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In the Business section, you can find material dedicated to all things business. This section collects data on the activities of the various companies operating in markets all over the world.

17,334 Essays on Business. Documents 1,831 - 1,860

  • Business and the Role of Accounting

    Business and the Role of Accounting

    The owner of R&R Equipment Company has decided to omit an asset and related liability, received 1 week before year end, from their year end balance sheet. The owner feels this is alright since they are omitting both and both sides will still balance. The reasoning behind this might be because the inventory has not yet had a chance to sell and has not yet made any profit for the company. Another reason behind this

    Essay Length: 520 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: April 27, 2010 By: Anna
  • Business Assignment

    Business Assignment

    1246 Beach Channel Drive, Trenton, New Jersey 15874. (585) 444-8045 April 14, 2002 Business Name Business Address Line 1 Business Address Line 2 Dear Business Name: Over the past 50 years, your company has been a loyal supporter of the Morris County Senior Center. The contributions that we have received from your company have helped this center grow in many ways. Because of your support, we have been able to help Morris County’s Senior

    Essay Length: 367 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 11, 2009 By: July
  • Business at Work

    Business at Work

    Unit 1- Business at work Businesses exist to produce goods and services. If someone is thinking of starting up their own business or becoming part of an existing business, they would have to have the knowledge of what makes business work successfully and know how to how to apply that knowledge in the particular area of business. For this unit I will be entering and exploring the world of business. For this unit I will

    Essay Length: 7,623 Words / 31 Pages
    Submitted: November 18, 2009 By: Victor
  • Business Challenges

    Business Challenges

    Business Challenges Becoming a CEO of a company whether it’s big or small, is a huge task to take on, but can be the most rewarding depending on how your company does. Either way when going into such a job, in which you are so powerful, you have to think of each and every challenge that you come across within your job. Challenges that your company will face can vary in many different ways, from

    Essay Length: 584 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 15, 2009 By: Anna
  • Business Change

    Business Change

    CHANGE In today’s business world, corporations have become more complex and more unpredictable, in fact it is considered almost “healthy” that a corporation experience change and transformation. Companies need to be susceptible and ready to acknowledge the challenges that change presents with and try to overcome these for the benefit of the company as a whole. Due to the ever-changing business and social environments caused strongly by globalizations, this has meant that companies must keep

    Essay Length: 953 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: February 16, 2010 By: Fatih
  • Business Chapters

    Business Chapters

    Corporate Bankruptcy Building a successful business is very difficult and when doing so some may encounter financial hardship. The law has established a process that can help rescue businesses. This is called bankruptcy. What is bankruptcy to a company? How does bankruptcy rescue businesses? The reader will understand the meaning of bankruptcy to a corporation, be familiarized with types of proceedings, and identify with businesses that have been rescued by bankruptcy proceedings. Bankruptcy is a

    Essay Length: 1,474 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: May 4, 2010 By: Victor
  • Business Comm

    Business Comm

    December 3, 2006 Michael Chavez Dear Michael, I am writing this letter to you in hopes of helping you understand what is taking place in our business communications course. I do understand that as a native speaker to English, this course may be a bit difficult for you, however please don’t worry as I am always here to help you. This week we are putting our focuses on the “Word Power” conference. This conference has

    Essay Length: 1,209 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: November 12, 2009 By: Jessica
  • Business Communication

    Business Communication

    Assignment for week one Listening skills Often when a misunderstanding occurs on the job, it is attributed to a lack of communication, which most of time implies that whoever was delivering the message did not do an effective job. But what about the other side, the listener? Let me give you an example. Mark, a senior-level manager in a high-technology company, seemed to possess all the skills one might expect from someone who had achieved

    Essay Length: 1,791 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: December 26, 2009 By: Steve
  • Business Communication

    Business Communication

    Section B: Case lets (40 marks) ? This section consists of Case lets. ? Answer all the questions. ? Each Case let carries 20 marks. ? Detailed information should form the part of your answer (Word limit 150 to 200 words). Case let 1 Mr. and Mrs. Sharma went to Woodlands Apparel to buy a shirt. Mr. Sharma did not read the price tag on the piece selected by him. At the counter, while making

    Essay Length: 548 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: June 17, 2013 By: Ramakrishna
  • Business Communication

    Business Communication

    ________________ ________________ 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. Problems Since opening its first store in Russia in 2000, the Swedish retailer has encountered some crucial challenges from the markets, suppliers, competitors, and the Russian authority. However, the Swedish retailer has become a potent symbol of Russia's consumer boom. An instant hit with Russian shoppers, IKEA has since plowed billions of dollars into the country, building giant shopping malls in a dozen of

    Essay Length: 628 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: December 8, 2014 By: Dyana
  • Business Communication at Pso

    Business Communication at Pso

    1. INTRODUCTION Organizations such as Pakistan State Oil (PSO) understand that achieving success in today’s workplace is closely tied to the ability of employees and managers to communicate effectively with each other and with people outside the organization. Good Communication skills can help in anticipating problems, making decisions, coordinating workflow, supervising others, developing relationships and promoting products and services. Without effective communication not only can information be misinterpreted, companies can flounder by losing business owing

    Essay Length: 853 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: March 12, 2010 By: Artur
  • Business Communication Trends Within the Payday Loan Industry

    Business Communication Trends Within the Payday Loan Industry

    Business Communication Trends With the massive amounts of change occurring within the US over the last few years, it is no great surprise that businesses must adapt with the shifting environment if they wish to stay afloat. Natural disasters, economic recession and the ever-progressing technology field will affect the business world and how the business world communicates. In the payday loan industry, where communication is a main factor in the day-to-day life, three major trends

    Essay Length: 857 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: May 23, 2010 By: Kara
  • Business Communications

    Business Communications

    Business communications Golf courses and sports teams take the eco- friendly route This article is about the golf courses taking eco- friendly route. In the past few months the PGA National Resort & Spa has reduced water usage on its five golf courses as much as 50 percent, added native plants, switched to scorecards made of recycled paper and replaced Styrofoam cups with recyclable plastic ones. These changes have helped them save money and helped

    Essay Length: 325 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 12, 2009 By: Artur
  • Business Communications

    Business Communications

    The survey conducted shows Saint Paul’s College students feelings on their campus housing. Questions was ask about on-campus housing were six men and four women giving the survey were they answer the questions. do you have a roommate? Where do you stay? Do you have cable? Do you have an air condition unit? Where would you prefer to stay? Do you feel you should have your own dorm? Do you like having a roommate? Would

    Essay Length: 895 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: December 5, 2009 By: Mike
  • Business Communications

    Business Communications

    Housing Woes in U.S. Spread around Globe This article is about the housing woes is not just in the U.S. its spreading around the Globe. The real estate prices are going up all over the globe in Irish countryside, Spanish coast, Baltic seaports, and northern India. This is happening all because of economic growth all around the world, its not just affect the homes also the jobs as well. These other countries housing markets that

    Essay Length: 339 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: December 14, 2009 By: Mikki
  • Business Communications

    Business Communications

    Business Communications U51003 Assignment 3 Ryanair Helen Davies – 05055484 Henry Street – 05054495 Jacob Chapela Dominguez – 05070965 Table of Contents Introduction 4 1. Who is the Target Audience 4 2. What is the Message the Website is Trying to Convey 7 3. How Easy is it for Visitors to Access the Site 9 4. To What Extent can Visitors Interact With the Site 9 5. Conclusion 12 6. Recommendations 12 7. Bibliography 14

    Essay Length: 1,295 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: June 7, 2010 By: Andrew
  • Business Continuity Planning

    Business Continuity Planning

    Business Continuity Planning Ans. Business Continuity planning is an essential part of running any modern organization that takes its business and its clients seriously. With so many potential business disasters looming that can befall an organization at any time, it seems unwise not to take actions to prepare for and try to prevent the devastating impact of such catastrophes. There is a multiplicity of benefits in planning for Business Continuity Plan (BPC) within your organization.

    Essay Length: 381 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: May 6, 2011 By: dimpy
  • Business Continuity Planning and Emergency Management

    Business Continuity Planning and Emergency Management

    Business Continuity Planning and Emergency Management Business continuity planning provides focus driven preparedness for businesses. At its simplest, business continuity planning (BCP) is the act of setting up a plan to ensure the very survival of an organization. Since the early concern with the restoration of computer data, the concept of continuity has evolved in response to a changing environment. Major events have demanded that BCP encompass a growing number of concerns. The severe consequences

    Essay Length: 550 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 10, 2009 By: Stenly
  • Business Contol and Measuring Performance

    Business Contol and Measuring Performance

    1 Introduction With today's rapid healthcare reforms, the O&P practitioner's ability to quantify the quality of healthcare delivery and treatment cost-effectiveness is seminal to the future success of clinical practice. The evolution of total quality management in the manufacturing sector created concepts of quality control procedures. Today medical orthotics and prosthetics private practitioners assess and use outcomes measures as the principal mode of quality evaluation of healthcare delivery. All this thanks to the ever increasing

    Essay Length: 1,267 Words / 6 Pages
    Submitted: December 21, 2009 By: Anna
  • Business Contract Dispute Paper

    Business Contract Dispute Paper

    Business Contract Dispute Paper Contract disputes can be complicated, just plain ugly, or simple. A researcher would not have to look far to find some of the worst of the worst in contract disputes of the modern era. Currently a bitter strike is in progress in Hollywood over royalties paid to writers of hit television shows; the complicated. February 8th of this year AK Steel of Middletown, Ohio and the International Association of Machinists reached

    Essay Length: 1,165 Words / 5 Pages
    Submitted: May 21, 2010 By: Jessica
  • Business Creativity to Innovation

    Business Creativity to Innovation

    Mr. Bigg’s is the largest retail food business with over 175 restaurants in about 48 cities in Nigeria and Ghana. The core values of the organisation are enmeshed in offering convenient, quality snacks, meals, ice cream and drinks served promptly, by friendly, courteous and enthusiastic personnel in a clean, hygienic and refreshing environment (Mr. Biggs, 2007). Nevertheless, the recent business climate has necessitated that the business process be examined and evaluated in order to reposition

    Essay Length: 262 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: November 30, 2009 By: Anna
  • Business Cycle

    Business Cycle

    .) In the purest sense of capitalism, producers and consumers of goods and services are inextricably linked, constantly and freely interacting with one another to transact the resources of the economy. Producers charge consumers a price that is instantaneously updated by the perpetual intermingling of supply and demand, which in turn is dictated by the instant and unfettered flow of information. Consumer preferences remain stable or, at least, are easily and accurately predicted by producers.

    Essay Length: 537 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: November 9, 2009 By: Janna
  • Business Cycle

    Business Cycle

    Assignment 2: Essay The business cycle is the periodic but irregular up and down movements in economic activity measured by fluctuations in real Gross Domestic Product and other macroeconomic variables. A business cycle is not a regular, predictable, or repeating phenomenon. Its timing is random and unpredictable. A business cycle is identified as having a sequence of four phases. These phases are contraction, trough, expansion, and peak. Contraction is a slowing down of the pace

    Essay Length: 677 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: December 22, 2009 By: Artur
  • Business Cycle Theory

    Business Cycle Theory

    The Sticky-Wage Model In this model, economists pursue the sluggish adjustment of nominal wages path to explain why it is that the short-run aggregate supply curve is upward sloping. For sticky nominal wages, an increase in the price level lowers the real wage therefore making labor cheaper for firms. Cheaper labor means that firms will hire more labor, and the increased labor will in turn produce more output. The time period where the nominal wage

    Essay Length: 471 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: January 21, 2010 By: Edward
  • Business Decision Making

    Business Decision Making

    Introduction Thinking critically and making decisions are important parts of today’s business environment. It is important to understand how the decision making process works and the steps involved. The nine steps of the decision making process are: identifying the problem, defining criteria, setting goals and objectives, evaluating the effect of the problem, identifying the causes of the problem, framing alternatives, evaluating impacts of the alternatives, making the decision, implementing the decision, and measuring the impacts.

    Essay Length: 785 Words / 4 Pages
    Submitted: February 18, 2010 By: Top
  • Business Decision Making

    Business Decision Making

    SCENARIO – REE SAIGON REE Saigon Company which manufacture and distribution of air conditioners designed for home and industrial application, switchboards, control panels, mechanical products through Vietnam. REE Saigon exports its products to foreign markets such as Europe, America, Japan, Southeast Asia and other parts of the world. The market for air-conditioning products in Vietnam is still growing; and … to both man¬ufactures and distributors whereas production material and labour costs, management and financial expenses

    Essay Length: 403 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: February 20, 2013 By: Trang
  • Business Decision Making - Manipulating and Understanding Data

    Business Decision Making - Manipulating and Understanding Data

    MANIPULATING AND UNDERSTANDING DATA. Assessment Q1 Bergwear Ltd Cost of production(x) No.of products((f) (fx) (cf) (%cf) 1 4 4 4 6.70% 2 12 24 16 26.70% 3 22 66 38 63.20% 4 15 60 53 88.30% 5 7 35 60 100.00% 60 189 _ X =УFX УF 189/60 = 3.15 Mean =3.15 Q2. Mode =3, which is the most frequently occurring value. Median- In order to do median we would draw a graph and will

    Essay Length: 545 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: December 9, 2009 By: Mike
  • Business Decisions: Acquisitions and Mergers

    Business Decisions: Acquisitions and Mergers

    Business Decisions: Acquisitions and Mergers Growth in the banking industry is difficult due to increasing competition, the height of the increasing regulatory environment, and the rising expectations of customers. Growth must occur in most cases by acquisition. The decision to acquire or merge with another business is one that should entail a great deal of research before committing to the transaction. Research should begin with understanding the business purpose, the financial details of the business,

    Essay Length: 607 Words / 3 Pages
    Submitted: December 22, 2009 By: Jessica
  • Business Description of Ben & Jerrys

    Business Description of Ben & Jerrys

    Executive Summary Ben and Jerrys is a successful ice cream company with many strengths and weaknesses. The company faces serious competition, financial struggles, economic and social influences, all of which are covered in my paper. I also discussed some recommendations I have for the companies success. Ben and Jerry’s is one of the top ice cream companies around. They have had many ups and downs throughout the history of the company, but overall, they

    Essay Length: 1,856 Words / 8 Pages
    Submitted: May 11, 2010 By: Jon
  • Business Economics

    Business Economics

    Wikipedia and MBA type assignments System is nothing but it is a set of components linked together to perform desired objectives which may be people , resume, concept or some physical elements so arranged that they work in a co-ordinate manner to achieve a pre defined goal.'' The term system is the most loosely held term in management literature because of its use in discrete centers. However a system may be defined as a set

    Essay Length: 447 Words / 2 Pages
    Submitted: May 6, 2011 By: karishma.mailme
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