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"Abortion . . . has never been understood . . . to include taking the life of a partly born child." —U.S Catholic Conference

Most views from people about abortion is that it's wrong to kill the baby. So they usually keep the baby and raise it even though the mother could be to young to be a mom. Other people's views could be for their own selfish reason; there not ready to handle a baby, they can't afford it, or they just don't want the baby. I don't think they realize that there taking another person's life for their own selfish reasons. They should of taken precautions if they weren't ready for a baby. Abortion has been decreasing since birth control. Abortions reached a high over 1.61 million in 1990. Thats the year in which the number of abortions was highest.

Some people running for office, are pro abortion. That has a lot to do with who someone votes for. Which someone could have better idea's then someones else, but they still vote for the one whose on their side for abortion. Which isn't fair for the canidate whose opposite their idea. There are 3,700 abortions per day in the United States alone, and approximately 42 million a year.

Some people may argue that abortion is the best thing to do if you can't take care of the baby because there are so many homeless children in the world already looking for a home. Other people may argue that abortion is unacceptable because orphanages and foster homes are there for a reason, and that there are people in this world who can not conceive a child because there bodies wont let them, who would be willing to adopt the child your thinking about killing. Abortion has been going on for ages and ages, way back to 1550 BCE. "The Ebers Papyrus suggests that an abortion can be induced with the use of a plant-fiber tampon coated with a compound that included honey and crushed dates", says

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