Ethical Filter Worksheet
By: Mike • Essay • 921 Words • April 29, 2010 • 988 Views
Ethical Filter Worksheet
Ethical Filter Worksheet
University of Phoenix
Personal Source
with Examples
Justify the Value’s Position in the List. Include any challenges to employing these values consistently when making personal and organizational decisions.
Honesty Honesty has been a value that I have held in great regard as long as I can remember. My first influence on the importance of honesty was my family and then my faith. I feel that above all, if a person is honest other important values will automatically fall into place. I placed honesty at the top of my list because, as previously stated, I believe that if we conduct ourselves in an honest manner other ethical values will fall into place.
My biggest challenge to remaining consistently honest, both personally and professionally, is when honesty is difficult for another person to hear. I try my best to be honest and sensitive to the feelings of others at the same time. Still, there are times when I have to battle my fear of hurting someone’s feelings and state the facts in the most polite way possible despite the consequences. The fear of hurting someone does not keep me from being honest but I need to work through the anxiety it can bring to me when I’m faced with a difficult situation. This will be particularly important in a future management position.
Integrity Integrity is something that I have learned from example throughout my life. My parents are people of their word, solid, strong and stable no matter the odds they were facing. This value has been reinforced through observation of supervisors in various jobs I have held. Those who were unwavering in character earned my highest respect and made me want to emulate them in my job performance. Integrity and solid character come second on my list because I believe that it is nearly, if not equally as important to display integrity as honesty.
Using my example above of facing a difficult task of delivering bad news but being honest about the situation, I feel that a person with integrity will be received more readily than someone who wavers in their convictions.
Integrity may at times seem as thought it is lacking in the corporate world but I hope to build my career on solid character.
Responsibility Responsibility has taken on an entirely new meaning to me as an adult. It used to mean making sure that a job was finished, now I feel that it includes doing the very best job possible not just getting it done. There have been many examples of responsible people in my life but I have begun to place more emphasis on total responsibility since beginning my college courses. I learned from instructors, textbooks and classmates as well as wanting to complete something to the best of my abilities, and without excuses, as a matter of personal achievement. Responsibility falls third on my list in importance but first as a quality I want to display on the job.
To me, being responsible means