Not Really Paper Essays and Term Papers
1,324 Essays on Not Really Paper. Documents 826 - 850 (showing first 1,000 results)
Research Paper on Coral Reefs and Their Habitat
Research Paper on Coral Reefs and their Habitat Uploaded by Buster57 on Dec 21, 2004 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coral Reefs Coral reefs are complex and diverse habitat. They are perhaps on of the most interesting and colorful ecosystems to be found in the marine environment. They are very unique in many ways. Coral reefs play many important poles in the marine world. They must have certain conditions to be formed, and to survive. Lots of different sea
Rating:Essay Length: 1,095 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: March 19, 2010 -
Cis 319 Riordan Manufacturing Team Paper
Riordan Manufacturing Riordan Manufacturing produces plastic consumer goods and is a thriving company that is facing some technological issues. In order to maintain better manageability, some technological reform and restructure of their processes are needed for better production and communication. This restructure will include the introduction of new technology as well and utilization of existing technology. Technology is an important key in businesses today in keeping competitive with the market. Tools are available to maintain
Rating:Essay Length: 1,511 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: March 19, 2010 -
Business Research Paper: Synopsis of the Enterprise Resource Planning (erp) System
Business Research Paper: Synopsis of the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System is a software system that supports and automates the business processes by providing timely and accurate enterprise-wide information for decision making (Vemuri & Palvia, 2006). This paper is based on the research article, “Improvement in Operational Efficiency Due to ERP Systems Implementation: Truth or Myth?” by the authors Vijay K. Vemuri and Shailendra C. Palvia, which will discuss the
Rating:Essay Length: 923 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: March 20, 2010 -
Absence of Evidence, or Evidence of Absence; a Paper on Animal Consciousness
Absence of Evidence, or Evidence of Absence? A paper on Animal Consciousness December 15, 2004 ANSCI 305 Consciousness is a difficult term to grasp; so much so, that many scientists will not even attempt to define the term, much less search for it’s evidence. Most however, do agree that consciousness must include certain aspects; specifically cognition, self-awareness, memory, and abstract thought. Lesley J. Rogers describes consciousness as, “related to awareness, intelligence, and complex cognition,
Rating:Essay Length: 2,134 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: March 20, 2010 -
Personal Values Development Paper
Personal Values Development Introduction "A value is a belief, a mission, or a philosophy that is meaningful. Whether we are consciously aware of them or not, every individual has a core set of personal values." (Posner, R.) Human nature as well as life experience comes into play in further development of values, serving to both reinforce and moderate our value sets. When people are faced with dilemmas about values certain questions will arise, such as
Rating:Essay Length: 1,441 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: March 20, 2010 -
Skills Assessment and Matrix Paper
Skills Assessment and Matrix Paper Skills are developed through paid and unpaid work experiences, volunteerism, hobbies, classroom experiences, and through everyday living. A Skills Assessment is an accurate inventory of skills, prioritized according to level of interest with proficiencies assessed. (Arizona State University, 2005). Our learning group is Team Trifecta. This paper will give an overall summary of our team skills. The paper will suggest three consulting firms that would benefit from utilizing the skills
Rating:Essay Length: 711 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: March 20, 2010 -
A Strategic Management Paper on Walmart
A strategic management paper on Wal-mart Abstract Sam Walton, a leader with an innovative vision, started his own company and made it into the leader in discount retailing that it is today. Through his savvy, and sometimes unusual, business practices, he and his associates led the company forward for thirty years. Today, four years after his death, the company is still growing steadily. Wal-Mart executives continue to rely on many of the traditional goals and
Rating:Essay Length: 3,319 Words / 14 PagesSubmitted: March 20, 2010 -
Term Paper on Pre-Teens and Alcoholism
Term paper on Pre-teens and alcoholism Alcoholism has been a very important malady of the modern society and has attracted much attention from sociologists, academicians and medical practitioners since many years. Much progress has been made in either containing or mitigating the adverse effects of alcoholism in adults as well as adolescents in the past few years. However, as much as there have been successes in containing the problem of alcoholism in the society, newer
Rating:Essay Length: 781 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: March 20, 2010 -
Research Paper: Personality and Emotions
RESEARCH PAPER: PERSONALITY AND EMOTIONS Many marketers focus their efforts on determining the extent to which personality and emotions play a role in consumer behavior. Why do specific customers behave the way they do, why do certain individuals seek information on certain products, and why do customers choose and purchase the products they do? All of these questions remain one of the main interests in our society. Simply speaking, personality and emotions are the main
Rating:Essay Length: 3,594 Words / 15 PagesSubmitted: March 20, 2010 -
Ethics Article Review Paper
Ethics Article Review Paper (Revised) Shirley Smith University of Phoenix FIN 324 Walter P. Lambert December 1, 2006 A study done between Motorola and Ericsson on the implementation of Corporate Ethics and the transformation within the corporations following the implementation of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, looking at various ethic theories, such as stockholder theory, stakeholder theory, and legitimacy theory. Since the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, which was enacted in response to the Enron and WorldCom collapses
Rating:Essay Length: 717 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: March 21, 2010 -
Yahoo Research Paper
Yahoo! Inc is global company which provides internet services to users and business globally. It was founded by a Jerry Yang and David Filo in 1994. The company offers variety kind of services and products for free and premium. Some of the services that they offer are email, search engine, directory, web portal, news, web hosting, radio, music, maps, etc. YAHOO!’S BUSINESS MODEL Yahoo! is a global internet services company, but it started off as
Rating:Essay Length: 995 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: March 21, 2010 -
Employee Safety, Health, and Welfare Law Paper
Employee Safety, Health, and Welfare Law Paper The discussion of this paper will be The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Worker’s compensation, and Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA). The following questions will be answered, what are employers’ responsibilities under the law and what protections does the law provide for employees? The Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) was signed into legislation on February 5, 1993, by President Clinton and was one of his first
Rating:Essay Length: 1,287 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: March 21, 2010 -
Hindusism Paper
In this world there are many religions and beliefs and with these come many actions and things that are done through there believes. One of the beliefs that I want to talk about is the Hindu religion. Hinduism is one of the oldest religions that is known from man and originated from India. Hinduism is also believed to be not just one of the biggest religions that is known but one of the top three
Rating:Essay Length: 741 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: March 21, 2010 -
Opposite Argument Paper
Charles Tate Professor Collado English Composition, 11554 Opposite Argument Paper From High School Straight into the Pros High school players skipping college to go straight to the NBA had been one of the biggest arguments that have been present in the game of basketball. Many players such as Kobe Bryant, Kevin Garnett, and LeB ron James have made that jump straight to the NBA instead of going to college. Many have asked whether it was
Rating:Essay Length: 1,409 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: March 21, 2010 -
Defining Marketing Paper
Marketing Marketing is in a part of everyone’s daily lives. We see it the moment we turn on the television, when we go to the grocery store, and even at our jobs. When I think about marketing, I think about all of my favorite restaurants, places to go, favorite clothing brands, and shoes. All of my favorite things come to mind when we discuss the concept of marketing. When I think about marketing, I think
Rating:Essay Length: 793 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: March 21, 2010 -
Economic Indicators Paper
Economic Indicators Paper Harley-Davidson is an excellent example of an American company that turned itself around from the brink of bankruptcy back to profitability. With a hostile takeover, the American Machine and Foundry Company (AMF) acquired Harley-Davidson and on the verge of bankruptcy, AMF sold the company to a small group of investors who then made significant changes. These investors reduced the number of motorcycles produced each year, improved the quality of the motorcycles, and
Rating:Essay Length: 764 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: March 22, 2010 -
Problem Analysis and Decision-Making Technique Paper
Problem Analysis and Decision-Making Technique Paper The team has chosen to use the prioritization matrix as our decision making tool for choosing our solution of staffing and resource issues. By using the prioritization matrix we found the solution of hiring more personnel. This solution will be resolved by the director of the department to present the issue of lack of employees for the demand of the organization to their department to the executives. This will
Rating:Essay Length: 1,735 Words / 7 PagesSubmitted: March 22, 2010 -
Narrative Paper
When I was younger, it never really mattered that I was different, but now that I'm twelve and have sat in this office on so many different occasions, and watched the different couples look at me, and then be told what was wrong with me, I knew this couple, too, would not stay for long. They would look sadly at me with pity in their eyes as they shuffled past me looking heart broken, and
Rating:Essay Length: 259 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: March 22, 2010 -
Sexual Harassment Term Paper
As more and more women have entered the workforce in the last several decades, there has been a heightened awareness of the problem of sexual harassment. The recent rise of successful employee litigation in this area, combined with an extension of an employer’s liability for acts of its supervisors and often its rank-and-file employees, has created an area of serious concern to employers. This is particularly so given the record settlements by the Equal Employment
Rating:Essay Length: 2,330 Words / 10 PagesSubmitted: March 23, 2010 -
Tata Motors - International Business Term Paper
TATA Motors International Business Term Paper March 31, 2006 Table of Contents Executive Summary ii Tata Group of Industries 1 National Culture of India 2 Tata’s Corporate Culture 3 Indian Business Environment 4 Company Profile 6 Entry into South Africa 8 Economy of South Africa 10 Investing in South Africa 11 Automotive Industry in South Africa 12 Market Share in India 13 Market Share in South Africa 14 Comparative Competitor Analysis 15 SWOT: Tata
Rating:Essay Length: 6,572 Words / 27 PagesSubmitted: March 23, 2010 -
Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper
Cultural Values and Personal Ethics Paper Individuals on a daily basis deal with personal, organizational and cultural values. It is important that an individual learns to understand the differences between each and how it pertains to them. The intent of this paper is to identify values that are important personally, organizationally, and culturally, and the effects that these values have on decision making in regards to our personal and professional life. Personal Values Personal values
Rating:Essay Length: 2,051 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: March 23, 2010 -
Grocery Inc. Paper
Running head: GROCERY INC. PAPER Grocery Inc. Paper Grocery, Inc., is a retail grocery store chain with stores located throughout the United States. The organization has contract with many vendors authorizing the store to sell the vendors products. There are many laws and guidelines that Grocery, Inc. must follow. We will review many different scenarios that the store may encounter and some the laws that they must abide by. Common Law Contracts and UCC Article
Rating:Essay Length: 1,017 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: March 24, 2010 -
Ethical Decision Making Paper
Ethical Decision Making Paper What are ethics and how do they affect decision-making? According to the Santa Clara University, “[…] [E]thics refers to well based standards of right and wrong […].” Ethics are not the same as religion, but “Religion can set high ethical standards and can provide intense motivations for ethical behavior” (Santa Clara University). What about the law? There can be a law in place, but that does not necessarily mean that
Rating:Essay Length: 721 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: March 24, 2010 -
Fallacy Summary and Application Paper
Fallacy Summary and Application Paper In the workplace, disagreement and arguments can be common. Part of management is the ability to listen to both sides and make the right decisions. Knowing the use of fallacies can help to separate fact from opinion. Fallacies are used to help sway opinion or judgment to one side. The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy defines Fallacy as a kind of error in reasoning. (Dowden,2004) Some times a fallacy is not
Rating:Essay Length: 844 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: March 25, 2010 -
Policy Paper: Outsourcing of American Jobs
Policy Paper 11/4/04 The exporting of American jobs is an issue that is important and will become increasingly so as more and more white collar jobs are shipped over seas. American companies in the past few decades have been sending American jobs overseas paying residents of other countries pennies on the dollar what they had paid American workers to do. This saves the companies millions of dollars on labor costs but costs Americans precious jobs.
Rating:Essay Length: 1,067 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: March 25, 2010