6 2,404
June 6, 2010 Jawaharlal Nehru 893 4 1,058
June 6, 2010 Redemption Song 3,083 13 1,506
June 6, 2010 A Time to Kill 1,383 6 2,051
June 6, 2010 Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer 481 2 1,185
June 6, 2010 Expert Systems 521 3 1,329
June 6, 2010 What’s Right About the Religious Right 957 4 1,156
June 6, 2010 Absolute Understanding 1,043 5 1,357
June 6, 2010 The Things They Carried 1,408 6 1,875
June 6, 2010 Markets in Financial Instruments Directive 1,100 5 1,251
June 6, 2010 Martian Rocks 2,032 9 1,113
June 6, 2010 The Role of Attachment Styles in Leader Member Exchange Theory 1,281 6 1,693
June 6, 2010 Hamlet - Mad or Mad or Revenge? 726 3 1,310
June 6, 2010 Quinceanera 676 3 2,099
June 6, 2010 Summary of Anee Frank 1,043 5 1,402
June 6, 2010 Lady Sings the Blues 1,442 6 1,228
June 5, 2010 God’s Bits of Wood 724 3 1,743
June 5, 2010 Relationships 294 2 1,022

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