Cultural Contributor Essays and Term Papers
746 Essays on Cultural Contributor. Documents 126 - 150
The Culture Jamming Phenomenon
Culture jamming is the art of using mass media to state an opinion against pop culture. Culture jamming is legitimate, but the use of it by amateur revolutionaries has made it a thing to be frowned upon. Modern culture jammers hold a blind eye to the fact that they themselves are becoming a noticed social group. Culture jamming can be legal if used in a proper and organized fashion. For example, in the late 90’s
Rating:Essay Length: 526 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 4, 2009 -
Culture and Oppresion
From chapter three passage to racism I read about race relations relative to specific periods in American history. The first readings pertained to Native Americans and how they were enslaved due to their barbarous natures. I also read on how treaty after treaty was broken, and how Indian land was taken and how Native Americans were simply pushed west. African slavery was then talked about. I couldn’t believe Africans were made slaves simply by their
Rating:Essay Length: 567 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 5, 2009 -
The Good Earth in Relation to Food and Culture
The following in a report on the themes and action of The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck as it relates to food and culture. This novel tells the story of Wang Lung. He is a man who rises from being a poor farmer to a very wealthy man because of his faith in the good earth. In the beginning of the story Wang Lung tries to see as little water as possible because
Rating:Essay Length: 1,928 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: December 6, 2009 -
Canadian Culture: The Northern Mosaic
Canadian Culture: The Northern Mosaic Canada is one of two countries located in North America and is the second largest country in the world. It is situated just north of the United States and constitutes the northern part of the country, excluding Alaska. Over the years Canada’s culture has been influenced by European culture and traditions, mainly that of the French and British. Canadian culture has also been influenced by the countries’ first people, the
Rating:Essay Length: 1,472 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: December 6, 2009 -
Cultural Misconceptions
Thomas Lane English 1001 3/5/07 Cultural misconceptions Many cultures are often misunderstood by the rest of society. This lack of understanding by society at large of specific cultures often leads to misconceptions about a given society. These generalizations apply to all types of cultures and they also apply to societies understanding of the Hyphy movement. The Hyphy movement is a culture with many aspects yet there are many misunderstandings regarding this culture that have been
Rating:Essay Length: 489 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 7, 2009 -
The Culture Challenges of Doing Business Overseas
University of Phoenix MBA 501 David Francom September 17, 2007 Introduction A major challenge of doing business internationally is to adapt effectively to different culture. Such adaptation requires an understanding of cultural diversity, perceptions, stereotypes, and values (Hodgett &Luthans, 2006). Doing business overseas has its challenges as well as it rewards. This paper will analyze some of the challenges and rewards in doing business overseas. I will also discuss some of the major differences and
Rating:Essay Length: 802 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 7, 2009 -
Cultural Changes Inside Worldwide Telecommunications, Inc
Cultural Changes inside Worldwide Telecommunications, Inc. Today, the merging of computers with telecommunications technology has been a major contributor to globalization because modern technological advancements have made instant communication possible. People take it for granted that they can pick up a phone and connect to someone else halfway around the world instantly, hearing them as clearly as neighbor next door. Technological trends are breaking down international barriers daily, and these trade links make contact with
Rating:Essay Length: 273 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 7, 2009 -
Culture Aspects of Business Negotiation: American Culture Vs Japanese Culture
Business Negotiation Japan VS United StatesIntroduction: Undertaking any business requires a number of skills. These would normally involve negotiation which is defined as a voluntary process by which the involved parties could reach an agreement on common business matters (Cellich and Jain 2004). One of the main purposes of such a process is to enhance the elements of the business at hand; to gain a better deal than simply accepting or rejecting what the other
Rating:Essay Length: 1,214 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: December 8, 2009 -
Culture of Uganda
The Culture of Uganda The Republic of Uganda, located in the heart of Africa, is known as one of the friendliest African countries. It is located in East Africa, surrounded by Sudan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, and Tanzania (Wikipedia, 2006). Uganda was established in 1914 with help from the United Kingdom; however, in 1962 Uganda became an independent nation. Currently, Uganda is ruled by President Yoweri Museveni, who has been the President of
Rating:Essay Length: 1,297 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: December 8, 2009 -
Popular Culture and Sexual Identity
For some time now, the media has played a significant part in the views of how sexual identity is displayed. Traditional male was displayed as the strong rugged type and the traditional female a weak homemaker or sex symbol. In poplar culture, these views have changed. The feminine revolution of the 60’s and 70’s, have changed the way the roles of women are displayed. The homosexual revolution of the 80’s, 90’s have enabled Gays
Rating:Essay Length: 854 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 8, 2009 -
Television as a Cultural Forum
Television can be considered a cultural forum. By cultural forum, this means issues and points of view can be discussed openly and almost without punishment. These issues can vary anywhere from male dominance in the household, to wars, to racism, to political jabs and still be covered under freedom of speech. Television can hold a wide variety of opinions which may offend, but for the most part due so to prove a point. In the
Rating:Essay Length: 455 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 8, 2009 -
Plowing in Hope: Toward a Biblical Theology of Culture
Hegeman, David Bruce Plowing in Hope: Toward A Biblical Theology of Culture. Moscow, ID: Canon Press, 1999. 128 pp. $10.00. Plowing In Hope is a book that sets out to be a biblical theology of culture. It examines culture within its redemptive-historical context by beginning with the first two chapters of Genesis dealing with God’s commands to Adam and Eve and then ending in Revelation with the disclosure of the New Jerusalem. David Bruce
Rating:Essay Length: 1,485 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: December 8, 2009 -
Organizational Culture Inventory
Organizational Culture Inventory Introduction The unit I selected to study is the Sales and Service department of the organization where I am employed, Verizon Telecommunications. It is the customer service department in which customers call in to order new service, add services or products to existing service, and report any questions, comments or complaints. In addition to placing orders for services, if a customer has a problem or a technical issue, my job is to
Rating:Essay Length: 911 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 8, 2009 -
Culture in an Organization
Culture in an Organization An organizational culture is the internal environment of an organization including the shared beliefs and values that influence the behavior or organizational members (Schermerhorn, Hunt, & Osborn, 2005). Having a strong culture allows an organization to operate with their sight on the future that should be supported by well developed and well communicated beliefs and values. A high performance level, emphasized teamwork, and risk taking will also be prevalent in a
Rating:Essay Length: 965 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 8, 2009 -
Cultural Values Personal Ethics
Running head: CULTURAL VALUES AND PERSONAL ETHICS PAPER Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper August 8, 2005 Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper All people have personal values and ethics, just as they have cultural values. Often times, those personal values and ethics may clash with those of their employer. As an example, as an individual, a person’s ethical guidelines might require honesty, integrity and respect. If that individual works for a company that does
Rating:Essay Length: 1,130 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: December 9, 2009 -
Southwest Airlines: Culture, Values, and Operating Practices
Southwest Airlines: Culture, Values, and Operating Practices Evaluation of the company’s position and strategy: Southwest Airlines is one of the air-travel industry’s great success stories. For most companies, such rapid growth will cause problems: legions of frontline employees taking up the mantle of decision making from core executives and, inevitably, stumbling. A clear and precise strategic principle can help counteract this shortage of experience. In Southwest’s case, employees have consistently made trade-offs in keeping with
Rating:Essay Length: 1,259 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: December 9, 2009 -
Cross Cultural Awareness for the International Manager
INTRODUCTION It is time for a fast-developing Bulgarian company to go international. According to carefully conducted marketing research the most favorable conditions for expansion at this point are in Germany and Brazil. Unfortunately "Noname.Co" is a new entrant in the global market and is quite inexperienced in dealing with countries of unfamiliar culture. The differences between Bulgaria, Germany and Brazil are not only estimated by means of square meters, but also by ethnicity, religion, temperament
Rating:Essay Length: 486 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 9, 2009 -
American Culture
In order to understand American culture, one must have knowledge of the history of our country. America is traditionally a country of immigrants. Very few people today have ancestors who were natives in this land. Even our founding fathers fled to America…many because of religious persecution, and a few who were just looking to start a new life on the exciting untouched frontier. During the hundreds of years to come, America was seen as a
Rating:Essay Length: 323 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 10, 2009 -
Influence of Cultures on “the Thousand and one Nights”
Influence of Cultures on “The Thousand and One Nights” Stories like Sindbad, Aladdin and the Magic Lamp and other popular stories are very common today in the western culture. Animated movies were also made for the entertainment of kids on these popular stories. One might wonder that where these stories originated and how it came down and made place in the western culture. Although these stories are very popular in both the western culture and
Rating:Essay Length: 990 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 10, 2009 -
Cultural Media Watch
Cultural Media Watch A few common assumptions would offer some very general stereotypes which most Americans are probably subjected to each time they tune into their favorite program. The problem with making assumptions based on stereotypes, racism, and bias maybe considered two-fold. Of primary concern should obviously be the narrow-minded and over generalized prejudice which exists in mainstream media culture. Then, of only slightly less distress, would be the willingness of society to accept
Rating:Essay Length: 868 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 10, 2009 -
Cultural and Political Forces Influence International Marketing Activity.
Cultural and political forces influence international marketing activity. Discuss the impact of these forces and illustrate your answers with examples. Cultural • Language. Will language be a barrier to communication for you? Does your host nation speak your national language? What is the meaning of your brand name in your host country’s language? • Customs: what customs do you have to be aware of within the country? This is important. You need to make sure
Rating:Essay Length: 400 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 10, 2009 -
Chinese Culture Around New York City
Introduction As a New Yorker, it is very difficult for one to avoid the reality that we are indeed surrounded by Chinese culture. From Chinese take-out restaurants serving delicious Chinese food to entire Chinese communities such as the one in Chinatown, Chinese culture is all over the place. Chinese art, cuisine, religion, festivals, and more can all be experienced in one place. This is why New York is considered to be the cultural center of
Rating:Essay Length: 2,578 Words / 11 PagesSubmitted: December 10, 2009 -
Organizational Culture at Chrysler
Organizational culture Organizational culture can loosely be defined as the shared assumptions, beliefs, and "normal behaviors" (norms) of a group. These are powerful influences on the way people live and act, and they define what is "normal" and how to sanction those who are not "normal." To a large degree, what we do is determined by our culture. Organizational culture is similar to, say, regional culture. The same person in different organizations (or parts of
Rating:Essay Length: 2,264 Words / 10 PagesSubmitted: December 11, 2009 -
Greek Influence on Western Culture
What were the contributions to Western civilization from the ancient Greeks? The Greek civilization contributed greatly to the development of modern Western culture. Three of the most important contribution that are the foundations of our society are Language, Philosophy, and Government. The people of ancient Greece developed a sophisticated language with an extraordinarily rich vocabulary. It has existed for nearly 3,500 years, the longest of any language derived from early Indo-European. It also has a
Rating:Essay Length: 793 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 11, 2009 -
Cultural Context in View from a Bridge by Arthur Miller
Examine how cultural context is established in two of the texts on your comparative course When examining the topic of cultural context, one must become immersed in the world of the texts under discussion. The historical and geographical setting of a work creates a world that the characters can credibly inhabit. They are influenced and shaped by the customs, moral values and social structures of that society. The cultural environment created offers the reader a
Rating:Essay Length: 1,878 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: December 11, 2009