Not Really Paper Essays and Term Papers
1,324 Essays on Not Really Paper. Documents 726 - 750 (showing first 1,000 results)
Global Financing and Exchange Rate Mechanisms Paper
Global Financing and Exchange Rate Mechanisms Paper In this paper I will examines tariff and non-tariff policies that restrict trade between countries in agricultural commodities. Many of these policies are now subject to important disciplines under the 1994 GATT agreement that is administered by the World Trade Organization (WTO). The paper is organized as follows. First, tariffs, import quotas, and tariff rate quotas are discussed. Then a series of non-tariff barriers to trade are examined,
Rating:Essay Length: 753 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: February 23, 2010 -
Personal Perspective Paper
Personal Perspective Paper Nathan Mattox As we continue with our education at the University of Phoenix we find useful tools that allow us to search important material for each class we take. Tools that will help mold each of us into successful business adults for years to come. Each class has a different professor in which each one has a unique way of teaching to each class, real life experiences that can only be shared
Rating:Essay Length: 912 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: February 23, 2010 -
A Reaction Paper to an Article on Phonics Instruction for Older Students
A Reaction Paper to an article on Phonics Instruction for Older Students Article: Ivey, G., & Baker, M. (2004). Phonics instruction for older students? Just say no. Educational Leadership, 61 (6), 35-39. The article makes a clear case against relying solely on phonemic awareness and phonics instruction as a strategy for teaching older struggling students how to read. In an effort for a "quick-fix" solution, many schools in the past have elected to saturate students
Rating:Essay Length: 340 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: February 23, 2010 -
Research Paper on Hysteria
Research Paper - What is McCarthyism? The period of McCarthyism, named after a republican senator Joseph R. McCarthy, is said to have begun well before McCarthyЎЇs own involvement. During this period, which lasted from the 1940s to the 1950s, Senator McCarthy, who strongly opposed communism, claimed to have a list of the names of the communists in America. Though it was later found that this was a fraud, it certainly arose fears of communism in
Rating:Essay Length: 498 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: February 23, 2010 -
Mental Health Assessment Paper
Mental Health Assessment Paper A.R. presents as an amicable, overweight 45-year-old woman diagnosed with undifferentiated-type schizophrenia. She was dressed eccentrically in winter clothing, including a coat and toboggan, even though we were indoors for the interview. She sat quietly on the couch, somewhat slumped, picking at the loose threads on her shirt. When she was first admitted, she had a strong belief that her husband was out to get her. She would wake up in
Rating:Essay Length: 584 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 24, 2010 -
Personal Perspective Paper
Abstract This article discusses the various attributes of the University of Phoenix in general as well as how they relate to the University’s MBA program. In particular, its three primary components of rEsource, its online database, the learning team environment, and the problem-based learning approach, are all discussed from a personal perspective related to the author’s participation in the MBA program. Personal Perspective Paper Overview From a personal perspective the University of Phoenix MBA
Rating:Essay Length: 799 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: February 24, 2010 -
The Fedarlist Papers - Ed Millican
Within the pages of One United People: The Federalist Papers and the National Idea, author Ed Millican dissects not only The Federalist piece by piece, but scrutinizes numerous works of other authors in regards to the papers written by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. As a result, a strong conclusion asserts that the motives of The Federalist was to create a sturdy nation-state but above all, that American polity is far more complex
Rating:Essay Length: 502 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 24, 2010 -
Thesis for Women in Islam Paper
Ashley Isbrandtsen PHIL 2691 Due: 11/2/06 Research Paper Thesis In my research paper, I will argue that the way that Muslim Extremists treat women is far different from the intentions of the religion of Islam. In many predominately Muslim countries on the news today, it is implied that the women are treated very poorly. Many Muslim Extremists articulate that this is directly the word of the God and I intend to prove that it is
Rating:Essay Length: 442 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: February 24, 2010 -
Critical Thinking Application Paper
Using critical thinking skills in any situation can only help the person personally as well as in a managerial type position within an organization. Often people who manage others have a hard time breaking away from the feelings aspect and are unable to rely on the critical thinking skills that could and probably would produce better results in the long run. This paper will delve into critical thinking when it comes to making sound work
Rating:Essay Length: 817 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: February 24, 2010 -
Bug Inc. Research Paper
BUG, Inc. Paper Why Spy? Ida Rhodes, LaTesha Jackson, & Brunetta McCroy BUS/415 University of Phoenix- Milwaukee Sheila M. Parrish-Spence, J.D. Week 1 April 15, 2008 Why Spy? BUG Inc. is a company based in the U.S. The company specializes in designing, manufacturing, and sales of surveillance equipment predominantly for law enforcement and other government organizations. In addition to providing services and products to the consumer there are numerous underlying legal issues that determine the
Rating:Essay Length: 1,003 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: February 24, 2010 -
The Federalist Papers
Madison's writings are filled with figurative and fancy language. In today's terms, a "faction" is a special interest group. They are any group of citizens who attempt to advance their ideas or economic interests at the expense of other citizens, or in a ways that conflict with the public good. To control a minority faction, there are two options. One option would be to remove whatever causes the faction to rise in the first place.
Rating:Essay Length: 1,772 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: February 25, 2010 -
Night Thesis Paper
Suffering. A single word that that can mean so much. Throughout all of time, many people have suffered, and many people have caused that suffering. One of the worst times of suffering had to be during the Holocaust, and that is what Night is about; the suffering that one person dealt with during the Holocaust. The human spirit can endure a tremendous amount of suffering, yet can survive when surrounded by death and deprivation. Elie
Rating:Essay Length: 1,694 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: February 25, 2010 -
Individual Paper on Team Dynamics
Individual Paper on Team Dynamics Strategies for Team Decision Making University of Phoenix GEN300 Strategies for Team Decision Making The topic I have chosen to place my emphasis for this paper is strategies for team decision making. The reason I selected this topic is because it is something that could actually benefit me in the work place in my current position as an inside sales manager for iTera, Inc., a software company in Salt
Rating:Essay Length: 1,205 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: February 25, 2010 -
Observation Paper
Front Porch Sunday afternoon, what a beautiful time to sit outside. The shining sun, the light breeze blowing through the trees, and the warm September air were all begging me to come see for myself. I went out to enjoy the wonderful day, and not surprisingly, saw my neighbors were taking advantage of the great weekend as well. I sat on my porch and watched everything around me, the warm breeze, the rich summer smells,
Rating:Essay Length: 850 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: February 25, 2010 -
Enterprise Database Management System Paper
Enterprise Database Management System Paper Tania Hillard Database Management / DBM 502 Pamela Hurd June 25, 2006 Introduction This paper will discuss the implementation, use of an enterprise DBMS, the advantages and disadvantages of an enterprise DBMS. A database management system , or DBMS, gives the user access to their data and helps them transform the raw data into information. The DBMS is just a collection of programs that manages the database structure and
Rating:Essay Length: 726 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 25, 2010 -
E-Business Issues Paper
E-Business Issues Paper Companies' asumes that the same regulations and laws that covers their traditional operations will also protect their e-business. This is not true. Although operations are similar in both businesses, e-business confronts some issues that traditional business don't have. It is very difficult to regulate e-business because those companies can reach almost everybody around the world and because what is legal in a country may be illegal in another, for example pornography. So,
Rating:Essay Length: 640 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 26, 2010 -
Regional Paper
Regional Paper This paper will analyze the role of regional integration in promoting global business in Africa. Additionally this paper will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of regional integration (NAFTA, EU, APEC, ASEAN, CAFTA, etc.). This paper will also compare and contrast the economic development stages of countries within Africa and the ramifications of Africa's economic development for global business. The business world's most significant trend in the new millennium is global competitiveness. Facing opportunities
Rating:Essay Length: 1,092 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: February 26, 2010 -
Research Paper on George Bush
Kevin Sandstrom 12/11/07 ES2B Schaffer Research Essay Final Draft January 20th 2001. George W. Bush is sworn into the presidential office and our nation is sworn into a state of crisis and debt. Bush is a menace. He has thrown us headfirst into a war for another country when we have our own countries wars to worry about. Hurricane Katrina victims are still homeless and suffering. Our jails abuse prisoners. People who are just thought
Rating:Essay Length: 2,051 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: February 26, 2010 -
Cash Management Paper
Cash Management Paper Marlene Elizabeth Fain University of Phoenix Cash Management Techniques Cash is a component of a business' net working capital and its most liquid current asset. To understand the role of cash in and out of a business, lets look first at the concept of current assets and current liabilities. The working capital cash conversion cycle -- also often called the cash flow cycle -- is the length of time between the payment
Rating:Essay Length: 636 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 26, 2010 -
Violent Crime Research Paper
Violent Crime Research Paper Sherry Myers 11/09/00 1 Nothing does more to tear our families apart than violent crime, guns, gangs, drugs, and the fear that walks alongside those terrors. Violent crime and victim rights have become a major concern for most citizens in the United States of America. Statistics indicate a decline in violent crimes in our country and an increase in our national prison population. Released prisoners commit most violent crimes. Gun control
Rating:Essay Length: 1,939 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: February 26, 2010 -
Marketing Mix Paper
Marketing Mix Paper 1 RUNNING HEAD: MARKETING MIX PAPER MARKETING MIX PAPER Tony Jones Hayward State University Marketing Mix Paper 2 Introduction In this paper about the Marketing Mix, it will explain the elements of the marketing (product, place, price, and promotion). I have enclosed a chart about the Pricing Strategies Mix. I will also be selecting an organization by the name of Target in which I am familiar with and will describe the four
Rating:Essay Length: 2,435 Words / 10 PagesSubmitted: February 26, 2010 -
Intervention Paper
Introduction Each year in the United States several million children experience some extreme traumatic event. Some of these events include natural disasters, death of a loved one, vehicle accidents, physical and/or sexual abuse and witnessing domestic violence. Children are increasingly exposed to violence in society. Many of these children may develop some form of psychological problems that can significantly impair their emotional, academic, and social functioning. Research has noted that many of these children will
Rating:Essay Length: 4,553 Words / 19 PagesSubmitted: February 26, 2010 -
Reaction Paper to Hip Hop Anansi
I enjoyed my first Imagination Stage performance of "Hip Hop Anansi." I am glad that I chose to bring my daughter along with me as well for her to enjoy the show. Although I felt the show was targeted toward children, I believed it brought a positive view of the hip hop culture to youth. All of the characters were deeply embedded in their roles while their upbeat and youthful characters seemed to keep the
Rating:Essay Length: 637 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: February 27, 2010 -
Otherness Paper
Otherness Project Exceptional Learners David Trieff I am deaf. I am at Starbucks. I want to order coffee. I have to do it on paper rather than out loud because I speak so poorly, I don't like to try. I intend to write it down and show it to the barrista, but I am nervous. I don't know if I am more nervous because I am not really deaf and I feel guilty or because
Rating:Essay Length: 329 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: February 27, 2010 -
Overview of Accounting Paper
Overview of Accounting Paper 3/3/08 University of Phoenix Overview of Accounting Paper Accounting is sometimes said to be the language of finance because it provides financial data through income statements, balance sheets, and the statement of cash flows (Block & Hirt, 2005). The purpose of this paper is to provide basic information on accounting and finance to the small business owner. By providing the small business owner with the basics of finance and accounting, enables
Rating:Essay Length: 1,088 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: February 28, 2010