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Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper

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Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper

Organizational Behavior Terminology and Concepts Paper

Organizational Behavior is the study of people working together within a business to collaborate to create new ideas, modifying existing ideas or making necessary changes. Many people try to fit their personal experiences into a business experience. The culture of the business truly makes up the people of the business with different characteristics and personality styles. Organizational behavior is the simply the study of human behaviors. People tend to have different viewpoints about an organization which consist of the culture. Organizational culture within the organization tends to be competitive among employees because they all have different professional motives as to why an organization should operate the way it should be. Diversity, communication, business ethics and change management are also tools that an organization can gain or lose business depending on how each category handled within the organization.

Organizational behavior within my current employer has been through many changes due to downsizing, promotions opportunities, or turnovers. The people of the business morale have decreased since we have been experiencing several changes. Another organizational behavior change that affected us was when we were told the company was sold to one of our competitor. All employees were not shocked due to our poor progress in 2006. The common goal for the organization was to continue to do our best in spite of all the chaos going on. The organizational culture works for a common vision which is to have to the organization to be successful better than previous years. Many employees work together by communicating the information to all necessary departments that plays big roles of the business success. The cultures within the organization come from people engaging with each other and how they deal with change. Culture changes within an organization are based on beliefs and values among the employees. Resisting changes can be competitive for the organization because the people fail to oblige by the employer guidelines and policy. The culture also depends on the type of leadership, communication, and group dynamics within the organization. Managing diversity within an organization can be critical because everyone have different business styles, business ethics and a business purpose. Individuals have to set aside all differences in order to work together, for example, cultures, race, gender and anything else that separates two individuals that make them different from one another. Diversity should be taught in the workplace by showing individuals how to develop, implement and manage change as they arise. Understanding that all employees may not like each other, but they should all work on meeting the business needs. Communication also plays a major part of the business because everyone should understand the business purpose and mission statement on how they are going to meet their goals. Strategies plans are a way to start the foundation of communication. Individuals should respect each other comments, ideas or suggestion in order for the communication channel to be understood as a positive demeanor.

Business ethics within an organization is like a social responsibility that happens among employees that provides educational services from many school districts. There are many issues that can arise on the behalf of the organization which is not providing

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