By: Bred • Research Paper • 1,383 Words • March 4, 2010 • 864 Views
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Abortion (noun):
a. Termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a fetus that is incapable of survival.
b. Any of various procedures that result in such termination and expulsion. Also called induced abortion.
As stated above, abortion is the termination of a fetus. In other words, the fetus dies, whether by the mother’s choice or by accident (such as a miscarriage or stillbirth.) Medically, all terminations of pregnancy not resulting in a live birth are defined as abortions. Each year throughout the world, 45million abortions are performed. Compare this to 128.6 million births per year and you get approximately 35% of fetuses each year that never get a chance to live. When discussing abortion, one aspect to consider is that there are two forms or types of abortions, induced abortions and spontaneous or non-induced abortions. Induced abortions are deliberate, human-induced abortions. Induced abortions are subcategorized into therapeutic abortion and elective abortion. Therapeutic abortions are abortions requested because the pregnancy poses health risk to the pregnant woman. Elective abortions are abortions requested for any other reason by the pregnant woman. There are many reasons for induced abortions. A few of the reasons include but are not limited to:
· Want to postpone childbearing
· Cannot afford a baby
· Has relationship problem or partner does not want pregnancy
· Risk to fetal health
· Risk to maternal health
· Too young; parent(s) or other(s) object to pregnancy
· The mother is a victim of rape or incest.
In some countries such as China, due to policies and social pressures, women have no choice but to perform self-abortions. This is because, in their attempt to control overpopulation, China has a one child per family policy. Other countries throughout the world have similar policies and social pressures, which force sex-selective abortion and infanticide. Although they may be illegal in such countries, sex-selective abortion and infanticide still occur even today. Usually, male fetuses are strongly preferred over female fetuses. This is because the fathers want a male heir to carry on the family name and be the man of the house instead of a daughter who is thought to be weak and worthless. The two main types of induced abortions are chemical and surgical. With the chemical abortions, a woman can choose to take the “Morning-After Pill” the morning following rape, incest or sexual intercourse. This prevents the zygote from attaching to the wall inside of the uterus. The other form of chemical abortion can be done later on in the pregnancy. In this one, the doctor can administer the chemical RU-486. Some of these abortions (approximately 8%) need a surgical follow-up, usually by vacuum aspiration. There are a few types of surgical abortions but the most common forms are Manual Vacuum Aspiration abortion, which consists of removing the fetus or embryo by suction using a manual syringe. The Electric Vacuum Aspiration abortion method uses suction that is produced by an electric pump to remove the fetus or embryo. Neither of these procedures sounds enjoyable. Abortion should be illegal in the state of Michigan because it violates the right to life for that unborn child, there are too many risks associated with abortions, and because every child is a wanted child.
Everyone, in Michigan and throughout the United States of American, has the right to life. It is included in our three unalienable rights (Right to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.) Even though everyone has these rights, each year throughout the world, many abortions occur, whether induced or spontaneous. So many unborn babies never even got a chance at life. Those children never got to see their parents and family, grow up, to go to school, play sports, make friends, fall in love, get married and have children of their own. Who knows what their lives would have held for them or for the world. Maybe that life which was aborted today would have found a cure for AIDS or Cancer. Maybe they would have been a future president or travel to a distant planet. However, because one selfish woman’s actions, we will never know what that person may have done with their life. We all have a right to life and everyone should get a chance to live because you never know what one will do once we give him or her that chance.
Another problem with abortion is that fact that besides killing the unborn child, there are risks for the pregnant woman, including death. One risk is heavy