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User Victor (victor)

General Info

Name: Victor Birth Date: April 8, 1989
City: *** Last Visit: February 6, 2009
Country: United States Joined: November 24, 2008


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Date Title Words Pages Views Rating
May 18, 2010 The Golden Compass Controversy 1,049 5 1,261
May 17, 2010 Sethe a Slave to Her Past 1,042 5 1,323
May 17, 2010 Mergers and Acquisition Paper 1,097 5 1,669
May 17, 2010 How Can Home Internet Security Be Achieved Both Efficiently and Effectively? 890 4 998
May 17, 2010 Ethics at Work 1,616 7 1,661
May 17, 2010 Pop Goes the Weasel 574 3 1,177
May 17, 2010 Wal-Mart E-Business 328 2 1,056
May 17, 2010 Water Pollution 677 3 3,505
May 17, 2010 World War I 600 3 1,069
May 16, 2010 G-D's Relationship with Avraham 1,005 5 1,162
May 16, 2010 Cultural Theory in the Works of Tarantino 1,441 6 1,166
May 16, 2010 Beckett's Absurd Characters 3,259 14 1,176
May 16, 2010 Student 2,521 11 1,286
May 16, 2010 Charter Ground Rules 1,617 7 934
May 16, 2010 The Connectio Between Animal Cruelty and Human Violence 1,452 6 1,199
May 15, 2010 Groundnuts 565 3 912
May 14, 2010 Abraham Lincoln Vs. Jefferson Davis 876 4 1,798
May 14, 2010 Adhd 544 3 1,290
May 14, 2010 Youth Violence 1,337 6 1,112
May 14, 2010 Analyzing Web Traffic 4,863 20 1,338
May 14, 2010 Warfare During the Renaissance 594 3 1,196
May 14, 2010 News Corp as an Oligopoly 616 3 1,545
May 13, 2010 Law, Divorce 1,135 5 3,050
May 13, 2010 Umd Transportation 721 3 1,038
May 13, 2010 Personal Goals 427 2 1,773
May 13, 2010 Natural Law 649 3 1,204
May 13, 2010 Gay Marriage 2,721 11 982
May 13, 2010 Animal Farm - Essay 1,140 5 1,954
May 12, 2010 The Reality of Fast Food Meat 3,565 15 1,086
May 12, 2010 Facts About Albert Enstien 520 3 1,302
May 12, 2010 Death of the American Dream 1,220 5 1,298
May 12, 2010 Florence Nightingale - a Pioneer in Human Healthcare and in the Idea of Orphanages 1,044 5 1,765
May 12, 2010 5 Qualities of an Effective Manager 824 4 1,745
May 12, 2010 A Doll House - Irreconcilable Views of Men and Women 2,771 12 1,871
May 12, 2010 Saudi Arabia Joining Wto 521 3 1,050
May 11, 2010 Electronic Commerce 7,347 30 1,333
May 11, 2010 Outsource 4,364 18 1,124
May 11, 2010 Cohesion 297 2 1,171
May 11, 2010 The Environment Plus Chemicals Equals Cancer 2,328 10 1,008
May 10, 2010 Term Insurance 1,704 7 1,343
May 10, 2010 Leadership 342 2 1,042
May 10, 2010 The Dreaming and Traditional Aboriginal Spirituality 571 3 1,472
May 10, 2010 1 Global Business 904 4 2,328
May 9, 2010 Christian Worldview Verses Secular Perspective 259 2 1,354
May 9, 2010 Sling Blade - Film Directed by and Screen Play by Billy Bob Thornton 1,672 7 1,372
May 9, 2010 George Lucas: One of the Greatest Filmmakers 516 3 1,106
May 9, 2010 Math Lcm 350 2 985
May 8, 2010 A Renaissance Woman 944 4 1,081
May 8, 2010 What Justice Means to Me! 1,349 6 1,128
May 8, 2010 Leaders in Small Group Communication 785 4 1,723

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