By: Steve • Essay • 340 Words • May 19, 2010 • 1,580 Views
Long before man even invented the wheel, woman cooked and cleaned while the husband hunted and did all the physical hands on work. As time goes by woman are still doing most of the housework but the bridge is getting narrower. Women nowadays they want to do more then just cook and clean, they more then just house hold chores. they want to get their hands dirty and now some dads are no longer the physical beings they wants where and are doing or sharing the household duties woman usually use to do. Now fathers are stay at home dads while the wife brings home the bacon. Men are now the ones who cook, clean, garden and do all the dirty work women do. So the question is should men and women equally split chores? And my answer to that is yes and no, I think the chores should be split between each other only if that person is capable of completing them. I wouldn’t want my wife to the cut the grass and the end result is an ass backwards lawn or if my house needs electrical wiring I’m not going to depend on the