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Not Really Paper Essays and Term Papers


1,324 Essays on Not Really Paper. Documents 576 - 600 (showing first 1,000 results)

Last update: July 1, 2014
  • Management Planning Paper

    Management Planning Paper

    Management Planning Paper In 1983, in a coffee shop in Hattiesburg, Mississippi, Bernie Ebbers first helped create the telecommunications business concept of WorldCom (Moberg, 2003). The company grew quickly through acquisitions and mergers. In June 1999, the company’s shares traded for $64, and Ebbers was a billionaire (Moberg, 2003). During 2002, accounting scandals were brought to the public’s attention, along with SEC investigations for fraud charges against Ebbers, and key senior management of WorldCom. The

    Essay Length: 1,359 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: January 22, 2010 By: Jon
  • Paper on the Correct Method of Lifting Heavy Objects

    Paper on the Correct Method of Lifting Heavy Objects

    Picking Up Heavy Objects It is important to understand how to lift objects correctly. The results of improper handling of materials may result in a painful hernia, a strained or pulled muscle, or a disk lesion. The following rules are to be observed when lifting heavy objects. 1. Do NOT lift an object if it is too heavy or too bulky for good balance. Get help or use mechanical aids such as a dolly or

    Essay Length: 530 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 22, 2010 By: Janna
  • A Pre Oedipul Paper of as You like It

    A Pre Oedipul Paper of as You like It

    n these lines we see how Orlando saves his brother from a snake and a lioness. This is basically what leads to their reconciliation. On the surface this seems fairly simple, but by using a pre-oedipal reading on this passage I'll make it a bit more complex. I will try to show that this passage depicts Oliver's liberation from his mother. I will also point out how Oliver is unable to achieve this liberation himself,

    Essay Length: 598 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 22, 2010 By: Fatih
  • Research Paper on Catcher in the Rye

    Research Paper on Catcher in the Rye

    Holden Caulfield: Dealing With Maturity In J.D Salinger’s Catcher in the Rye, the main character Holden Caulfield is a 17 year old bad boy who goes from school to school and gets kicked out of every single one of them. Despite coming from a wealthy family, he has more problems than a kid coming from a dysfunctional family, where the dad is a dead beat drunk and the mom is a drug addict. Holden

    Essay Length: 1,328 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: January 22, 2010 By: Jessica
  • Marketing Research Paper

    Marketing Research Paper

    Running head: MARKETING RESEARCH PAPER Marketing Research Paper Tim Smith University of Phoenix Marketing MKT/421 Prof. Vergil Stewart II March 13, 2008 Marketing Research Paper “Kudler Fine Foods has experienced significant growth and is now focused on expanding the services, improving the efficiency of its operations and increasing the consumer purchase cycle as a means to increasing the loyalty and profitability of its consumers” (, ). This paper will justify the importance of marketing research

    Essay Length: 1,018 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 23, 2010 By: Mike
  • Decision-Making Model Analysis Paper

    Decision-Making Model Analysis Paper

    Decision-Making Model Analysis Paper Before embarking upon this assignment, I never thought much about “Decision-Making Models.” In fact, I was somewhat surprised at the sheer number of models I stumbled upon in my research. A quick look at Wikipedia ( shows that, for business applications alone, there are well over a dozen decision-making models to suit any need. Without being cognizant of the fact, the decision-making process at my current work site closely resembles the

    Essay Length: 818 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 23, 2010 By: Fatih
  • Definition Paper: Normal

    Definition Paper: Normal

    Normal What is normal? In my opinion, there is no definite answer to this question. Normal is a word that is relative to time and space. Normal is, and always will be, in a constant state of change, today’s normal is not the same as twenty years ago, and it will be different ten years from now. However when you consider the way this word came about, you may be surprised. Normal comes from the

    Essay Length: 668 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 23, 2010 By: Fatih
  • Psych Paper Notes

    Psych Paper Notes

    1. School violence starts out with the bully on the playground, or the pushing and shoving in the lunch line, but given the right set of circumstances what might have been prevented with some supervision instead turns into something deadly. 2. The only common denominator that exists between them all is the fact that there is no one determining factor. 3. School violence does not start in the school. Most behaviors are learned responses to

    Essay Length: 1,268 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: January 23, 2010 By: Mikki
  • Response Paper on Kira-Kara

    Response Paper on Kira-Kara

    Response Paper on Kira-Kara Summary Cynthia Kadohata’s book, Kira-Kira, is a story about an American-Japanese family during the mid-1950’s who struggle to save money to buy a home. The story begins in Iowa where the family lives and owns a small Asian grocery store. The parents are American born, educated in Japan and still hold some Japanese traditional qualities. Conflict is introduced when they move to Georgia to work in a poultry factory after

    Essay Length: 764 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 23, 2010 By: Steve
  • Research Paper: Discipleship

    Research Paper: Discipleship

    Research Paper: Discipleship Because I became a Christian at an early age, there are many terms and ideas used in the church that I never pondered upon; I simply accepted them. For example, the term “disciple” I identify as one of Jesus’ twelve closest followers, one of the paper characters placed on the felt board during Sunday school. Through my research, I have discovered that while accepting Christ through faith alone grants us salvation, to

    Essay Length: 996 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 23, 2010 By: Victor
  • Macbeth Research Paper

    Macbeth Research Paper

    The character Macbeth is one that many would argue as dynamic and round. While the debate of him being complex and developed is plausible, the issue of Macbeth’s character developing throughout the story is a harder concept to accept. The majority agrees that “ambition is a quality within every human being” (“The presence of…”) . Therefore, the idea that Macbeth’s ambition has always existed but hidden within his motives is an explanation to why it

    Essay Length: 1,521 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: January 23, 2010 By: regina
  • The Stranger World Lit Paper

    The Stranger World Lit Paper

    “[D]ealing with a monster, a man without morals,” An analysis of morality in The Stranger, and Chronicle of a Death Foretold In The Stranger and Chronicle of a Death Foretold, emphasis on the symbolic nature of the protagonists serves to accentuate the fundamental theme of morality as both Camus, and Garcia Marquez explore “[M]an’s precarious place in a mass society whose workings he does not control nor even understand…” (Feuerlicht 2). The court in which

    Essay Length: 1,240 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 23, 2010 By: regina
  • Research Paper (controversy with High School Students Playing Professional Sports Directly After Graduating)

    Research Paper (controversy with High School Students Playing Professional Sports Directly After Graduating)

    The NBA has been known for being an enormous source of entertainment throughout the world. It provides the world with the excitement of professional basketball games throughout the United States and even in foreign countries. The NBA is famous for signing the greatest basketball players who graduate from college or come straight out of high school. Fortunately, the NBA has changed its policy as of June 26th 2005 by enforcing a new age limit rule,

    Essay Length: 1,776 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: January 24, 2010 By: Tasha
  • Advertising Dissertation Paper

    Advertising Dissertation Paper

    The purpose of this dissertation paper is to explain the ideologies behind advertisements, and to explain the uses of semiotic terms. Ads are deliberately constructed by companies, to connote certain things in order to appeal to their target audience as to sell their products. To understand these connotations it is necessary to deconstruct the ads. Three ads have been chosen for the brand Christian Dior for both fragrance and fashion in order to explore their

    Essay Length: 1,531 Words / 7 Pages
    Submitted: January 24, 2010 By: July
  • Gene one Problem Solution and Defese Paper

    Gene one Problem Solution and Defese Paper

    Running head: GENE ONE PROBLEM SOLUTION AND DEFESE PAPER Gene One Problem Solution and Defense Paper Global Communications Benchmarking Kim Jack December 03, 2007 Gene One Problem Solution and Defense Paper Gene One (GO) a privately owned biotechnology company is attempting an initial public offering (IPO). During this transition, issues within Gene One�s organizational structure have been made more prominent. Utilizing the Problem Based Learning (PBL) model the concepts of transformational leadership and organizational culture

    Essay Length: 731 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 24, 2010 By: July
  • Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper

    Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper

    Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper A value is a principle, a standard, or a quality considered worthwhile or desirable. Ethics is a system of moral values that govern a person’s conduct. Values and ethics, together, define a person. Just as individuals subscribe to values, so do organizations and businesses; an examination of any successful company would lead to the conclusion that their subscribing to a value system was the key to their success. Conversely,

    Essay Length: 904 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: January 24, 2010 By: July
  • Terminology and Concepts Paper

    Terminology and Concepts Paper

    Terminology and Concepts Paper Organizational Behavior "Organizational behavior is about people who seek fulfillment in their lives and jobs in a variety of ways and in uncertain times. It is about common themes that now characterize the modern workplace, including high performance, ethical behavior, productivity improvement, technology utilization, product and service quality, workforce diversity, work-life balance, and competitive advantage in a global economy." (Schermerhorn, 2003) "Organizational behavior is also the study of individuals and groups

    Essay Length: 654 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 24, 2010 By: Max
  • Personal Perspective Paper

    Personal Perspective Paper

    PERSONAL PERSPECTIVE PAPER Personal Perspective Paper John Doe Smith University of Phoenix There are many factors that led me to pursue my MBA from the University of Phoenix. I would first like to introduce myself and give a little background information before going into specific details about my reasons for obtaining my MBA. I am currently employed by XYZ Company, as an Account Clerk in the accounting department located in Any City, Any State.

    Essay Length: 742 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 24, 2010 By: Anna
  • Oracle - a White Paper Prepared by It Convergence

    Oracle - a White Paper Prepared by It Convergence

    A White Paper prepared by IT Convergence 2 Introduction .........................................................................................................................3 Project Manager Role........................................................................................................3 Client Project Manager....................................................................................................3 Consulting Project Manager ...........................................................................................3 Scope, Objectives and Approach..................................................................................4 Scope................................................................................................................................4 Assumptions.....................................................................................................................5 Approach ...........................................................................................................................5 Objectives.........................................................................................................................6 Project Team .......................................................................................................................6 Project Risks .......................................................................................................................7 AIM Methodology ...............................................................................................................9 Deliverables .......................................................................................................................10 Conclusion........................................................................................................................14 3 Introduction An Oracle Applications Implementation requires careful planning and execution of numerous tasks. An Oracle Implementation typically represents a significant investment in any organization’s Information Technology (IT) budget. Implementations demand the commitment of

    Essay Length: 1,064 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 25, 2010 By: Jon
  • Logical Fallacies Paper

    Logical Fallacies Paper

    The logical fallacies that I have chosen to study in this paper are "Appeal to Emotion" Fallacy, "Common Belief" Fallacy, and the "Hypothesis Contrary to Fact" fallacy. In the following paragraphs I will be defining the fallacies and how they relate to critical thinking. I will also be providing a popular culture example for each fallacy to illustrate each fallacy. In conclusion I shall attempt to provide Pro's and Con's for each Fallacy. The first

    Essay Length: 1,091 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: January 25, 2010 By: David
  • Personality Theorist Paper

    Personality Theorist Paper

    Running head: PERSONALITY THEORIST PAPER Personality Theorist Paper – Sigmund Freud Oct 14, 2007 Personality Theorist Paper This paper will examine Sigmund Freud and will delve into his Psychoanalytic Theories This paper will discuss Sigmund Freud’s school of thought, his contributions to the field of personality psychology and will further discuss occurrences in Sigmund Freud’s lifetime that may have influenced his perspectives. School of thought Sigmund Freud is well known for his Psychoanalytic school of

    Essay Length: 1,464 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: January 25, 2010 By: Mike
  • Stress Paper

    Stress Paper

    Stress Paper I decided to do my paper on one of the handouts you gave out in class. It's the article called, "Suppress your stress." I decided to pick this article because everything that I read reminded me of what I went through and am still going through. Back a year and a half ago, I was in a relationship that lasted about 9 long, terrible years. During this relationship, I had most of these

    Essay Length: 1,332 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: January 25, 2010 By: Max
  • Global Financing and Exchange Rate Mechanisms Paper

    Global Financing and Exchange Rate Mechanisms Paper

    Global Financing and Exchange Rate Mechanisms Paper Counter-trade Counter-trading is defined as the exchanging of goods or services that are already paid for, in whole or part, with other goods or services. (Wikipedia [W], 2007) Another way that you could think about counter-trading is by thinking about bartering. Bartering is very much like counter-trading as you are trading services or goods for the same in return. Speaking of bartering, that is actually one of the

    Essay Length: 660 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: January 25, 2010 By: Mikki
  • Workplace Observation Paper

    Workplace Observation Paper

    Workplace Observation Paper Tracey Williams University of Phoenix MGT 331 Organizational Behavior May 10, 2005 Workplace Observation Paper I am currently employed at B&L pharmaceuticals, one of the largest manufactures of generic medications in the world. In this paper I will discuss how communication flows in my workplace, organizational diversity, and conflict management. With my current position as a Group Leader the flow of communication is very important. Communication Communication at B&L consists of emails,

    Essay Length: 456 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 25, 2010 By: Jon
  • International Accounting Paper

    International Accounting Paper

    International Accounting Paper This paper will first discuss the role of the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB). Next, the paper will examine the IASB’s history and evolution. Finally, this paper will discuss the IASB’s stance on ethics issues. The role of the IASB consists of three parts. The first is to develop a single set of global accounting standards in order to help various users of financial statements from various capital markets of the

    Essay Length: 438 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 25, 2010 By: Yan