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Discrimination has been apart of every person lives. At one point or another, you have experience discrimination against you or even against another person. At times a person’s religion calls for discrimination against the world. Christians have to be different from the world. We can not be included in the world or we fall with them when the trumpets sound. Discrimination exists throughout the world today and is held as a negative connotation of or valid and justifiable reasons but now I will show you that this question being presented cannot be answered due to the many different situations a person can face.

What does discrimination means? Well according to Oxford dictionary it states: the recognition of the difference between one thing and another, and the good judgment or taste. Then Webster dictionary states that it is the process by which two stimuli differing in some aspect are responded to differently. In my opinion discrimination is the unfair treatment of someone because their difference to that specific individuals.

Now, there are different kinds of discrimination in the world. People discriminate against race, color, gender, age, etc. Now it is illegal under both Federal and State Law to discriminate in the terms or conditions of employment on the basis of a person race or color.

What is “terms or conditions of employment”? “Terms or conditions of employment mean just about anything relating to someone's job: their position, pay, title, hours, vacations, most everything is a term or condition of employment. Whether or not a person is hired is also considered a term or condition of employment”. (Greenberg, 2 PP)

Now employment discrimination in the workplace because someone socializes with a particular race is illegal as well. If you get fired over someone you socialize with, that individual can win a law suit against them according to Greenberg. Which shows that it is unfair?

Now I give you another example to ponder on. You are interviewing 2 people for a job at McDonalds. One person comes in very well dress and presentable for the interview. This person scored was not as well as you expected but it is okay for you. Then the next person comes as if they have just woken up from a nights rest and came straight in for the job interview. Out of respect you interview this person, and then you realize that this person is more then able to manage McDonalds. Who do you pick to manage your store? Who will present the best option to manage McDonalds? Most likely it’s the one who seems to be well dress and can handle the position. You’re not discriminating against the other individual. It’s just the guidelines you would like to keep for your business.

Now gender discrimination has also been a factor that’s been troubling for quite along time.

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