Not Really Paper Essays and Term Papers
1,324 Essays on Not Really Paper. Documents 301 - 325 (showing first 1,000 results)
Guidelines for the Mid-Term Paper
Guidelines for the Mid-Term Paper From the Syllabus: The Mid-Term Paper is designed to provide students with the opportunity to more deeply explore a psychological concept of interest. As this is a survey course, students may find that they would like to know more about one of the areas that we cover in the class. The paper is designed to facilitate that exploration, enhance student’s knowledge of a psychological concept, and challenge their critical thinking
Rating:Essay Length: 293 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 13, 2009 -
Beowulf: Christian Vs Pagan Influence Term Paper
The European epic, Beowulf, was written sometime in the eighth century in England. This time period provides us with an idea for the mixture of Christian and pagan elements because of an English society that was in the process of converting from Paganism to Christianity. Examples of Pagan and Christian traditions are presented all throughout literature. Many of the influences deal with what it going on in the world, when the piece is written. When
Rating:Essay Length: 1,646 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: December 14, 2009 -
Public Relations Paper
Public Relations Paper Public relations means many different things to many different individuals, businesses, and marketing firms. The true definition of public relations will be determined based on the nature of the work being done and the targeted group for a company to provide its goods and services to. In this paper, a personal definition of public relations will be given. In addition, three extra definitions of public relations will be presented. A thorough comparison
Rating:Essay Length: 689 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 14, 2009 -
Term Paper Outline
Title Should be informative and brief, so that reader can anticipate both the research problem and the study system. The researcher's name and affiliation will be included here. Abstract This is a one-paragraph synopsis of your research problem/question, how you tested it, a summary of results, and the conclusion of your research. It has a maximum length of 250 words and you should update the version you submitted in March. Introduction The Introduction sets the
Rating:Essay Length: 1,663 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: December 14, 2009 -
Data Discussion Paper
Data Discussion Paper This paper will cover many aspects of data as it applies to computer usage, storage, performance, input, and output devices. First, I will discuss methods of data input and which would be best for various situations. Then, I will talk about methods of output and which devices would work best in several different situations keeping in mind that convenience and quality are very important in output devices. I will then cover different
Rating:Essay Length: 969 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 14, 2009 -
It Industry Paper
Final Industry Paper Manufacturing May 16, 2003 Introduction In todayЎ¦s advancing technology state, one must be aware of information management systems and how they are shaping lives. Many industries are involved in information technology, and it is that technology which enables them to survive. Five major industries are health, services, manufacturing, finance, and retail. It is hard to say which one is affected more by technology because they all are in their own individual ways.
Rating:Essay Length: 3,687 Words / 15 PagesSubmitted: December 14, 2009 -
Her Own Little World a Paper on Amanda from the Glass Menagerie
Amanda Wingfield is a character in the play The Glass Menagerie, which is set in St. Louis in 1973. She is from a genteel southern family and has a prominent southern upbringing. She is a mother to two children, Tom and Laura; her husband abandoned the family and left her to raise two children. Amanda loves her children immensely and lives for them, but can often come across as overbearing and constantly nagging to both
Rating:Essay Length: 856 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 14, 2009 -
Inestment Paper
Investing is critical to all who set goals in their lives. Over time, investing can offer you several opportunities like starting a business or firm, allowing the home of your dreams to become a reality, the possibility of enjoying more leisure time, and, of course, a financially secure retirement. However, investing alone cannot guarantee a brilliant financial outlook. It is a combination of restraint on expenditures, research to make wise decisions, and patience over the
Rating:Essay Length: 295 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 14, 2009 -
Nonviolence Paper
Global Issues Nonviolence Paper Even though it has been a while since the nonviolence speaker, Rick Polhamus, visited Wilmington College, I can still recollect the topics that he spoke on, and most memorable, his unicorn. He mentioned his many, many, past jobs and how he came across his current position as a peacemaker. I can recall thinking it odd that he had such a wide range of experience in his field of employment. Like
Rating:Essay Length: 882 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 14, 2009 -
Program Map Paper
Running head: MAP PAPER Program Map Paper Frank Nwankpa University Of Phoenix COM 525 BOB ARMBRUST Program Map Paper It was quite interesting and educational reviewing the Graduate Business and Management Program Map. The competetencies from different domains to be discussed in this paper will be-General Management: analyzing the challenges and opportunity presented by change, explaining effective leadership techniques for use with in an organization and, Law and Ethics: evaluating the role of individual values
Rating:Essay Length: 453 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 14, 2009 -
Lifespan Development and Personality Paper
When given the opportunity to write about the lifespan development and personality of a famous figure, the first person who came to mind was Stephen Hawking. I must admit that prior to this assignment my knowledge regarding Professor Hawking was limited but I had respect for his accomplishments. I knew in basic terms that he was a leader in the field of theoretical cosmology and contributed to the mathematical support for the Big Bang theory
Rating:Essay Length: 736 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 15, 2009 -
Business Forum Internship Program Paper
Company for Internship Program Subject: “An Evaluation of PepsiCo for the Internship Program at Daniel University” It is important for students at the Daniel University Business School to become affiliated with companies that can offer a high potential for success in the near future. The Daniel University internship program looks for companies that maintain a strong economic outlook, sustainable development, and corporate social responsibility. That being said, one company that will be taken into consideration
Rating:Essay Length: 744 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 15, 2009 -
Soloman Paper
Solomon Paper Have you ever been promised something? Like a promotion at work, a reward or anything? Have you ever had someone take that from you? Like if you were promised that you would become the new vice president of whatever and Johnny doe down the hall gets it instead? How angry were you? Now, imagine that your father was a dieing king and he promised you his throne, all of his wealth and the
Rating:Essay Length: 595 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 15, 2009 -
Personal Perspective Paper
Lester Electronics will borrow 40million cash to purchase Shang-wa electronics for a cash price of $100 million. This will be accomplished through a cash flow loan for one year at a rate of 6% interest and preferred stock. First, Lester will increase net income by 40% through launching a new marketing campaign that highlights a new products and services obtained from the merger. This strategic plan will add $60 million to retained earnings, with the
Rating:Essay Length: 512 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 15, 2009 -
Marketing Mix Paper
RUNNING HEAD: MARKETING MIX PAPER MARKETING MIX PAPER Sara Roswell Pepperdine University Marketing Mix Paper 2 Introduction In this paper about the Marketing Mix, it will explain the elements of the marketing (product, place, price, and promotion). I have enclosed a chart about the Pricing Strategies Mix. I will also be selecting an organization by the name of Target in which I am familiar with and will describe the four elements of the marketing mix
Rating:Essay Length: 2,428 Words / 10 PagesSubmitted: December 15, 2009 -
Public Relations Campaign: Strategy Paper
Public Relations Campaign: Strategy Paper Public Relations – MKT 438 Parthiv Shah University of Phoenix January 19, 2008 Introduction Effective marketing has enabled McDonald’s to become one of the largest and most profitable fast food service restaurants in the world. The aim of public relations and marketing is to make selling your product, services and brand name superfluous. McDonald’s public relations and branding strategy is essential in order to build solid relationships and provide healthy
Rating:Essay Length: 543 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 15, 2009 -
Transformation of Media Forms - the Theory of Evolution from Paper to the Internet
Transformation of Media Forms The theory of evolution from paper to the internet The theory of evolution must ‘evolve’ with the transforming media forms around it to maintain its scientific and social relevance. In other words, it must shift from the conventional media forms such as journals, books and publications and move towards the ways of the internet. Even collective groups of scientists and evolutionists can be shifted from physical to online gatherings via
Rating:Essay Length: 460 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 15, 2009 -
Microsoft Corporation (msft) Finance Paper
Microsoft Corporation (MSFT) Company Overview Formed in 19, Microsoft started by selling a BASIC interpreter which quickly established a reputation for excellence. As the popularity of Microsoft BASIC grew, other manufacturers adopted Microsoft BASIC's syntax to maintain compatibility with existing Microsoft BASIC implementations. Because of this feedback loop, Microsoft BASIC became a de facto standard, and the company cornered the market. Later, it tried (unsuccessfully) to extend their grip on the home computer market by
Rating:Essay Length: 297 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 15, 2009 -
Gatto Paper
Jess 9-4-07 John Taylor Gatto Paper John Taylor Gatto argues in both of his writings, “The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher” and “Against School” that the education system today may not be the best choice for every adolescent. Class position, a part of the “hidden curriculum”, the second lesson taught by Gatto in the “The Seven-Lesson Schoolteacher.” Starting right away in elementary school, we are placed into classes based on our level of intelligence. At the time, we
Rating:Essay Length: 1,047 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: December 15, 2009 -
Roebling Nj Paper
ROEBLING NEW JERSEY THE MODEL OF A COMPANY TOWN By: Stephen Smith The Roebling family was outgrowing their very busy yet small factory in South Trenton, New Jersey. So the John A. Roebling Son's Company began to look south for a small area of land in Burlington county at a bend in the Delaware River. It was as this site where they would set up a small controllable little company town. The workers in
Rating:Essay Length: 448 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: December 16, 2009 -
Research Paper on the Rise and Fall of Jim Johnson
Ask someone who was one of the first people to break the color barrier in sports and you’re almost guaranteed that the answer is Jackie Robinson. Yet almost 40 years earlier there was a black boxer by the name of Jack Johnson, also known as John Arthur Johnson. Most would argue that he was the best heavyweight boxer of his time, having a career record of 79 wins and 8 losses, and being the
Rating:Essay Length: 867 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: December 16, 2009 -
Employee Safety, Health, and Welfare Law Paper
Employee Safety, Health, and Welfare Law Paper April 30, 2006 Introduction In the ever changing world of technology lawmakers are tasked with keeping up with the times. The electronic revolution has changed the way nearly everything is looked at and done. Health insurance and medical protocol and procedures have been streamlined by the internet and digitization of data and data transfer. Records that allow doctors to know and recognize preexisting conditions and relative information can
Rating:Essay Length: 1,039 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: December 16, 2009 -
Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper
Running head: CULTURAL VALUES AND PERSONAL ETHICS PAPER Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper University of Phoenix Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper In today’s society, depending on one’s race, religious belief, up bringing and/or background we all seem to have different values, but yet; we have to survive together. More importantly we have to survive together in the same working world. So how do we do this? Today I hope to give my answer
Rating:Essay Length: 2,067 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: December 16, 2009 -
Becoming Madame Mao Reaction Paper
Becoming Madame Mao Anchee Min: 337 pages 1. In the beginning of Becoming Madame Mao by Anchee Min, the story is told of a girl by the name of Yunhe. The first story from our heroine is when her mother is binding her feet. She refuses and later is applauded for it. Eventually her mother becomes quite poor and Yunhe runs away to join the opera house. She then is brought in by her grandfather
Rating:Essay Length: 512 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 16, 2009 -
Promotion and Pricing Analysis Paper
Dodge Chrysler The Dodge brothers (John and Horace) got their start making parts for Ford and other automobile makers. From the first Dodge Brothers automobile in 1914, the Dodge brothers' durability and quality have earned the Dodge Company a strong reputation and good sales. After the death of both Dodge brothers, the company started selling 1.5 ton trucks. The postwar Dodge trucks were introduced at the same time as GM and Ford trucks, Dodge managed
Rating:Essay Length: 702 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: December 16, 2009