Economic Research Project On Equity Essays and Term Papers
1,406 Essays on Economic Research Project On Equity. Documents 926 - 950 (showing first 1,000 results)
Analysis of Flawed Research
Analysis of Flawed Research The following article analysis review by Team B illustrates and identifies several examples of statistics abuse in the practical world as a result of flawed research. The following examples demonstrate how a manger could and in many examples, does make erroneous decisions due to inaccurate statistics. The team has compiled the results by detailing the respective articles. In the article, Pentagon Decision Making: seriously flawed, Karen Kwiatkowski witnessed first hand how
Rating:Essay Length: 721 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: April 5, 2010 -
Research Proposal on Marijuana
Research Proposal I chose drugs for my topic of my first research paper. I decided that it was to broad of a topic so I broke it down to just one of many drugs, marijuana. I want to find out how it controls people's lives and how it changes or controls the way they think. The group that I plan to target was college students but considering I attend IUP, I decided to just focus
Rating:Essay Length: 470 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: April 5, 2010 -
Duties of Project Managers
“Must be able to handle 5 to 6 projects at one time as well as handle requests for quotes for future work”. So says a job posting for a project manager. There are many different criteria asked for and assumed when it comes to project management. Also a basic generic criterion all project managers either have studied or performed. The following is a short list of only three of the non-basic criteria: 1. A defense
Rating:Essay Length: 1,064 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: April 5, 2010 -
Project Management
1. What is Turner's business strategy? How does it differ from the competition? Guaranteed Maximum Price: Usually the contracts are negotiated with Cost plus basis up to the guaranteed maximum price(GMP) stipulated in the contract. Turner’s fee for managing the project was stipulated and fixed in the contract. Costs in excess of GMP were exclusively absorbed by Turner. Savings participation: Once the contingency is released as savings, Turner will share the savings with the owner
Rating:Essay Length: 952 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: April 5, 2010 -
Asimov Research Paper
A crucial portion of Asimov’s analysis of human vulnerability is the supposed chaos of normal life. In Asimov’s eyes, unity and cooperation function much better than the effort of any given individual towards a specific goal. In Green Patches a group of astronauts lands on Saybrook’s planet. The planet is fascinating in that all of the organisms work in conjunction in order to maintain homeostasis. There exists no competition for food, for space, or for
Rating:Essay Length: 1,226 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: April 6, 2010 -
Organizational Research Culture
Organizational Culture Research 2 Organizational Culture Research Beaumont Services Company, L.L.C. is an organization that provides services to other organizations, such as construction management, facilities management, and audit preparation for medical organizations. This organization appeals to me because it concentrates on cost savings and customer relations. This organization is in existence to help other organizations and that appeals to my nature. Beaumont Services Company is an organization where effective teamwork and positive customer relations is
Rating:Essay Length: 611 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: April 6, 2010 -
Research Methods for Managerial Decisions and Survey Instrument
Research Methods for Managerial Decisions and Survey Instrument By Mollee Kikumoto Kelly LaFrance Jennie McClure Alvin Trotman Instructor: Jason M. Etchegaray, Ph.D. Abstract After running the “Research Methods for Managerial Decisions” simulation Team B will further explore the multiple regression model and how it relates to Coffee Time predicting weekly revenue more accurately using normal values and lagged values. The difference between the two models will also be explained. This paper will also look
Rating:Essay Length: 2,059 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: April 6, 2010 -
Management Information System (mis) Research Paper
Management Information System (MIS) Research Paper What is manufacturing? The production of tangible things planned to be sold or leased for final use or consumption or the production of tangible things pursuant to a contract with the Federal Government. This can be done by mechanical, physical or chemical means. Plants, factories and mills that use power-driven machinery and equipment are typical in the manufacturing industry. However, it also includes home-based businesses that make hand-crafted goods,
Rating:Essay Length: 2,772 Words / 12 PagesSubmitted: April 6, 2010 -
Embryonic Stem Cell Research
Embryonic stem cells research Stem cell research could be one of the biggest breakthroughs in medical history. Stem cell research has shown a great promise and advance in its technique since 1998 when human stem cells were isolated for the first time. Since then research on stem cells has received much public attention both because of their extraordinary potential in curing devastating diseases and because of relevant legal and ethical issues. Research in human
Rating:Essay Length: 325 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: April 6, 2010 -
Economics, Marketing, and Hr in Healthcare - General Overview
Economics, human resources, and marketing are important concepts to grasp as an individual involved in an administrative position in public health. The success of an administrator is dependent upon the ability to comprehend the relationship amongst the aforementioned topics. The Four P’s (Product, Price, Place, and Promotion) of the Social Marketing Theory serve as an excellent model to describe the cyclical nature of economics, human resources, and marketing. To be a success in promoting a
Rating:Essay Length: 1,030 Words / 5 PagesSubmitted: April 7, 2010 -
Project Plan for Whitbread Sailboat Race
Running head: PROJECT PLAN FOR WHITBREAD WORLD SAILBOAT RACE Project Plan for Whitbread World Sailboat Race Joel Johnson University of Phoenix Project Plan for Whitbread World Sailboat Race The Whitbread World Sailboat Race, now called the Volvo Ocean Race requires teams to work together to sail around the world taking on many known and unknown challenges. The race itself is only one part of the challenge. The ability for the race team leaders to deliver
Rating:Essay Length: 2,063 Words / 9 PagesSubmitted: April 7, 2010 -
Research Article Critique
Research Article Critique Associations between Working Models of Attachment and Conflict Management Behavior in Romantic Couples by Gary Creasey The research question is to specify relations between internal working models of attachment (IWM) and conflict management behaviors in a sample of young adults involved in romantic relationships. Design used in this research project was observational and correlational research design. Researchers measure variables through observation or surveys to describe and predict behavior. Creasey in this
Rating:Essay Length: 950 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: April 7, 2010 -
Kudler Fine Foods and Market Research
Kudler Fine Foods and Market Research Introduction The definition of marketing as stated by the American Marketing Association is that: “Marketing is an organizational function and a set of processes for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organization and its stakeholders.” (, 2008) Marketing is not a choice but yet an essential part of any business. Kudler Fine Foods is a local upscale specialty
Rating:Essay Length: 786 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: April 8, 2010 -
Background of Research
James A. Mirrlees Having a mathematical culture, He supposed he expected that at some point there would be a real idea, an inspiration, and one day in November 1961 it came. He tried to think about how the amount of uncertainty should affect the optimal rate of saving in an economy. He thought of a neat way of modeling the question. Contrary to what everyone else seemed to think then, he showed that quite commonly,
Rating:Essay Length: 327 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: April 8, 2010 -
To What Extent Should Slaves' Independent Economic Activities Be Understood as a Form of Control That Served the Interests of the Slaveholding Class?
To what extent should slaves’ independent economic activities be understood as a form of control that served the interests of the slaveholding class? The extent to which the slave holding class used the economic activities of the slaves to control them will ultimately be judged by the individual on the evidence recorded throughout the period but the ultimate goal though of the slave holders at the time was arguably pure financial gain. To achieve maximum
Rating:Essay Length: 1,342 Words / 6 PagesSubmitted: April 8, 2010 -
A Marketing Research Study to Determine the Demographical Effect on the Acceptance of Mp3 Technology
A Marketing research study to determine the Demographical Effect on the Acceptance of MP3 Technology Marketing Research 0509-384-02 Prepared for: Dr. Berhe Habte-Giorgis Prepared by: Jennifer Gray Fred Hodge Jackie Clark Phyllis Walters April 21, 2005 Letter/Memo of Transmittal To: Dr. Berhe Habte-Giorgis Here are the results our research team found regarding demographic effect on the acceptance of MP3 technology. The information enclosed can help assist MP3 companies such as Apple and Nomad in terms
Rating:Essay Length: 5,707 Words / 23 PagesSubmitted: April 8, 2010 -
Research Problem
Title: The Tracker Car tracking system with GSM Modem Prepared For Bizzlink 05 Business idea competition organized jointly by AIUB and Banglalink Prepared by: Name and ID/Roll number Department and university Phone/mobile number, Email Address: Md. Latiful Khabir Roll-184, Sec-B (9th Batch) B.B.A. Management studies, University of Dhaka 8251589 Kulsum Popy Roll-156, Sec- B (9th Batch) B.B.A. Management studies, University of Dhaka 8361446 Nafiza Islam Roll-17, Sec- A (8th batch) B.B.A. Management studies,
Rating:Essay Length: 674 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: April 8, 2010 -
Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Shopper Program Project Plan
Kudler Fine Foods Frequent Shopper Program Project Plan To inspire customer loyalty and respond to customer shopping preferences, the Sales and Marketing department of Kudler Fine Foods is initiating a Frequent Shopper Program to track customer purchase patterns and provide shopper incentives through a loyalty points program. (University of Phoenix [UoP], 2007). Specialty items are more important to Kudler customers than the price of items, so instead of providing everyday discounts for purchase frequency, Kudler
Rating:Essay Length: 278 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: April 9, 2010 -
Several Research Questions on the Causes of World War 1
World War One  Account for the feelings of hostility towards the Austria-hungry Empire by Serb nationalists in 1914:  Austria was what stood in the way of progress of the Serbian nation. Serbia was a direct threat to the survival of the multinational Austrian Empire and for that reason Austria felt it necessary to thwart Serbia's plans for growth and development. The Serbs desired more land, especially a coastline with an all important sea
Rating:Essay Length: 302 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: April 9, 2010 -
Guide to Conducting Literary Research
Guide to Conducting Literary Research Because the Literature Resource Center (LRC) offers a wealth of information that includes criticism, biographies, bibliographies, work overviews and explications, Web sites, periodical articles, compare and contrast pages, full-text author's works, and reading lists, it is an invaluable electronic library for you, the student of literature. This guide is designed to support you as you use the LRC as well as other electronic and print resources to: choose a topic
Rating:Essay Length: 8,075 Words / 33 PagesSubmitted: April 10, 2010 -
Montana Meth Project
There are many peer pressures to be faced with while being a teen. Many teens get drawn into peer pressure hoping for accepectance, belonging, and have a better self esteem. Peer pressuring is not how it used to be , peer pressuring now is consisting of far gareater things and even including heavy drug use unlike before. Teens are now being peer pressured into trying and using Meth. Meth, a shockingly common drug among teens
Rating:Essay Length: 1,895 Words / 8 PagesSubmitted: April 10, 2010 -
Hi-Rize Development 2007 Project Management
INTRODUCTION Hi-Rize Development 2007, the client, would like to construct a new prestigious office development and has a brief set of requirements as to what they want together with a set of elevation / section drawings and a site investigation. HRD 2007 has worked on projects of a smaller nature and industrial projects; therefore their experience in this type of project is limited. There have been a few steps which HRD 2007 has missed out
Rating:Essay Length: 376 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: April 10, 2010 -
The Interest Rate (IR) is considered as one of the most important economic factors affecting every household, firm and government all over the world. It is, as described by Parkin et al (2005), the opportunity cost of holding money, that is, the price of borrower are willing to pay for the use of the loan. On the other hand, it is also the compensation to the risk that lenders take in lending the money. (,
Rating:Essay Length: 818 Words / 4 PagesSubmitted: April 10, 2010 -
Economic Theory
“Moreover, contrary to the what economic theory suggests, higher interest rates have not caused everyone to borrow less for consumption. Most people are borrowing as much as ever – or more – to buy goods now”. Question: Are economists wrong in saying that consumption depends negatively on interest rate? (5 marks) The economists are not “wrong” in claiming consumption depends negatively based on interest rates as economic theory suggests consumption is inversely related to interest
Rating:Essay Length: 267 Words / 2 PagesSubmitted: April 11, 2010 -
Research Paper About Tv Being Healthier Then Exercize
Morris 1 #23 2/4/05 P 5 Fake Research Paper Televised Life What if just by sitting on your couch, for a couple hours a day you could live a longer, healthier life apposed to a person that goes to the gym regularly? Would you believe me? Would you think I was just talking jive talk or would you ask how this is humanly possible? Well it is as simple as sitting in your own house,
Rating:Essay Length: 688 Words / 3 PagesSubmitted: April 11, 2010